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DEA tv show, feds using flir to bust grow houses

apparently this season finale has the DEA busting grow house with FLIR technology. I thought they didnt really use that to target a grower in the US?

Its on at 11pst, on spike.

Good show, i record each one. interesting to see how they take people down, even better when they get into chases with like 5+ tails going!
FLIR can't be used to secure a warrant , but doesn't mean they can't use it for intel . The DEA got info from an informant plus the guy gave consent when they pulled him over . 250 plants to supply 100 peddlers . He must be selling to some lightweights :chin:

Delta Force

yeah informant tip........was a nice setup but they could smell it from the driveway they said. House had lots of lights and was def doing the damn thing but to think they said 100 peddlers from one house with 250 plants......lol big time stuff. Plants looked healthy tho fo sho......dude was a thug too.
yeah he had massive carbon scrubbers running dunno about the odor thing, looked like a semi-pro setup.

even had strains labeled (something Gum XXX)

They def used the thermal imaging to narrow in on which house had the grow. A whole downstairs didnt really stand out that much, but he must of been using the chimney to vent out of, it was glowing white from bottom floor to the roof lolol!
I believe that nowadays flir can't be used for a fishing expedition: just can't fly over random neighborhoods looking for hot spots anymore. However, leo's can still use it if they have a warrant first - they need some information that there's mj growing in the house, then they can examine it with flir. Although, if that's the case, if they can get a warrant for flir, why can't they just get a warrant to search? Maybe they want to confirm the information before busting in with guns: kind of embarrassing for them when they break in and find nothing but an eighth and a bong...
I think they said they got the warrant after the flir? But it looked like they gave video of it to the guys on dvd, but there was audio dialgue between a ground guy and the helicopter navigating him to the suspected area of the grow house.

yeah, and the cops cant just pull you over for no reason either right?

My point, what if they were searching for a "suspect in a crime" at night and used flir to search for his heat signal and found your grow, they can still base an investigation off that data and start tightening the vice down on you.


before the patriot act any cop who "found" a grow house using flir would lose the case in court. But since the Patroit act, anything that would have been covered under the fourth amendment is no longer protected.
What this means is that more lazy policeing will win in court because the federal laws have been changed in such a way that any reasonable expectation of privacy, ie. getting busted because of FLIR will hold up in state court. They don't even need any other evidence against you, the heat reading will be enough to obtain a search warrant.


I think the law enforcement dance around the law. They may not be able to secure a warrant using infrared technology, but that doesn't mean they don't use it. All they have to do is use that technology to find the grow house, then they already got you. Now all they have to do is find an excuse to get the warrant, and they can find that excuse....same thing with a highway partrolman. If he wants to pull you over, he will...


These last comments make me seriously wonder about the direction we are headed here soon.


Active member
EasyBakeIndica said:
"Winter comes to Detroit and DEA Group 14 takes part in a city wide operation to shutdown dope houses near local schools. The agents use thermal imaging to target a sophisticated marijuana grow house and mount a daring plan to put it out of commission."


"we dont have enough time or money to take a thermal picture of the city"

but man that house was fucking glowing!!!!
we dont know what really caused them to find him except the informant...

such bullshit they make growers seam like such bad people.

man these guys play this shit for the camra..

fucking tool joking about how "they got to take the vests off or they'll be sticky all day, but i kinda like that smell, next thing you know your watchign caddy shack drinking a mtn dew"

its quite sad they just smashed all his gear and left it in a broken pile..
they said how hes so big this that.. his grow was so ghetto, parabolics are so 80's he let his heat bust him.

lol@ that being 'the most sufisticated, grow in detroits history'

neightbors shouting 'thank you' out the windows...lamerz!


just thinking about the us government makes my stomach turn. wonder what kinda world my two girls are going to grow up in. we are being stripped does anyone else see it. i mean. the only law breakin i do concerns pot. other than that i could fit in with any those dea f###ers. i feel let down.


gets some
Hmm, I was under the impression that a (warrantless) FLIR in any case isn't just invalid for warrant purposes but is a flat out illegal violation of your 4th amendment rights. IOW, they can't do it AT ALL without a warrant. It's held to the same standard as if a cop jimmied your front door open, looked around, found your stash, then walked out and proceeded to get a search warrant. Am I misinformed?
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The cops cut a hole in my kitchen floor as a part of a "safety" search. Then got a warrant.

The warrant would probably have been thrown out. But they had me dead to rights on a weapons charge. coped a plea.


"we dont have enough time or money to take a thermal picture of the city"

but man that house was fucking glowing!!!!
we dont know what really caused them to find him except the informant...

such bullshit they make growers seam like such bad people.

man these guys play this shit for the camra..

fucking tool joking about how "they got to take the vests off or they'll be sticky all day, but i kinda like that smell, next thing you know your watchign caddy shack drinking a mtn dew"

its quite sad they just smashed all his gear and left it in a broken pile..
they said how hes so big this that.. his grow was so ghetto, parabolics are so 80's he let his heat bust him.

lol@ that being 'the most sufisticated, grow in detroits history'

neightbors shouting 'thank you' out the windows...lamerz!

yea definetly not the biggest in detriot either my girlfriends pops is in fort dix(FCI) doin a dime for a whole house full, talkin top to bottom every room 3 floors, basment was just for drying....and he got caught cuz of a snitch


I saw the episode too, and while it creeps me out that copper-choppers are using Infrared to look at houses, two things stuck out:

1) They were tipped off by an informant.

2) The DEA agents specifically said they don't have the resources to look at every house out there, because there are simply too many houses.

I assume the "FLIR" exercise was sort of like a police lineup, where the Infrared reading corroborates information they already had from an informant. Or maybe it was just for TV drama.

Did anyone else catch the Ask Ed book comment near the end? About a little "bedtime reading"? Yeah... I have an Ed Rosenthal grow book, and I've admittedly read it in bed. Hah hah, called out by the DEA.