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Registered Med User
if the leaders had half a brain and went for the goodness of man kind instead of for power over earth we mighta been cool.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
^ I totally agree..

It is in our nature to explore. And there is so much to explore out there..


9Lives said:
Anyway i believe population should be controlled..I believe having offspring should be a privilege. You should have done something worthwhile exeptional to the community..or just contribute in cash to charity! Or maybe people with good education would have a clear way. People in medicine, engineering tech in general. Every female/male born planted with some sort of device (not invented yet all current ones more or less suck for this purpose!) that keeps them from reproducing. And if they have done their deed to humanity..they have earned the right to reproduce.

That's some really fucked up shit right there. Every person has a right to live free and to love and be loved. And Hitler did try to keep the Jews from reproducing.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
texsativa said:
That's some really fucked up shit right there. Every person has a right to live free and to love and be loved. And Hitler did try to keep the Jews from reproducing.

And you can do so...in a cave..


texsativa said:
That's some really fucked up shit right there. Every person has a right to live free and to love and be loved. And Hitler did try to keep the Jews from reproducing.

Yeah it's fucked up, but this shit is getting out of control. To many people have kids and many of them either can't afford it or aren't/can't be good parents.

The problem with taking action is that it restricts the rights of people so much (Notice all the Hitler comments so far). So what's more important? Human rights or a healthy society? Tough, tough decision. All I can say is in a few hundred years we will either be near extinction or will have a world government with controlled births along with some other Heinlen-type ideas.

It just has to happen eventually or we will destroy ourselves. We ARE animals, after all.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences. - Churchill

^^ This is true more than ever..


ZoSo said:
Yeah it's fucked up, but this shit is getting out of control. To many people have kids and many of them either can't afford it or aren't/can't be good parents.

The problem with taking action is that it restricts the rights of people so much (Notice all the Hitler comments so far). So what's more important? Human rights or a healthy society? Tough, tough decision. All I can say is in a few hundred years we will either be near extinction or will have a world government with controlled births along with some other Heinlen-type ideas.

It just has to happen eventually or we will destroy ourselves. We ARE animals, after all.

The older I get, the uglier society becomes. I say human rights.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
texsativa said:
The older I get, the uglier society becomes. I say human rights.

Does doing something for your people...actually being a useful contributing member to society bother you so much ? Would you not think that your own children will think more of you! If they really see they are more to you than just another drunk night at the local bar ?

If you let some one on well-fare..or in a family of alcoholics get a child. How is that humane ? That is CRUEL! No child should tolerate such ignorance! Even if he makes it out OK! Every child deserves a peaceful learning environment..and it should be common sense to wait untill you can provide such environment.

my 0.02$
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sunshine in a bag
Browsing through this thread you catch a lot of anti-population regulation sentiments such as "Procreate, it is our purpose".

Procreation is a way to fulfill our purpose. It is not the reason we are here. The reason we are here is to consume resources, beat other species in competition for those resources, and ensure the continuation of the species as a whole.

So far we're going overboard in all aspects. We consume way too many non-replenishable resources at an alarming pace, we completely decimate other species and have driven some to extinction in the past (and endangered countless others), and we reproduce at such a rate that it will eventually pose a problem to our species.

Nobody has a child and thinks of the good they are doing for humanity. They don't think, "here we are, helping to ensure that the human race has a foothold on earth". No, instead, everybody is thinking: "I'm going to name him Bruno. He's going to play football, mow my lawn, and give me grandkids, because that would make me happy."

It is a selfless and selfish endeavor that many humans undertake everyday.

You are not put on this earth to make babies, that is not your purpose.

You are not put on this earth to raise a child, that is not your purpose.

Your purpose is to secure the survival of humanity by combining effort and collecting resources together with your fellow humans. Part of doing that is making more children.
But when you make SO MANY FUCKING CHILDREN that we simply cannot feed them all, you are NOT helping. You are making the situation worse.

That's the bottom fucking line.
There is no magical, mystical, mystery to life. Having a child is not a miracle, and it is not what everyone should try to do in life. You can call it a miracle if you want, if you think it's amazing, but that doesn't mean it should be your agenda.

Overpopulation is real and it has real direct detrimental effects.


9Lives said:
Does doing something for your people...actually being a useful contributing member to society bother you so much ? Would you not think that your own children will think more of you! If they really see they are more to you than just another drunk night at the local bar ?

This is one part of humans that I just don't get. We feel the need to procreate, to continue the species. But there's no urge to make the world a better place for them. Most of the people you ask about their thoughts on global warming and they say, "Doesn't matter to me, I'll be long gone." And the same thing with the forests and the fish and the polar bears (lol). We only care about us right here right now. It's hardwired.

I totally forgot where I was going with this, but whateva.

EDIT: Ok back on track.
Feyd said:
...You are not put on this earth to make babies, that is not your purpose.

You are not put on this earth to raise a child, that is not your purpose.

Your purpose is to secure the survival of humanity by combining effort and collecting resources together with your fellow humans. Part of doing that is making more children.
But when you make SO MANY FUCKING CHILDREN that we simply cannot feed them all, you are NOT helping. You are making the situation worse. ...

Here we go, you see the first two points are instinct, and the last is logic. The problem is most people don't use their brains.
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The plundering of natural resources for profit "capitolism out of control" and technology will be the downfall of the human species. We may all be happy with our big screen TV's, cell phones, cars and computers but we'll never be able to sustain ourselves because of the loss of natural resources and the destruction to our environment that was the cost of our modern luxuries. Greed basically. Anybody who wishes should be able to have children. If they can't take care of them I don't feel like it should fall on the government though. The known safety net that the government provides for children has allowed many people to have kids knowing good and well that they can't afford them but since they are kids the government will foot the bill. If you can't afford them, don't have them.

I applaud those who have chosen not to procreate as myself has chosen. Todays world is too fucked to be bringing more kids into it.

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Feyd said:
Browsing through this thread you catch a lot of anti-population regulation sentiments such as "Procreate, it is our purpose".

Procreation is a way to fulfill our purpose. It is not the reason we are here. The reason we are here is to consume resources, beat other species in competition for those resources, and ensure the continuation of the species as a whole.

Is that the reason we are here, or is that what we do? I'd argue for the latter.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I think the pressure of out of control population will overwhelm the human population before the earth is totally over run. And then we will all start killing each other for food, water, and energy.....insted of just for energy.

Thats the story of human history, too many people in your land? Make Armies and march into the neighbors lands and take their food and farmland, just ask the Celts that got displaced by the Romans, and Germanic tribes that over run Rome.


sunshine in a bag
texsativa said:
Is that the reason we are here, or is that what we do? I'd argue for the latter.
What are you trying to say?

Of course we reproduce, that is why we have so many problems. It is not the simple fact that we procreate, it is the rate at which we do it.


9Lives said:
Does doing something for your people...actually being a useful contributing member to society bother you so much ? Would you not think that your own children will think more of you! If they really see they are more to you than just another drunk night at the local bar ?

If you let some one on well-fare..or in a family of alcoholics get a child. How is that humane ? That is CRUEL! No child should tolerate such ignorance! Even if he makes it out OK! Every child deserves a peaceful learning environment..and it should be common sense to wait untill you can provide such environment.

my 0.02$

I do agree overpopulation is a problem. I do not agree in selective procreation, on that level you are speaking of. I am aware of selection, I chose my wife, animals mate based on dances and colors, etc...

I do agree it is not fare for children to be raised in hostile environments.

But if you look at children in that population, I don't think there are more suicides than children who choose to keep living. I don't know exact numbers, but I'd think the numbers of children in that population who commit suicide is very small. So if they would choose life, who are you and I to choose otherwise for them?


Registered Med User
with the recent rise in natural disasters and the infertility rate steady increasing due to chemicals/pesticides pretty soon I think population will not be the problem. anyone see children of men?
If u want kids adopt, if you want kids with your genetics have a baby. not a big deal.
What if you get an abortion and accidently abort the second coming of Christ? that would suck...


GET MO said:
with the recent rise in natural disasters and the infertility rate steady increasing due to chemicals/pesticides pretty soon I think population will not be the problem. anyone see children of men?
If u want kids adopt, if you want kids with your genetics have a baby. not a big deal.
What if you get an abortion and accidently abort the second coming of Christ? that would suck...

God is not bound by death.

The Chinese earthquake, it's such a tragedy. I was just looking at the photos on the web, actually made my eyes water seeing children's feet sticking out of rubble. My condolences go out to them.


the problem is this egocentric worldview of man that makes as feel, kill, reproduce... that makes us feel we're worth shit.

everyone is so shocked because someone thinks different, progressively, unselfishly. i definately think you should earn your priviledges and reproducing shoud be the ultimate price. IF you think you really need those priviledges. everyone feels THEY are entitled to this and that.

i know alot of people who somebody might consider as their friends, who i don't think are doing absolutely nothing but pollute and devour this earth with their existence.

they drink their brains blank and try to get laid as much as possible, and they blabber how they wanna make as many babies as possiple 'cause they wanna see their precious little genes continuing. and of course they feel they've confronted such injustice as they complain about their lives through the whole next week until it's time to get fucked up again. i would'n lose my sleep if a whole earthyfull of these fuckers would be gone overnight...


China has a strict 1 child per family rule which should cut their population in half in the time frame of 1 life time. The white populations of Europe, Russia, and America have had a negative birth rate for generations now, if it weren't for immigration there would be a large labour shortage. Im sure the UN and other world powers will take care of the population growth in India and the middle east as well. Its a huge problem for the world elite. The main method to cut down on populatoin is to control birth rates. Abortion, birth control and a selfish lifestyle like we have in the west are important. And these values will eventually make their way to india, africa, middle east if the elite have their way.

If you are white have some babies! white people are a dying breed.

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