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Vendors Start some Stealth Strains...


One can argue the future for growers does not seem to be getting any easier any time soon. With all the new spy technology and ridiculous laws, its becoming harder for us to keep a stealthy setup.

Commercial, personal and major vendors need to take in account for all the growers who are forced to have stealthy setups and start creating low/non odor strains or strains that do not smell nothing like treez at all.

I know this is a complex request, But im sure it can be done.


Not sure where your at, but the Morning Star from the bay area is as non smelly as I've ever seen for a strain that looks good... Or the rockstar seemed low odor along with some nl5 crosses. Your gonna have to try multiple phenos from any one strain to find this lack of odor quality you seek, good luck!


Yea I already found something for myself..I'm just speaking out for others and hopefully letting more breeders more aware of the situations.