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Give Thanks


In this future era of the internet, global commerce, environmental degredation, and war I would like to give thanks.

Here I have a picture of a bowl of sustenance, specifically rice, kidney beans, chick peas, sweet onion, carrot, and romaine. Being thankful in a resource limited world is sure to give you merit by anyone. In this globalized economy pressures are coming down on people all across the globe. The simple items i take for granted here in the U.S. is a gift of joy for a child in burma. I would like all to reflect upon the enormous amount of love in a bowl like this. In this future era of environmental refugees and war criminals I would like all to give thanks.
I would like everyone to reflect on the enormous amount of effort put forth by multiple forces to bring this picture to life.

I once read,
"As I take this bite of food, let me reflect on the soil it was in, the organisms that live in that soil, the rain that fell on it, the sun that grew it, and the people who harvested and transported it. I am all of these in one experience."

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stoned agin ...
"Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy bountiful gifts, which we receive through Christ our Lord, Amen."

let us not be profligates with the gifts we have been blessed with, or we shall lose them. and let us be charitable in thought and deed. many tonight are hungry.

G. Sensi

Righteousness Paq! Much respect King!

I wonder how many of those complainin about the lack of help they received during Katrina are lending a helping hand to these people suffering in Burma right now... Least they had Walmar and Malls to go lootin and shootin up.... I damn sure know CNN aint makin the same money off coverage of that disaster....

Seems we only know pain when WE feelin it... I HATE those fuckin Apathists!!




Active member
G. Sensi said:
Righteousness Paq! Much respect King!

I wonder how many of those complainin about the lack of help they received during Katrina are lending a helping hand to these people suffering in Burma right now... Least they had Walmar and Malls to go lootin and shootin up.... I damn sure know CNN aint makin the same money off coverage of that disaster....

Seems we only know pain when WE feelin it... I HATE those fuckin Apathists!!



I'm just thankful that I don't live in Burma, or Myanmar as it's been changed to. The natural catastrophe they had is merely one of their problems, I'd wager that the military dictatorship that they have is a bigger problem, as they obviously don't give two shits about their people. The problem in Burma isn't food or aid, it's people that are the problem, the stupid people that are in charge.

:joint: :wave:

G. Sensi

Very well said greenhead... You're very right about the Gov't problems they have over there...and obviously the hands some people are sending are just being slapped away and even worse...The people in charge still have their big mansions and castles to go home to so they dont give a shit bout the poor.... Which is disgusting... and I just feel those more fortunate need to do something.... Paq is doing somethin great simply opening this thread and meditating on their suffering... but they obviously need more....

I just get real angry over situations in Darfur, Burma, Tibet etc etc etc when people sit on the other side of the world and say... "not my problem".... thats how Hitler was able to rule for soo long....

Look how little CNN and news coverage the situation is getting in relation to Katrina etc etc... Hell even how little attention its receiving compared to Obama and Hillary... What pisses me off the most is that the reason they arent showing so much is because there is very little entertainment value for us over here and hence no money for CNN in it... It shows where our real priorities lie...

My DOG lives like a King in comparison to these people.... Im as much to blame for the situation as anyone else... I just KNOW we need to do something...anything...and we can start by simply caring....



ps: Paq, Do you think you could share that recipe for the pic above? Looks devine
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What frustrates me is that we can justify invading Iraq but we cant get the shit together to kick that ass hat out of Burma, or Maynmar or whatever it is now

seconded on the recipe!

G. Sensi

Babbabud said:
Nam myoho renge kyo
Bless Babba! Let us Chant

Nam= "Devotion to"

Myoho="the Mystic Law" (or the law of life)

Renge="of the Lotus" (the lotus blossom represents Karma)

Kyo="Teachings" (Teachings/prophecies from Buddha)




Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Om mani pedme hung

Thanks for the enormous amount of love everyone...
I know people at work yesterday who had not even heard about the disaster in myanmar. I like to think I have an expanded awareness of the world around me. I am blessed.

Now for the recipe

2 cups rice (boiled)
1/2 cup of Kidney beans (plain)
1/2 cup of chick peas (plain)
1/2 cup sweet onion (chopped)
1/4 cup of romaine lettuce (finely chopped)
1/4 cup carrot (shavings)

1 TBS Black pepper
1 TSP Sea salt
1 TSP Garlic powder
2 TBS of your favorite hot sauce

G. Sensi

Baba, Mesegana King (Thanks and Praise)... I wasnt aware of that thread...

Paq, are all of these ingredients boiled? fryed? Simmered? Definately going to do that recipe tommorow nite! Thank you

Sälam (Peace)



Registered Cannabis User
awesome paq. I do the same when I harvest my garden.. I take one of each kind of veggie I harvested and mix it all into a salad. I could live off my garden.

gonna try that recipe here soon, as it sounds DELIC!

G. Sensi

ToKEN said:
I do the same when I harvest my garden.. I take one of each kind of veggie I harvested and mix it all into a salad. I could live off my garden.

Toke, Not could live off your garden...Trust I, You nah need anything BUT ya garden

Jah Bless



Hey guys

Glad youre showing interest in my creations.
I would love some pics of your garden? if security is not an issue.

All the ingredients are plain not boiled or cooked only the rice is cooked
everything else is just either cut or chopped and tossed together.

G. Sensi

paq said:
I would love some pics of your garden? if security is not an issue.

I know Variform had a thread goin a little while ago.. He had some pics of a real nice garden...

Thanks very much for the recipe Paq...Ill prolly add a little corn and a scotch bonnet...And of course Give Thanks to Jah for the meal and ask Him to fill the stomachs of those less fortunate than us...

Damn... That China earthquakes taken nearly 12,000 last time I heard.... Myanmar's in the 30,000's.... Oh Lawd...........
