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Oregon or Washington?


On paper, Washington state seems to have lighter penalties but.... I was wondering if anyone here who lives in either of those states could give me a little info about them. Things like tenant rights, how chill the place is, how the people are, etc. I am considering moving out to the pacific north west as I don't like the east coast too much.

skylined said:
On paper, Washington state seems to have lighter penalties but.... I was wondering if anyone here who lives in either of those states could give me a little info about them. Things like tenant rights, how chill the place is, how the people are, etc. I am considering moving out to the pacific north west as I don't like the east coast too much.


Dude, Washington has mms of one day for possession of herb or smoking devices. Sure, not really a big deal but still a hassle. Much easier to get legal in Oregon as well if thats your desire. Decriminalized in Oregon, not sure about Washington. The city of Portland is pushing for legalization, at least on a city level much like Denver has.


I was actually just reading oregon norml and they have a few iniatives...licensing growers for a similar system to alcohol and a privacy law. I will be watching closely come november. I'm guessing even though Oregon has grevious penalties on paper most people probably don't give a fuck if it's decrimmed. The one day MMS sucks, come to think of it. Check out the oregon norml page and tell me what you think.



Seattle and Portland are really similar. In Seattle smoking weed is the lowest possible priority criminal offense. So cops won't fuck with you just for smoking, and grow laws aren't too bad.


If you get caught with an OZ or less is is an infraction/citation in Oregon. Portland is a pretty free wheeling place, just mind your P's and Q's. The Portland cops, some of those guys sport Goatee Beards, beards, earrings (and probably have their peckers pierced too!). Just don't F**k with them.

If you like the big city where you can get lost in its bowels, Portland is pretty good. Washington Native, Oregon transplant for nearly 20 years, prefer it here.

Regarding the high penalties, haven't heard of peeps being fined/sentenced at those high limits since I've lived here.



Active member
The thing about cops in Portland is they have better shit to worry about. They don't care about weed smokers. They are looking for heroin users and shit like that. They've got much bigger fish to fry than us. Especially since the city has such a history of hard drug use.
dont get the wrong idea though, portland is still a kick ass city.
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skylined said:
I was actually just reading oregon norml and they have a few iniatives...licensing growers for a similar system to alcohol and a privacy law. I will be watching closely come november. I'm guessing even though Oregon has grevious penalties on paper most people probably don't give a fuck if it's decrimmed. The one day MMS sucks, come to think of it. Check out the oregon norml page and tell me what you think.


I live in Oregon, Im a transplant from San Francisco. I have a half brother thats lived here the better part of 20 years.

Ive never heard of anyone getting such hard penalties either.


Listen to me jerky
Love Portland. The way things are looking I'll be up there all summer. Get a bike and you'll never really need your car.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I love southern Oregon, I grow guerrilla style in the hills here. Less than a OZ is a minor matter to cops here. Lots of people growing indoors and out.


So it seems Oregon just looks nasty on paper but from what you all tell me it seems like a much more relaxed place than anywhere on the east coast. 1-3 years until I am able to get out there but the more you all say the better it looks to me. What's the climate like, I'm looking to eventually live in a house that has a ton of woods in every direction. Keep em coming everyone!



skylined said:
So it seems Oregon just looks nasty on paper but from what you all tell me it seems like a much more relaxed place than anywhere on the east coast. 1-3 years until I am able to get out there but the more you all say the better it looks to me. What's the climate like, I'm looking to eventually live in a house that has a ton of woods in every direction. Keep em coming everyone!


I'm planning a move out there as well. From what I've read, up in the northern part of the state is is overcast, foggy, and rainy, while down south you get more sun. To the east is desert.

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