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600W HPS grow [C-Plus, Bogglegum + more]


Hiya, thought i'd post my grow journal here :)

These are the strains:

C-Plus (chimera/dj short)
Bogglegum (BOG)
C-Plus x Rombolt
C-Plus x BerryBlaster
Power Plant (F2)
Berryblaster (motarebel)
NLx (I think it's NL x White Widow, it was a free pack from somewhere..)

I started with 30 plants total, they only got 18 days of veg since i'm doing a SOG-thing and i dont want them to branch out too much.

They've been under 12/12 since 5th of may (10 days).

8 has turned out male, and 7 are female so far.

Hmm, uploading pictures doesnt seem to work ;( I'll post pics when its fixed.
Thanks for keeping an eye out for me. See I told him that I thought it was just the mother that he chose. His yields are amazing with it, so I think that's why he chose that one. He just says that it's particularly touchy. Well, see yah, I'll check back. :wave:


Day 28, from seed. Day 11 in 12/12.

NLx, female, day 29 from when sprouted. Tips are bit burned on this one.

C-Plus, female. Day 29. Notice how the leaves are a bit turned inwards. Hope it's not a deffiancy of some sort, looks good otherwise.

Clones, day 5:

The branches i cut off for clones were quite small, hope it'll work anyways. First time i try taking clones. Dipped them in Clonex then directly into soil, cut in an angle with a sterilized razor blade.

C-Plus x Rombolt clone, the mother just showed she indeed was a mother and not a father ;)

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Seems like i'm lucky :D all 13 clones i took (had 27 plants at the time) are female (all their mothers have now showed their sex).


Looking good Rusk,interesting collection of strains,ill be pullin a chair up for this one to if ya dont mind.Goodluck man! :wave:
Welldone with the clones dude!



I'm still a bit shocked about the clones hah, it must be that i'm naturally drawn to girls ;)