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bullrider x princess diesel


Resident pissy old man
I have never grown Sour Diesel. I believe that it is an 11 weeks strain and is somewhat hermi-prone under less than ideal conditions. The Princess Diesel is Ice Princess x Sour Diesel, 8-9 weeks strain, and is not difficult to grow.


Active member
my bull X PD came right up-only on first real set of leaves right now-will post pics in a week or so...thanks again pops-the seeds look extremely healthy to boot-you should go into the seed business pops-these were the healthiest seeds I've seen in a long ass time-and they were free to boot-go figure...
also starting a few c99 and TW crosses this week-again-all thanks to pops
BTW-the diesel isn't that tough to grow-however, it does hurt the pocket deeply if you don't have a natural green thumb-better to experiment with some nirvana strains first and to totally light proof your room-even red lights from power strips will be enough to hermie it-not drastatically but it will


Bros. Grimm, Rez, and Southern Cali.......good things are just bound to occur. Good luck to everyone growing this and thankyou very much for sharing!


Resident pissy old man
Thanks for the update,Burt.Couple folks are trying the C-99/Pd,but you will be the first to grow the TW/PD.


Hey there Pops, I just put 5 A.Bullrider X PD. into sprout, i'll update here if thats ok.
I'm anxious to see how these turn out.


Here's 3 of the Jedi and 2 of the blueberry skunk. Old picture though. I'll have to get some batteries for the camera and take a new one. Those damn digital cameras eat batteries.

The one Jedi to the far left grew sideways to till it hit the cup and then it came up. With 3 leaves.


Active member
Is this a new trend ? All these people that never posted pics before (pops, old fool), are suddenly doing it ?

Looks nice !

:joint: :wave:


Resident pissy old man
I guess that we are tired of folks thinking that we are just bullshit artists. We actually want people to believe that we are really domestic terrorists like they are. Unfortunately, I don't own a camera,so it is hard to prove that I can terrorize with the best of them.


And my wife has better plans for those batteries then to put them into a digital camera. She hurls them at me for posts like this one. (ducking and running)

Here's a Satori bud for you, greenie.
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spreadin da love
i actually just started some of the princess diesel x bullriders and a few others I'll have to take some pics once they get to a picture take able size.. :rasta:


Heres a pic of my 3 BR X PD
4 of the 5 seeds sprouted,one was a runt and was culled.
I know for sure that one of these is a female,the two I can't tell yet.
They were put into 12/12 yesterday.



Well, I got two females and one male.
They got a little stretchy as I had them at the edge of the light,because the flower room is a little crowded right now.,but they will finish under 1000 watts.

Hey Pops,I know its a little early yet, but can you tell is either of these two resemble the Bullrider?, thats what I'm looking for., a pheno leaning toward Bullrider.


Resident pissy old man
Considering that I used an Afghan Bullrider as mother, I doubt that any will look like a pure Bullrider. The AB x PD that i grew out tasted like the AB mother and was a hard Hitter. It has put more than a few folks on their ass. Flower time should run 8-9 weeks, considerably shorter than a pure BR.Thanks for the photos. Looking good! When mine get a little stretchy, I tie the top over and let the sides catch up. that creates several tops and increases yield. After the sides catch up(4-5 tops), I release the top and let them grow.


Resident pissy old man
Yes, I add it to my soil when i transplant seedlings. iIalso keep a couple 30 gal. Rubbermaids full of water for my plants. After setting for a few days, there is a slick film on top. That is the mycorrhizae from the air going into the water. Add a touch of molasses for them to feed on and you are golden.


Resident pissy old man
Jef Tek is the one doing the video for Pot TV. Jef is the source for my AB, as he gave it to my daughter.


Active member
Pops said:
Jef Tek is the one doing the video for Pot TV. Jef is the source for my AB, as he gave it to my daughter.

Yes, I remember you mentioning his name before, and when I was watching that video, I was thinking to myself that that is probably the same person that you were talking about.

I had a question about a couple of the PD crosses that I'm currently growing out. They all seem to have similar flowering times.

The Chronic - is that Serious seeds ?

The Trainwreck - that's the Artaca clone I would assume ? Some people seem to pull their trainwreck pretty early I read on a few forums. Other people let it go for almost 9 weeks.

P-91 - that's clone only - from Poway boys or something like that ?

:joint: :wave:


Active member
Hey Pops nothing wrong with not posting pics, Im still nerves about it, I did post some and wished I hadent after I got busted, but to each his own, she looks like a good cross , good luck with her.

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