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Anti-smoking laws (tobacco), what's your opinion?

Anti-smoking laws (tobacco), what's your opinion?

  • Yes, cigarette smoke is dangerous

    Votes: 19 51.4%
  • No, it's all crap and against smoker's rights

    Votes: 18 48.6%

  • Total voters


I quit cigs over 3 yrs ago - best thing I've done in years, but...

Cigs are legal product - sold everywhere. Gov't gets shitloads of tax money from them - most of the price is taxes.

If you want to smoke outside, go for it. But this 25ft bullshit, or not in bars, etc., is bogus.

If they are so bad for us - make 'em illegal.

If they are sold freely, they should be consumed equally as freely.

Booze is restricted because you can kill someone driving, etc. The only one killed by your smokes (outside) is you.

Bet if the oil companies sold cigs - Bush would be your strongest ally.


Yeah...what's next? Certain kinds of people are going to have to move to the back of the bus or something?

I'm not a tobacco user, but I'm not compelled by force to frequent a private owner's establishment who's cool with smoking. I'll vote with my feet, or I'll wash my clothes more often. Some people just won't be happy until every possible choice is legislated away from a free man.

You really know you're free when you get a ticket for something that was perfectly legal last November.


Sorry for the rant, but the world would be a much happier place if...:D




I quit smoking for a reason. And that reason is not so that I have to sit in a restaurant or public area and inhale your damn poison. Outside? That's fine. In your own car/house? That's fine. In a restaurant? No thanks. At a concert? No thanks. Do you seriously think there's only a little bit of second-hand smoke? That it is too minuscule to matter? Ever lit up a cigarette in a well-lit room? The smoke goes everywhere. Literally. It hangs in the air and it will drift into other rooms if you let it so I call bullshit on that one. I honestly don't give a shit whether you smoke or not, as it's your choice. I just don't want your choice to negatively affect MY health. So I think smokers are the ones who should take their asses somewhere else (at least if they want to smoke, anyway.) I shouldn't have to cater to that and I shouldn't have to breathe that in by default. It's common courtesy and common sense. Go outside, crack a window (in the car) or quit smoking. My :2cents:


My little pony.. my little pony
What most people fail to see is this is an issue of choice. The state/feds have decided that the environment where people work isnt choice based. You simply cant get up and leave work if your area is being polluted with cancerous second-hand tobacco smoke. The laws changed for the workers and one more reason mentioned later.*

Smokers on the other hand have many choices from smoking in the first place to smoking up about 99% of the planet that isnt covered by indoor smoking laws. God forbid someone takes away the ability for you to slowly kill someone else.. especially those closest to you. If second-hand watching someone else read print caused cancer guess what else you wouldnt be able to do around me either. Surprizingly this is also the concept behind the law of not firing a gun within city limits comes from.

* The number one reason you have to deal with the laws in the first place was because asking nicely didnt work. Seems the only way the smoking crowd would obey a no smoking sign was if they could be arrested and fined. Mind you this wasnt the majority of considerate smokers but it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch, and thats pretty much what happened.

daisy jane

Cigarettes are disgusting and a huge turn off in my opinion. The majority of people start smoking cigarettes to look "cool" and turn up addicted. Ha! How cool can you possibly look with a whole in your throat?

I hate it when people smoke near me, so I either ask them politely to move or I ask them rudely. I have only met one person who openly said to me, "I'm sorry I'm sure the smoke bothers you. I am going to move over here." What a nice person. I hate it when people blow their smoke in my general direction. I don't blow my hit from the bong in anyone's face. It's just common courtesy and very few people even understand that concept.


It's kind of weird how politically incorrect smoking is today. People look down on you. And a weed forum would be the last place I would expect that, but whatever. It's for the best, really. These things are friggin evil. Not allowing them in bars is the stupidest thing ever though.


Active member
If I as a business owner decide to ban smoking then its my own god damn business.

If I want smoking then its my own god damn business.

It shouldn't be up to the state to make that decision.

I don't smoke cigarettes and have no desire to smoke 'em and these laws piss me off.


stone fool
It is unamerican, when a chap can not go to the titty bar and smoke a cigar while lovely naked young ladies take dollar bills from his mouth with their titties. Fucking smoke nazis.


Well-known member
RudolfTheRed said:
If I as a business owner decide to ban smoking then its my own god damn business.

If I want smoking then its my own god damn business.

It shouldn't be up to the state to make that decision.

I don't smoke cigarettes and have no desire to smoke 'em and these laws piss me off.

so true

in govt owned buildings , parks etc sure, i can fully understand
in privately owned businesses .......fuck off big brother!!



This is a really bad poll question, because it says "some" states, you might agree with some, the more liberal laws, and disagree with the more conservative laws. Anyway, I believe that smoking cigarettes can be detrimental to the people around and so banning them in a restaurant or a private business should be up to the business owner, not the government. Also, having separate smoking sections or areas should be fine for smokers, after all, they might be able to socialize in the areas anyway!


in the thick of it
Once again the FED is making laws for the STATES.....when will Americans understand that our country was by great men who had such foresight to allow the individual state to govern itself.
Down here in the south, our economy was built on tobacco and the tobacco farmer....and since the "criminalization" of tobacco and the ever increasing taxes have all but destroyed the Southern farmer. How can a liberal legislator from the west say what's so good for the people down south?
It's unfortunate that we freely give away our freedoms when so many gave so much. All I want to know is where does it end? They've been trying to take our guns for such a long time now.....because "guns kill people"...
Sorry for the novel.


dubwise said:
Once again the FED is making laws for the STATES.....when will Americans understand that our country was by great men who had such foresight to allow the individual state to govern itself.
Down here in the south, our economy was built on tobacco and the tobacco farmer....and since the "criminalization" of tobacco and the ever increasing taxes have all but destroyed the Southern farmer. How can a liberal legislator from the west say what's so good for the people down south?
It's unfortunate that we freely give away our freedoms when so many gave so much. All I want to know is where does it end? They've been trying to take our guns for such a long time now.....because "guns kill people"...
Sorry for the novel.
the whole state rights thing ended with slavery. That's what the south was fighting for, well that and slavery.


in the thick of it
I kind of equate the anti-smoking legislations with the helmet laws for motorcycle riders...it's all done in the name of helping the citizen, when all they are doing is taking away rights. i ride a motorcycle (while wearing a helmet) because it's safer, but I should not have to have someone else dictate whether or not I must. To me, this is true with smoking...i understand that people have died from smoking (1 million an hour)
and if you want to say 2nd hand smoke has killed too (500k/hr) fine, but to not allow me to smoke (in a smoking section) is wrong. Public buildings, etc.. fine, private bars & night clubs, bullshit.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Sorry to lump you smokers into just one statement but.......

you treat the earth as if it were your ashtray,
I have never met a smoker that wasn't willing
to toss his/her butt to the ground when done.

99.99% of smokers discard their butts as litter.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Stoner4Life you mean they don't magically disappear. LoL

Smokers you have the right to slowly kill yourselves. I'll back you up 100% but you don't have the right to kill me & I'll back that up 100% Quitting smoking has been the best thing I've ever done. I was just fed up with it & called it quits. I've not smoked them for many years. The only one in charge when you're a tobacco smoker is the fag. You may think you're freely doing what you want but the minute you put it down you're fighting yourself not to pick it up again. It's like trying to quit over & over, you just need stick to it so you can remove what's actually calling the shots in your life. I also refuse to pay sin taxes for destroying my own health.

I don't think you should be smoking Cannabis anywhere you like either some folks don't enjoy the smell. How about you're enjoying a nice meal at a restaurant than for afters you lite up a fag. The guy at the next table decides he'll burn one too. He takes a great big breath & lets a beauty of a fart go. Some peeps really enjoy that after a good meal or with a cold beverage. I imagine this would not bother any tobacco smokers here? The odour will go away shortly unless it's one of those lingering ones. :D

I see the coming of tobacco prohibition very soon. :laughing:


in the thick of it
i don't see a prohibition of tobacco because there is way too much money in the treatment of tobacco related illness'.
i agree that smoking is bad for you, but i enjoy it. as much as i enjoy butter and sugar and beer and pork. Too much of all of those things can kill me too...sounds good.

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