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(From seed) PC case


Thank you IC and its community.
setup : pc case from mrscrog
lights : 4 26watt daylight for veg,
soil : ffof soil with some perlite
nutes : pure blend pro soil mix, comes with veg, flower, and some liquid karma (cost like 18$)

heres a pic of the outside and inside:

heres a pic of how it looked when plant-a first sprout : (day 1)

and heres a pic when the last one sprout : (day 3)
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try to be more patient with your seeds, my some of plants i tried to germinate germinated 6 or seven days after i put them in wet towels... and i don't think you need lights till the plant is sprouted... they will only produce heat and nothing else, how are your temps? and if you are letting them in wet towels so you can put them in the ground, i think they need to be in dark, warm area.

pics, pics, i like pics!!!!

till next time,



ganjaPeople: thnx for stoppin by, i'll try to be more patient with the germinating process. temps are like 82 with the lights on in the case. (goin to turn the lights off till i see something sprout up)

Georgia Green: thnx for stoppin by, i had the lights on cause i wanted to keep it warm, but i guess its warm enough even if the lights are off. im at work now but i asked my mom to unlug the pc ;) the humidity should be fine because i put a wet paper towel in the little dome thing that comes with the jiffy tubes seed starters.

I now have a new hobby and interested in farming, maybe ill be growing some strawberries someday. but first i need to get these things to pop outta the soil!
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oh the light wont hurt them?
good then ill turn it back on tonite to make sure they stay warm and humid.
with lights off the temp is like 79ish
thnx for the advice,
now im goin to look for a digital ph meter, and maybe ppm, ec lvl aswell.


OMG looks like I made it!

this is my first seed to germ!
I so so so hope its a female.
I'll wait a bit before I transplant into lil plastic cups.
is it a good idea to put the lights on 18/6?
im soo excited, can't believe I actually got past the first step ;)


woke up to a beautiful site.

and heres a the taproot sticking out!

ill take a pic of the transplant when its ready.
any tips or suggestions are welcome, as well as any questions.
this is my first time growing!
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ok ill wait on the transplant then, (couldn't find any bone meal, blood meal, domi lime anyways)
no signs from the others yet. maybe that will change by tonite.

edit : forgot to mention i put a teaspoon of water in each cause it felt kind of dry. hope that doesn't disturb them. and i wet the paper towel inside the dome to help the humidity.
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tkayone said:
edit : forgot to mention i put a teaspoon of water in each cause it felt kind of dry. hope that doesn't disturb them. and i wet the paper towel inside the dome to help the humidity.

nah, it wont disturb them, infact it's all good, man, wet towel is also ok for raising humidity. give them some time, like Georgia Green said, it won't hurt the seedling to stay like it is for a few more days.

my little girl sprouted after 6 days...

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Good news,

now that i have 2 up ill call the first one that came up plant-a and the second one plant-b.

plant-a is looking nice and green and plant-b is on the way too.

heres an up close of each


i hope the third one also pops this way i have a good chance of one being a female or maybe more then one so i can see different pheno structures. :)
can't wait!


waking up to an even better site.
its day 3 since the first sprout so ill count that way.
the last one popped up over night i guess.
check it out...

i put a drop of water in the middle of each cause it was pretty dry looking. (since i took off the dome and put them closer to the lights and right by the fans)

should be transplanting soon
quick question, if i transplant into plastic cups should i make holes in the bottom and submerge it for watering?


day 4 : planted all 3 jiffy tubes into there own plastic cups, ffof soil mixed with perlite.

plant a, and b are looking healthy, but plant c got a lil dry during day 3 since i took off the lid and put them by the fans.

heres a look at each plant close up inside the plastic cups




i submerged each cup inside some water with a teaspoon of liquid karma.
now ill let nature do its thing for a few days with 18/6 and when i see the plants adjusting in the ffof i might switch to 12/12 ;)

just keeping the ones watching me updated
and thnx for all the help so far, really helped me feel more confident.
lookin' good, tkayone, that's it, you,ve got three babys to work with, a don't worry about plant c, some plants are just slower than others, just check them on daily basis and you'll be fine. ;) that's it... just a quick reply so you know that someone is watching...


some pix from yesterday
day 7
plant a

plant b

all 3

plant-a looking a lil lighter from the middle
overall i think they look healthy
but this is my first grow so its just fun to come home and see what it looks like every night ;)

im planning on building a box to flower in
and maybe work out a method where i can clone them.
maybe have 1 pc for mother/clone and 2nd to flower.
duno what i'll do yet.

anyone can suggest an easy way to clone and keep it in the pc case along with a mother? i dream of getting a personal lil micro sog going ;)


Grow like nobody is watching
Hi mate, plants look really happy and healthy especially for a first grow. Obviously one looks to be a bit of a straggler but don't sweat it.

tkayone said:
anyone can suggest an easy way to clone and keep it in the pc case along with a mother? i dream of getting a personal lil micro sog going ;)

I took 3 cuttings for my grow (1 plant needed) and went as simple as you can get - just stuck em in rooting hormone gel, into small pots of 50/50 perlite and vermiculite, straight into the pc to grow roots. I left it with the fan going a lot of the time, and the side off often, no humidity domes, just regular misting (take em out of the case). All 3 took root healthily. I did stick them under a dome outside occasionally after a week or so but it wasn't needed.

I took a larger batch of cuts about a week and a half ago. They've been in straight coco and always looked happier than when I snipped them off the mother! I think it must be the humid tropical atmosphere or something. That's just sitting on a table in my room in the open under a 23w cfl desk lamp with regular misting.

So to get to the point, sure, I think you could do the cuttings in a pc case no problem. Just pay attention to the plants. Despite me not needing it, I'd say a humidity dome would be a good idea as a starting point. Give it a whirl! :rasta:


update time ;)
day 10 from seed sprout or day 3 from 12/12

plant-b on left plant-a on right

close up of each


why are the tips pointing down on the new leaves?

and starting to yellow a bit from the middle

roots starting to poke out. Is it normal for there to be green shit all over in the soil around the cup?

so i got a few questions.
why are the tips pointing down?
and why is there green shit in the cups?
and most important, now that i switched to 12/12 2days ago. should i be giving it the bloom nutes with some liquid karma?

i have pbp grow, pbp bloom and some liquid karma.
i gave it some pbp bloom with liquid karma today so we'll see how that works


Grow like nobody is watching
I think the green stuff happens when you use clear containers. It can grow from the light. Wow those are some nice chunky leaves!


day 14 from sprout or 7 from 12/12

plant-b not looking so good :(

plant-a lookin healthy and has a tiny lil odor coming soon

question, is it normal for it to be a bit yellow in the middle?
i gave it some bloom nutes and liquid karma last watering, should i step it up a notch with some more this time?
why do you think plant-b has that crispy part in the leaf? the rest of the plant looks healthy its just that part of that one leaf :(
Hi tkayone! maybe the plant b is so fckd up because it is too low in the cup, and it has no room to grow so the leaves are touching the plastic cup... just an idea so you can think about it... maybe it is time to "transplant" them in bigger cups but this time not clear plastic cups, but some cups that you can't see through and a little bit bigger... green stuff is there maybe because you didn't drill holes so that the excessive water can go away and probably because the see-through cups. my plant is also yellow in the middle but when that little new leaves grow they are green and normal... i don't think you have to worry about it but maybe i'm wrong so try to google it and see for yourself.

well hope you understood what i tried to say, my english is a little bit rusty... good luck with your grow!!

p.s. on some forums i ran into some people that dissolve 2-3,5ml of H2O2 (3%) in a 1l of water so that the the roots are healthier and to avoid that green stuff to show. you can buy 3% hydrogen peroxide at a drugstore, it's used to disinfect wounds and scratches. dunno if this is bullshit or not, but it's something you can investigate and see if it is helpful...
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hey thnx for the advice ganja,
i will transplant either today or 2mrw.
i dont think its the small cup that made that leaf go ill.
because plant-a leaves are also touching the cup and its alot closer to the soil and it seems healthy.
it might of been a temp rise since i had to put in a diff room over the weekend and the temps were like low 90's in there so that must of been it. and they got a bit deprived of water for like 1-2days :(
thnx for the tips
ill post when i transplant

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