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Its official Cannabis coming back 2 class B in the UK

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
home secretary Jaqui smith has just annouced ganja is going back to class b..
going against her own advisers who recommended staying class C.

Elevator Man

Active member
Don't worry Harry - they'll have been booted out before they can enact it. And they're walking straight into our trap - the fools. Simply bring up legal objections based on disputed THC levels, and they'll be spinning in confusion.

I could point them to Thai stick and other examples of 'traditional' cannabis that are way, way stronger than they think, and also 'skunk' that is much weaker than they think. It's a legal minefield for them, and they're just marching straight into it. Let them.

Also ACPO have just said that they won't implement any change anyway at street level, which means the police are becoming as schizoid as the government. Let them.


Active member
nutters... I like Proper English slang. Nice change from the norm.

That sucks though. When are all these people going to realize it's not going to go away? Is the UK part of that UN treaty that all nations signed saying they'd keep pot illegal?
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Iam gutted i always said the day it goes to class b that was it i would stop growing i never thought they would do it my dream has been snatched away i hate the british goverment why do this? I make lots of canna food for my farther to help with his parkinsons and my mums m.e, so i really dont wanna stop could anyone tell me if i do get busted what would the chance me doing prison time or is a fine still likly.Theres an average of 40/50 plants half flower and half veg thanks.dr h

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
It really fucks me off...
Especially when in the fucking speech she even admitted that usage across ALL age groups has decreased since going to C.... she even admitted that the mental health issue was weak at best..... but then she basically said tough shit the daily mail is who we r listening to...all you potheads can fuck off.. she also claimed some survey showed 58 percent of the piublic think it should be upgraded...
when was this survey taken? who was in the survey....
Chris hume the lib dem leader cussed her goodstyle hough...asking in what circumstances she thought it would be correct for someone to do 5 years for simple posession-no reply and he also asked if she would now be disbanding the ACMD and replacing it with an advisory panel made up of tabloid journos....
We even saw a TORY arguing against it ans arguing for legalisation and a dutch style system...A TORY
If any1 who is going to the london demo will be passing through west yorkshire on the way there and back id luv a lift....


Assholes .. they need their testostrone level lowered .. off they go!!


It is quite something when the tories appear to make more sense !!!!! does anyone trust any of the funkers though
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politicians will say anything to get elected... mostly they spew forth fear, because you can only take away someones rights if they are willing to give them away.

don't be surprised that different parties do things different then you would expect... they have no real beliefs except to attain and keep power.

"and nine rings gifted to the race of men, who above all else desire power"

never been a more true statement.


New member
What a complete load of bullshit this upgrading is.

I've also read they're planning to restrict the sale of cannabis seeds and other cannabis related paraphernalia ??


Uncle FREEDOM said:
politicians will say anything to get elected... mostly they spew forth fear, because you can only take away someones rights if they are willing to give them away.

Nice one, welcome to the open prison Cell Block UK. We are the role model for the western world, what you see here is just the beginning, other countries will follow suit. It has been decreed by the powers that rule us.

Nobody will object to open prison if they cant see the walls.

ditch the TV. Dont let them into your lives.
The only true form of democracy left to us is............. we still have the right to choose who's product we buy. Think wisely before you pay.
Heres someone who knows whats goin down. Dame Vivian Westwood.

Westwood defines Propaganda using Aldous Huxley’s words as ‘Nationalistic Idolatry, Non-Stop Distraction and Organised Lying.’ She urges us to escape these, particularly Non-Stop Distraction, go in search of art and become artistic freedom fighters. This involves making the choice to become more cultured, thus more human, and to understand the world. Our route should be to actively engage with art and use our ethical imagination to be objective and see things as they really are; in the process acquiring knowledge. This knowledge in turn will make us act differently and become better citizens of the world. In this way the Arts Manifesto is a keystone of Westwood’s wider pre-occupations with politics and justice.

Meanwhile......May they ROT in their BRAVE NEW WORLD.
another 7.5 million people became criminals today, thats around 20% of the adult population. Add that to the car tax dodgers, tv licence dodgers, Parking offenders. Lurcher owners, terrier owners. Cigarrette smokers. We are all in prison now.


ICMag Donor
wankers :cuss:

really pisses me of

when do you hear anything about smack, crack and any other drug that does fuck people up

its always weed

fuck the law

i grow and smoke what i want :laughing:

always will even if they make it 10 years inside

fuck em is what i say
grow more than before :laughing:

our laws are a joke

enuff said

peace to all the cannabis community world wide :rasta:

Elevator Man

Active member
I can't see it making much difference in reality - it never stopped me before, and it wouldn't now. This is better regarded as the desperate thrashings of a government in serious disarray - they always clutch at what they believe to be 'safe' issues when in trouble, and it will backfire, believe me. Judges will now require definitions of 'skunk', and we all know where that will lead. And if the police aren't modifying their policy of cautioning rather than arrest, I don't see where it would impact at all, other than on 'provocative' public smoking.

The reason they're ignoring all scientific evidence is because it's not a scientific issue - it's an emotional, territorial one, and is much more to do with Brown's abject fear of David Cameron stealing his post. The Tories know they can crank up the law n' order issue to put Brown on the back foot, never mind the fact that they have zero policies themselves. Brown is more afraid of the Daily Mail right now than his own, more sensible backbenchers who might lose their seats.

Remember, any MP who advocates punitive laws can be voted out. Write to your MP and ask them what they think of the reclassification. If they write back saying they agree with it, then write again and tell them you shan't be voting for them again unless they change their opinion, and say so publicly. Many Labour MPs have majorities in the hundreds remember, and any Conservative who wants the seat will likely only have a similar majority if they win, so write to them too and threaten them with the same. They're often self-serving lazy folk whose fragile egos need constant attention from the public, and they will positively respond to threats of their future unemployment.

There's little point having the Advisory Committee in technical terms if their reports are to be ignored, as their recommendations are based on the best possible advice worldwide, and reflect the mainstream body of opinion averaged out from the extremes of dope-fiend, through interested scientist, to rabid prohibitionist. That they came out with the recommendation they did is to be applauded, given the criterion they're working to.

As for the government, well, they're several years behind the argument, and can pretty much be ignored for now...
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Iam gutted i always said the day it goes to class b that was it i would stop growing i never thought they would do it my dream has been snatched away i hate the british goverment why do this? I make lots of canna food for my farther to help with his parkinsons and my mums m.e, so i really dont wanna stop could anyone tell me if i do get busted what would the chance me doing prison time or is a fine still likly.Theres an average of 40/50 plants half flower and half veg thanks.dr h
Herbal.... theres still a chance of jail with class c mate... but it will be worse with b again...
Thats the really sneaky thing...when they made it class C...at the same time-they increased the class C oenalties-to exactly what they were for Class B anyway...it was all a con.... The only ppl who benefitted were ppl who had half a spliff in their pocket and just had it confiscated instead off being nicked-that was the only relaxation oif the law at all...
I think im going to follow jeremy from the levellers lead in an infamous incident after a bad review in melody maker-well im gonna send a turd to melanie shitface at the daily mail-coz its her fucking lot that have brought this about

Gert Lush

Active member
Unfortunately, the whole thing was based on this myth of some "super-new killer variety" of marijuana, called "skunk" apparently that doesn't exist anywhere in the world except for Britain.

What was really alarming was the ease that this bullshit was swallowed by everyone, hook, line and sinker. The fact that it was initially Far Right American Fundamentalist propaganda and nothing else, seems to have escaped everyone.

Elevator Man, while I agree with you that if we applied even one second's worth of logical thought to this matter, we'd laugh it out of town - it seems that logical thought is not very high on the menu at the moment.

For God's sake, no one has even noticed that there isn't even as yet a valid measure of THC strength, let alone a serious comparison with traditional landrace strains - yet all the officials are baying about 10, 20, 30 and 100x times stronger THC. LOL! I've even seen one police chief talk about 1000x stronger.

We are witnessing a witch-hunt really, (new) cannabis is clearly the Devil (ooooh, so scaaaary), and anyone associated with it a witch! And we all know what we do to witches, eh?

The fact that the whole thing was also driven to a large extent by dysfunctional parents who were unwilling to accept their responsibility for the awful way they brought up their kids, Debra Bell and co., and would rather blame it on cannabis, is not particularly encouraging. This seems to be the only group that really had the government's ear! Proof positive that cannabis causes mental damage.... to those that don't like it :D

Finally, I don't understand why some people seem to rate the ACMD, as if this organisation knew their arse from their elbow. The fact that these people DID NOT pick up on the bullshit about "new, super-strength cannabis", raises many questions about their competence.

Also the ACMD's recommendation of making seeds illegal should leave no doubt about the caliber of cretins we're dealing with.


New member
There a bunch of bastards. Im just waiting to move so i can start growing i'd like to see them try and stop me!

Gert Lush

Active member
Iam gutted i always said the day it goes to class b that was it i would stop growing
HM, that's a bit of a daft thing to say, isn't it, mate, especially since the penalties for B and C are exactly the same... The whole thing is simply a political football my friend, pay them no attention.

i never thought they would do it my dream has been snatched away
You need more robust dreams... :smile:

i hate the british goverment why do this?
Perhaps because they are slimy, sickening, small-minded people with no other interests than feathering their own nests?

Gert Lush

Active member
Kenny79 said:
There a bunch of bastards. Im just waiting to move so i can start growing i'd like to see them try and stop me!
Would you, really?
Cause that's quite easy to arrange -- just put up a big notice saying "I'm growing here, try and stop me!"

But perhaps that's not what you meant... ;)

Maybe some familiarisation with the English language would help a lot of people put their case forward a bit better. Just a thought.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
The pigs say they will do nothing different but they are getting very happy busting grows, it is so easy. This morning the BBC reported on a 26 plant "factory" being taken down after being sniffed out by some fucktard flatfoot on patrol, while smack, crack and meth are being dealt on 1001 streetcorners by people too young or addicted to be worth the bother of catching and actually getting them punished.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
ROFL @ Mr Lush, ........ can I please have a fat, fat baggie of whatever Gert is smoking, D.G.A.F. what class it is. :wink: