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Hey everyone:wave: Gonna make this short, because my friends are taking me out tonight! Why, you ask? Well, it's my birthday!:headbange Anyway, I'll have some pics for you guys in a few days. By the way, the Mikush now has two little main stems growing!:jump: So does the R19, but she's just taking a little longer. Man, I'm really impressed with this Mikush. I really hope it turns out female. This is one resilient plant. Well, everybody stay safe and shit!:wave:


Active member
Hey bud, I hope you don't mind me tossing a couple pics onto your thread, but i figure what the hell, these babies are going to end up on your thread anyway, so why not put up their baby pictures.
Sour Diesel

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Hey everyone:wave: Sorry I haven't been updating lately. Last two weeks of school. This is crunch time for me. I don't have pics like I promised :spank: but I'll be done with my last homework assignment and my last presentation tomorrow so I promise I'll have pics by sunday.

Dr. Dog:wave: what's up, buddy? Thanks for the bday wishes. I had a pretty good one. Smoked quite a bit. It was shwagg, but it was a gift from friends, so I toked graciously :joint:

hazy:wave: dude, I'm mondo excited! Especially about that SD! Toss as many pics as you want in here. At least one of us will be! :muahaha: I've been having bad luck with the weather lately.

Speaking of bad weather, here's another bit of an update: My two Rompstar's were murdered by the wind and the Apollo's, too. So, instead of throwing in more Rompstar's I germinated my last A11 seed(pray for a girl!) and two C99's. They are in a safe place with plenty of sun and no wind. Well, no murderous wind, anyway. Well, it's pretty late and I'm pretty tired. Staring at powerpoint for 4 hours will do that to ya! Goodnight. :wave:


Active member
Hey TT, where'd you go?
I hope all is well. Wind has been non stop for weeks it seems like.
pm me
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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
glad to hear your babes bounced back from the topping. they r tough lil bastards arent they.


:wave: well look what the cat dragged in. I've had a pretty sucky time these past two months. First, I had a major security breach when a mailman saw my grow. At first, I thought everything was going to be cool, but then paranoia set in and I relocated. Things were going okay until the kittens came. After what I've since dubbed "Kitty Massacre", only one plant survived the whole ordeal, the Mikush #1, which is now quite large, female, and back on my porch. Oh yeah, regarding the mailman, either he didn't see shit or he's really cool and didn't say anything. To make up for my losses, I've planted another 4 seeds (2 RomP19, 1 Mikush, and 1 pretty dope bagseed). The bagseed, which is from a pretty decent bag I got earlier this year, and one of the RomP19's are the bigger of the four. But the real gem in this story is my beloved Mikush. I've never had a plant this big, and I'm super stoked that it's a girl! Before I get to the pics, let me apologize for just disappearing like that. Now, on with the show.

Mikush (The big girl)


Bagseed (I'll name it when I find out the sex)

Well, that's it for now. It's good to be back. I'll get to everybody's threads in due time. Peace!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
The mailman? how did the mailman see your grow?

But looks like you got some open spaces in the spot you are now. Nice update dude


Dr Dog said:
The mailman? how did the mailman see your grow?

But looks like you got some open spaces in the spot you are now. Nice update dude

Well, my plants are usually on the back porch, where they get about 11 hours of direct sunlight. I put them out front to get some extra rays, and wouldn't ya know it, the mailman came and dropped off a package. I didn't even see him walk up and drop it off; I just saw him get in his truck and drive away. Naturally, I was overcome with paranoia and had to relocate as quickly as possible. I haven't had any visitors since, so I'm pretty sure I'm in the clear. It was quite a scare, though.

Now, for a small update (sorry no pics, it's pouring outside. I'll come back later for those) My Mikush is in full flower, and I love it. I smell her tops every day. She's got budsites all over the place, and she's getting quite stinky. Also, her leaves are starting to yellow all over. Right now I'm giving her EJ Bloom. I've heard that the leaves are supposed to get yellow like that because the plant is using up it's resources. Is this true? If it is, this is a good thing, isn't it?

My bagseed plant is another star. She showed sex a while back, and she's turning purple down the stems! I've named her Shingles. Not after the disease, but after the dealer I bought the bag from. I've only got 1 plant left that still hasn't shown sex, and I've got a sneaking suspicion that it's a male. I hope not, because if that's the case, then I'm down to 2 plants.

That's it for now. Hopefully the rain will let up so I can get some good shots of the tops. I'll be back....

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
welcome back double T

Funny thing is I forgot about the mailman thing until you started up your thread again.

Yes as a plant gets near the end of its life cycle it will drain what is left in the leaves, but this could also be because of other things, but if the plant seems healthy it is probably the first one

Take care bro


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Buying weed from a guy named Shingles sounds a leary to me :biglaugh: J/K

Can't wait to get a look at the plants :lurk:

Great to have ya back man! :wave:


Well, I made it back much faster than last time :biglaugh: And this time I brought pics! It's nice to see some more replies, too! I guess I'll do the pics first.

Here's my headliner, Mikush. She's stinky! You can see the yellowing leaves, too.

Here's Shingles! She's real smelly! I think she's going to be a very special smoke! Notice how one side is growing more than the other. Also, the purple stems. I hope she goes all purple, that would be so cool.

And RomP19. Still not sure of the gender. I hope s/he shows sex soon.

Now for the replies....

Hey B/R :wave: how's it going? It's good to be back. Thank you for the compliment!

Dr. Dog :wave: I was hoping that the yellowing was normal. That's good to hear. It's using up its' nitrogen, right?

TML :wave: Ahhh, I was kinda leary about good ol' Shingles at first, but he's a decent dude. I have high hopes for this plant. The bud I got it from was pretty damned good, potency-wise, the taste was awful and it burned funny so I decided I'd try to do a proper grow and see what the difference is like. I never expected the plant to turn purple, though.


:wave: this is just a bump, nothing new to report. Plants are still there, and I'm gonna go smoke now :joint: I can't wait till these ladies' buds are in my bowl. I think they've been flowering for around 3-4 weeks, so they should really start packing on the weight soon. I'm excited!


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
sweet twisted. glad everything wored out. those gals look hungry yo. are they puttin on the weight? out door is nice. looks like fun man.

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