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best time to clone?


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what is the best time to clone. i do it with the lights off,but someone told me i should do it with them on. i would love any input on this.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I just did it, i would suspect that a plant would prefer that you did it during lights on, that was the plant huices are in the plant not in the roots
In case you are wondering it is 10 20 am where i am, sun was lookin in on my work


Hey Dr.Dog sups?
At what stage do you think the best time to clone is?
last wk of veg or 1st coupla wks into flower after sexing?


Active member
Veg is best, if taken in flower they will root but will reveg afterwards - taking time to do so. I take my clones in veg off the top first (topping), then from lower branches as they grow out after the topping.

You do not need to flip to 12/12 to sex, they will show preflowers in veg by the 7-8th node usually, and definitely once the nodes begin to alternate. I always leave at least 2 nodes below a cut, so every branch I cut for a clone grows 2 new shoots afterwards.

Makes for nice bushy mothers with lots of growing tips. Do it lights on, if you're doing it lights off & can see what you're doing it's too much light during the dark period. This can cause hermaphrodism.

The dark period must stay dark - no brighter than light from a full moon could produce. But the darker the better... :rasta:



I ALWAYS clone during veg ... I never clone or top my plants during flowering (but I do cut out the bottom growth and scrawny bits so the best tops bulk up - SCROG pruning method) ... I've cloned during 'day' and 'nite' and hav had success with both, i've neva even thought bout if it made a difference or not - cloning jst isnt that hard to me hahaha. Thinking bak, i do USUALLY clone during 'day' simply coz that's wen its convenient for me to do it.


P.S - No more light than wat a full moon can produce? ... I'm not looking for an argument bt where i live a full moon on a clear night can produce enough light to easily see outside - depending on time of year too i guess lol ... I think the light during dark period issue also depends on how long u expose the plants to light for. If u jst nip in for a minute or 2 to grab a few cuttings then it won't affect the plants at all really, but if ur doing all ur work in the grow area and exposing them to light for an hour or more, then that could cause herms.
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I don't think the plant cares if you clone when the lights are on or off. But it would probably be easier for you if they were ON. and of course only clone from the veg cycle. :rasta:


Active member
Agreed, small exposure might not be too bad but it is much easier if you can see well...

Light leak induced hermis happen more during flower. My mother's going outside with her cuts to try for an opop. I think she has the potential if all goes well... :rasta:

You can clone well into the flowering period but it takes longer for rooting to begin. And it takes longer for new growth to begin because not only does it have to establish a new root system but it has to revert it's hormones back to a vegetative state from flowering. So I say during lights on so you can see what the hell it is your doing and do it in the vegetative state to ensure speedy propagation. :wave:


Winter? For an indoor grow? ... That's strange, I find anytime of year works well :p ... Just teasing hahaha


Active member
CelebrityKush said:
I don't think the plant cares if you clone when the lights are on or off. But it would probably be easier for you if they were ON. and of course only clone from the veg cycle. :rasta:

LOL funny answer. best time to clone? when you're not high :laughing: