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After all my hard work and worry with my plant I am 95% certain its a boy!!!!

:badday: :puppydoge :badday:

Haven't destroyed it yet, dont have the heart to!! No reason to either just yet as I was only growing the one

There are a few good things though; it was a learning experience, I am more knowledgable now than I was before, I have met great guys on here, whatever I was doing I was doing right! So....

3 little seeds in for sprouting as of tonight, here's hoping at least one of them will be a girl!!




Maybe grow it out for a few more weeks, collect the pollen, and store it for later. There is a Sticky Thread on collecting and storing pollen. Just don't fuck up and over pollinate your plants like I did this grow I'm on now!! LOLOLOLOL!!!

aka pedro48

I updated my pedro48 SSH thread
Lemons into Lemonade.

Lemons into Lemonade.

You have several things you can do. You can throw it into 12/12 and start your seedlings under 12/12 and grow them all together, collect some pollen make sure to throw it into the fridge with some dry packs, or it will only be good for month tops. Starting your seedlings under 12/12 is fine as they won't available to be sexed for many weeks. Or you could start your seedlings on the window sill since they won't look like some pot for a couple weeks and flower out your lil man for a few weeks. Or you could just say F'em your outta here and start from scratch. I would however try to make lemonade out of my lemons, or on occasion pop one in a cerveza. :wave:


So, i need to read that thread on collecting pollen

So if I was to get at least 2 girls out of my 3 seeds (thats being very optimistic isn't it!!) I could pollinate one of them (am I right in saying that a pollinated female is not smokable? That is why you get shot of males so the dont pollinate the girls?) and keep one for gowing to smoke? So will the pollinated female only be good for seeds? And I take it the seeds would be a mix of males and females?

(PS: SB - what is a cerveza?? Am i being dumb? Do you mean ze freezer?)



IMO, and some will argue about it, but IMO pollination doesn't affect potency that much. The good old Columbian weed I smoked in the 60's and 70's was chock full of seeds. Half the bag was seeds and stems It had been treated pretty badly between compacted in trash bags, dried out, etc.

And I have yet to buy or grow anything as good as that old seedy Columbian

I accidently pollinated 2 of my 3 plants this grow. The sativa dominant pheno pictured below is going on week 11. It has seeded buds from top to bottom. I'm going to lose some yield, but it'll smoke fine. In fact I smoked some last weekend from a seeded lower bud. The smoke was very good.

When you pollinate, if you do pollinate, you can pollinate your buds "by hand" with a small paint brush like I did. You only need to pollinate a few small buds to get plenty of seeds. I picked a bud that was maybe "thumb-sized" and got about 3 dozen nice looking seeds from it. So your yield loss will be negligable.

As I said though on your other thread, keep that male away from your girls when they flower or you'll have 100 lifetimes of seeds!!


cerveza is "beer"

Click to enlarge

The one of the left is going on 11 weeks and is pretty much seeded from top to bottom. I wouldn't be surprised if I got 1000+ seeds from this plant. It's well over 4 feet tall. The one on the right is 10 weeks and seeded only on some bottom buds that I hand pollinated. It probably has at least 4-5 more weeks to go.

Same plant clser up pic.

Another shot. The buds continue to put on trichomes and are very frosty. Yield will be down but I'm sure it'll smoke OK.
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DopeyChick said:
Cheers Pedro (if that is you?)


Is that 11 weeks from seed? (or clone?)

tiss me Pedro48 :headbange

That's going on 11 weeks of 11/13 lighting(flowering)73 days?. They are from seed. The 11 weeker sprouted Jan 31 and was put into 11/13 on February 26th. The righthand one sprouted February 6th and put into flower on March 2.


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