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me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
i have a c24 (22"deep x 6' high x 48" wide) and i currently have 9 x 3gl grow bags organic soil. i can hold a max of 10 but i need room for the fan (too lazy to mount it).

i want to do an organic hydro run with 2gl buckets, along the lines of a:

1. recirculating DWC mini system
2. 2 x 360 sprayers within each bucket in a tray with a mix of chunky perilite/hydroton
3. an aeroponics setup with the same 2 sprayer set up in each bucket (always did like aeroponics).

i can definitely do at least 10 buckets no matter what system i use, but will the 400HPS be enough light?.

IMO i think if i use the rest of my mylar in there and get the most out of the light i should be good, i mean its a light bath for the plants now but:

-does it sound feasible ?
-would the 400 be enough for a hydro grow?
-as long as the closet itself is lit, isn't that the main thing?
-i know the nutes would be different, but are the light requirements for hydro any different?

i used to really be into hydro, and i still remember that every thing has to be light tight, i already have the supplies to see to that.


ive got 11 plants under 1 400hps in flower and it will be enough for them...2 different flood tables...i could actually do 16 plants total if i had started both tables with clones instead of 1 with seeds and the other with clones.
I think it works out great tho
good luck


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight


:wave: thats all i needed to hear! i will go for it then. thanks Levitikuz. although i want to hear more opinions, i think i will go ahead and get it started.i have most of the supplies already, and it will prep me for larger hydro grows later on.

:joint: eventualy once, i get my private room built, i wanna do a hydro and soil in the same room. so i am gonna get my feet wet with it in my small cab, so i can go full speed when i do go larger.

keep em' comin' people keep em' comin!!! :rasta:

In Vino Veritas

When I first started it was with a 150W HPS, in a 24"x24"x7' cabinet. I had 3' on the bottom for veg and 4' on top for flower. I would run about 21 plants in there - in Big Gulp cups. I also did just one, and ran with just 6 for a while. It's all in the veg time.


with with your light and grow space your looking at 54 watts per square foot. that is plenty of light for as many grow buckets as you can fit on the floor of your cab. the more plants you have the less time you will need to veg. but i wouldn't use a multi bucket recirculating system for a space that small. it's just more complicated than it needs to be. you would get the same result growing multiple plants in one big DWC tub or a couple of smaller ones and you would have a less expensive and less likely to leak system. the light requirements for hydro are no different than with soil, hydro plants just grow a little faster so you have less veg time. also if you use a couple of smaller DWC's instead of a recirculating system you can grow different types and begin your final flush independently when each type is ready instead of having to flush them both at the same times.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
stonedeconomist said:
with with your light and grow space your looking at 54 watts per square foot. that is plenty of light for as many grow buckets as you can fit on the floor of your cab. the more plants you have the less time you will need to veg. but i wouldn't use a multi bucket recirculating system for a space that small. it's just more complicated than it needs to be. you would get the same result growing multiple plants in one big DWC tub or a couple of smaller ones and you would have a less expensive and less likely to leak system. the light requirements for hydro are no different than with soil, hydro plants just grow a little faster so you have less veg time. also if you use a couple of smaller DWC's instead of a recirculating system you can grow different types and begin your final flush independently when each type is ready instead of having to flush them both at the same times.
HMMM you do speak words of wisdom my friend. i am thinking along the lines of i really dont have that much experience with hydro and need to get my feet wet again. so yes , i may just take things slow and do a multiple site single tub grow. i can do the same 10 or maybe 12 plants in my current cab (6 in each tub x 2 tubs)


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
In Vino Veritas said:
When I first started it was with a 150W HPS, in a 24"x24"x7' cabinet. I had 3' on the bottom for veg and 4' on top for flower. I would run about 21 plants in there - in Big Gulp cups. I also did just one, and ran with just 6 for a while. It's all in the veg time.
so you mean you dont veg for too long? you would lose on yield but hey , how much does one person need to grow right? lol, cant be too greedy now.

your setup sounds like something i would do later on but with mothers/clones and then have a larger space to flower in.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
I knew someone in real life who put 12 plants under a 400watter in a 4x5 grow box and got 9 oz's..

it sure was crammed, but somehow it worked out


I got a storage garage thing on side of a house and I was thinking of putting this 400hps there. I just have it laying in my closet.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
well currently i am building a 4x4x6 closet and i want to fit atleast 25 in there. i know , i know its gonna be tight as all hell but waste not want not, but the 16 should do me just fine, and i want to max out the 400HPS i have with batwing reflector. pics are soon to come. some things are assembled and somethings i need to wait to get parts for but it should be pretty cool once its up


Active member

If your going dwc keep veg time to three weeks or less this bubba had three weeks veg and ended up over 3 feet.The reason I say dwc is you say your new to hydro then dwc is for you all the way ,water,air pump, rocks out your yard,pot that your gonna drill mucho holes in and tub. So tub=5.00,air pump=7.00,airstone=.96,hose=3.00 what's that 16.00 bucks and you have a ten gallon dwc growing machine.I run 4 tubs like this under a 400 hps in a 4x4 space 4 plants per tub. :rasta:
this was when I ran three per tub...


Matter that Appreciates Matter

21 X 23 X 48 space and I can get 16 cups that are bottom fed from my rez. It uses no electricity and I can scale up to pots since everything is in the trays. A good clone can do 10-13 grams or so a cup easy. I only use a 250W w/ some cfls for the lower areas. Cups and coco... F the bags.

Good luck! You ain't the only one trying to put a jungle in a cabinet!


Active member
well currently i am building a 4x4x6 closet and i want to fit atleast 25 in there. i know , i know its gonna be tight as all hell but waste not want not, but the 16 should do me just fine, and i want to max out the 400HPS i have with batwing reflector. pics are soon to come. some things are assembled and somethings i need to wait to get parts for but it should be pretty cool once its up
Hey FRANK :wave: ........with that many plants in it you'll probably SOG? 25 plants would be a real jungle, so the light probably wouldn't penetrate deep?.... Have you ever consider going vertical? You could get some nice yields with your 400w.

3dDream said:
21 X 23 X 48 space and I can get 16 cups that are bottom fed from my rez. It uses no electricity and I can scale up to pots since everything is in the trays. A good clone can do 10-13 grams or so a cup easy. I only use a 250W w/ some cfls for the lower areas. Cups and coco... F the bags.

Good luck! You ain't the only one trying to put a jungle in a cabinet!
:laughing: :laughing:
Nice cab 3d.... I'm to running similar "machine" as you. Mine is 21x21x33 with 150 hps hanged vertical, and also with 16 plants in. This is my second grow and I'm 21 days into 12/12. First run I had 2 ladies lsted around the bulb and had 15 main colas and yielded exactly 4 oz

Where we are now

How it started

Previous grow

I'm not trying to hijack you thread or anything FRANK, with so many pics. Just trying to help so you could get most out of your light. If you arranged your plants around the bulb like me, you could easily pack 30+ in there.

Anyways good luck, and have fun putting it together

See ya




Matter that Appreciates Matter
Propoline, I bow to the elegance of your setup. :bow: I am still trying to get things dialed in w/ my setup, but I will take a few of your ideas. I like them stakes! My girls get fat and sort of support on each other which makes them weak.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
well things are in the works and the closet is being built as we speak, i know its been a while but i have started the diary allready and should be posting pics of everything soon

just came back from STT and it was cool, cousin kept flakin outon me on the weed aspect, but its all good. just another lesson learned.

will be back later on an update this thread with some pics, sorry about the hiatus
I've got a 3'x4'x5' shelf/cab with 6 plants in 3 gal containers & I didn't think 400W was enough so I added 2 - 65W Fluorex cfl's to either side -

Maybe I veg my plants too long, but I'm getting a 600W together for my next grow in that space. For me it's 400W = 4 plants, 600W = 6 plants, 1000W = 10 plants. Of course I'm in dirt & not scrogging small plants.
I'm doing another separate grow at the same time in my stairwell with 6 plants and had to add my 2'x4 bulb T5 to the 400W to help 2 of the smaller bushes.



me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
well its been a while and i am gonna defintiely be putting up some pics of teh new 4x4 cab later on. dont think i forgot!!!

had some clone troubles and really didint realize how lucky i was with teh first batch of clones. this heat is really kicken my ass though, but its ok, theyll make it somehow, ill see to that. come too far to let any bullshit stop me now!!!

will update soon