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Kali mist, 800 watt Laundry Room Grow


Active member
This is my... God i've lost count at the # of this grow, but this is my 3rd Run with Kali, be it direct or indirect. But hopefully it will be a good run for personal smoke. My living conditions do not allow me to grow in my own abode, but I have been apart of a very good friend of mines kali productions in the past year and along with the help of "MynameStitch" have produced some very fine herb.

I think I've got this strain figured out. My partner was having issues early in flower with Fe defs, and it caused the leaves to die off early. But, never the less, has come through with nice harvests. He gave me 2 clones a few months back that he was going to just chuck.... So i took 'em. Kept them alive in the winter under a 42 watt CFL.. THey didn't do much for a month or so then I Transplanted them into a mix of my own soil composted for 2 weeks. and they took off.

A friend I met at work approached me one day with extreme interest in the art of cannabis cultivation. He had the Space and 800 watts of light, plus the desire to learn, so an alliance was formed.... I took my time to feel him out before moving my babies in.. I'm not totally stupid. He's a pupil, just as we all were at one time.

I know some of you have better recipes and I'm not trying to get into a dick measuring contest here, but this recipe works very well for my Kali. I know there may be better recipes but this seems to work very well for our conditions. So if you are curious, this is the recipe i used for the Kali. It was merely, as most grows go... just what i had on hand.

To Organic potting soil:

1 Tblsp per gal:
Dolomite lime
Blood meal
Bone meal
Kelp Meal

2Tblsp per gal:
Rock phosphate
20% perlite

That's it... This mix got the clones with no other food all the way into the 1st 5 days of 12\12, at which time they were fed Pure Blend Grow and liquid Karma. The PBG was enough of a boost to get them into day 19 of flower with no defs.....
They were veged for 2 weeks under a 400 watt MH with only the soil mix and water, and fed PBG early in the 12\12 cycle. They were transfered to 800 watts of HPS and MH light at day 19 of 12\12, at which time they were given their 1st feeding of Pure blend Bloom and Earth Juice Micro.

So far, they look very, very good. I am waiting on my partner to burn the images for me and I'll disclose all the pics at that time...

Please.... check back.
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Active member
hopefully.. they will be up tomorrow night. I have to go over there and do some maintenance on the exhaust and make sure they are still happy. As soon as i get 'em I;ll post. It's really quite nerve racking not housing a grow, i worry about every thing that could go wrong. Like i said...... tomorrow night....


Active member
f u c k ing A... the pics are in stasis. I don't have a good cam... I know, I suck, I'm used to it. Dudes girlfriend went away for a couple days and it was her cam he used.... well she took it with her and neither one of us could produce a cam between the 2 of us. So it'll be another day or two before I get the pics. I went there tonight and at day 24, they are looking spectacular! I'm thinking I'm going to have to tie down a couple branches before it's all over. But man.... I can't wait... hopefully only about 55 or 56 days left. Can't wait to show you'll the goods!!!
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the Revenant
inc0gnit0 said:
f u c k ing A... the pics are in stasis. I don't have a good cam... I know, I suck, I'm used to it. Dudes girlfriend went away for a couple days and it was her cam he used.... well she took it with her and neither one of us could produce a cam between the 2 of us. So it'll be another day or two before I get the pics. I went there tonight and at day 34, they are looking spectacular! I'm thinking I'm going to have to tie down a couple branches before it's all over. But man.... I can't wait... hopefully only about 55 or 56 days left. Can't wait to show you'll the goods!!!

Sounds like too many people know of your grow already. Remember rule #1.


Active member
No pics yet... so many things have happened with this grow. I am suffering from a DUI and am at the mercy of my partner to transport my sorry ass to and from the grow. I swear... if I had it all to do over again... well.... I'd probably still do it but this kid is a retard.. No offense, but every time I think he can't do anything more stupid.... he totally redeems himself and shocks me once again causing my blood pressure to rise and totally ruin my outlook on the possibility of even a harvest... period!

1st... I'm at his house, doing routine things and lays this bombshell on me. He's having a f u c king party at is house in 3 days!! Can you believe this shit!? A party.... I'm like... dude, WTF!? You've got pot growing in the fu cking laundry room.... are you crazy??!

He's totally oblivious to the consequences of his stupidity. "Nobody will notice.." I could have killed him. I've stressed the importance of dissgression from the start. He's young over priveleged and dumb. I know I said i checked hm out, and i did, but apparently I misjudged him. Now all I'm hoping for is a harvest before some unknown party breaks in and relieves us of our.. or my hard work.

Moving was out of the question, So I said to killl the lights for the nigh and just let 'em chill. Stack shit by the doors and ignore it. But instead, he left the lights on, stopped up the intake and the temps reached the 100's! I'm pulling my hair out at this point.

They didnt' seem to sustain much damage... but I think it's too early to tell. It's day 43 and THey're suffering from N def. Too late to worry about that, also he let 1 of the planr grow into the fu cking bulb and fried the tallest cola...

I've been going there nightly because he is away in Costa Rice... WTF.... I'll just go to Costa Rica and hope that you can take care of them without a ride.. etc. I know,,,, maybe with no license I should have just passed the chance to grow. But I had a chance and I love to grow, So sue me...

Just hoping to get a harvest, and some pics soon.... because actually, after all, they look pretty damn good.


East Coast Grower
wow thats some shitty news about your DUI and your partner in crime. You should really make sure he knows the consequences.

Usually I only add bone meal to the soil at the final transplant, adding blood and bone isn't too much? the stuff i have is like 4-12-0 I think. I also find its hard to tell if the stuff is working and how well it is working...unless theres some major problem ya know....

Hope you end you end up with some sort of harvest, get some pics!


Active member
THa'ts when i did it. the final transplant. I don't transplant after flowering has started. I don't think it's too much, I can usually judge this by how the plants look. They usually tell you if they need something. I've found that it;s best to give a boost of N at the start of flowering. This gives the plants what they need to make it through the stretch without premature N def. I'm having a little N def, so aparently I didn't give enough.


Active member
They look a lot better. I have to say.. After all, when my partner returned. he did rise to the occasion. Looks like somethings have soaked in. This last week was a nightmare, He was away for a week and everything that could have went wrong, did. A light fell, The exhaust fan crapped out and the temps were in the 100' s for about 3 days. One of the pots got ripped to hell when the light fell. Stalks got bent but not broken.

But I'm happy to say, All has been repaired and the temps are a constant 83. The heat caused them to totally stop growing for days. And I hope the stress wasn't too much to destroy the harvest, I know i'll lose yield. But I hope they don't hermie. I have some recent pics coming. Couldn't get 'em tonight because there was no way to get them off the camera. But soon. The resin is starting to grow out onto the fan leaves... sweet.

Threads without pics suck. But I promise to redeem this thread soon.
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A few pics... at last.

A few pics... at last.

Here's a few early flower and a few Pics after the mayhem that nearly cost me more than a few sleepless nights.

Day 24:

Day 42:

BTW I don't use any of the nutes on the floor in the background. I'm using PB Bloom, Bat Guano, Liquid karma, Earth Juice MB, and have supplemented a little with compost tea.

Has anyone ever used Awesome Blossoms?
Would it wreck the organic nature of my soil even though i know I'm not 100% organic?
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Active member
Day 58

Day 58

This is a cell phone pic... but it's all I had to work with.

Hopefully another 20-25 days to go. THey've made a wonderful comeback. I'm quite happy with the results.


Active member
Day 63

Day 63

Here's day 63 plant 1 and 2. I do believe that the plants should be a little more "robust" in flower production. I believe the past stress has had a lot to do with flower production. However they have made a nice recovery. Unfortunately The temps are getting to the 90's outside already which is significantly effecting the ambient temp in the house. Therefore making it extremely difficult to get the temps low in the growroom. I know turn the A\c down.
It's already working as hard as it can. The average temps at the canopy is 88 to 90. That sucks. It's gonna cost me yield this go around but next time I'll have a different local that I will be able to access at any time.

Plant 1 Day 63, Kali Mist:

Plant 2 Day 63, Kali Mist:

Plant one is getting a little fuller than 2, But 2 has always seemed to lag a little.... we'll see..

2 or three weeks left.


well yeah plant one is more Ind dom and will proly finish fast then the other witch looks to be more Sat dom and may take a while longer to finish. Do you have a scope to look at the triks? if not then i would go run out and get one there less then $20 if in the US and have a radio shack near by. otherwise things look great

Keep it green



Active member
Excuse me... I should have said, clone 1 and clone 2..... But I thought that was already said previously in the thread...

Yeah, I've got a scope. Well, it's like this. Plant 1 and plant 2 are clones from the same mother. So they are both the same. But I can see how you may have made that assumption. However Plant 1 has always seemed to to be alitle stronger. Like I said in the very 1st post of this thread, the clones were given to me from my old partner who houses the 1 Kali mother we had, He always took more clones than needed and he was gonna chuck these 2. So i took them. But the genetics are 100% identical.

There were some major stress issues, you can read up and the thread will tell you about them. #2 suffered more stress and I believe that's the cause for different growth.

It's just so f u cking hot in the south, it's 91 outside now and it's 11:09 at night! So it's really hard to keep the temps at the Fall levels they should be for optimum flower production.

Losing more yield than I have already lost due to these temps.

I don't think I'll ever maintain another grow if I can't be there all the time. It's too stressfull worrying about if my partner\pupil is taking all this seriously. And the bad thing about it is.... When you try and teach someone what you know about growing... they never seem to take you seriously until they start to see major bud production And As you all know, the entire grow is important. Not just the flower phase.

I was hoping for at least 8 oz's off of this.... but with all that has happened, I think I'll be lucky if they don't hermie and We get 5 to 6 oz. Which is horrible for 800 watts! F uck, I've gotten 7 oz's from this same mother with just 400 watts.... which goes to show.... Stress, heat, screws up your yield....

So now my partner is wondering what the hell happened.... Like I said.... all the shit I posted earlier..... that's why the yield is suffering....
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