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Chemdog DD in Coco

Lucky U

Ok guys this is my first attempt at coco so that should be enough said about that.

As for what I am using:
The seedlings will be vegged under my 400w HPS, although they are currently under CFL

From there they will be flowered under my 2k setup

They will be feed Hesi and will be replanted in Canna Coco (3gal grow bags), however they are in some noname coco right now

Currently the seedlings are about 4 to 6 days old

Pull up a chair I will be adding some Chemdog D BX1s as soon as they arrive :headbange

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Former P.O.W
ICMag Donor
Hi Lucky U, Ive been thinking of trying coco this fall.I dont know too much about it so Ive got my chair. Im ready to watch and learn! :wave:


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Hi! What are you feeding them right now? What is the PH? The yellow on the leaves worries me.


Pull my finger
damn, that course coco looks like fun. is the whole grow going to be in the course grade stuff?

Space Ghost

^^^yeah, when you transplant, I'd break up the coco much more finely

But I'm pulling up a chair for this one.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
When you say "noname coco" do you really mean "coco I made myself by attacking a couple of coconuts with my garden strimmer ?"


I would watch out with cheap coco, there is a lot of work goes into cleaning and buffering it, I always buy the €15 Canna Professional over the €10 Canna standard, IMHO it is not worth taking any risk.

Good luck matey, I will be following this, I have a pack of CDD waiting for me back at home !


hey Lucky U....mind if I pull up a chair and watch?

May I ask if you started the beans in the coarse grade coco ( which would be an overwhelming thing to try and break up any further by the way ) or were they just recently transplanted into the coco? I love the coarse grade for ebb and flo, and a few friends use it running a drip system. For seedlings I like the fine grade coco,for older plants in a hand water to wast a mix of fine medium and coarse grades. I won't mention any brands cause I've tried them all just about including the pet stores bedabeast brand ( reptile bedding, both the brick and the chunk brands they carry ) and they all work about the same. Flushing it of salts is a good thing even if it claims to be saltfree IMO. If you're going to use the coarse brand, it tends to dry out on you quicker, and bad things happen to plants when coco drys out.

The yellow leaves are troublesome. Either the seedling has used up all stored nutes and is hungry, or usually, in coco, it is indicative of ph and/or cal mag problems. Make sure you keep the water ph about 6.0 ( little higher, little lower no biggie, just not too much higher or lower for right now ) don't ask me what the runoff should be cause I never measure the runoff. Are you adding cal mag or sensimag to the water? I'd hold off on nutes for just a bit. What bothers me even more than the yellow leaves is it appears as tho the stems are a reddish/purple color.
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Yeah I would get them in some canna or other brand name coco made for growing in. I love canna

Lucky U

3dDream said:
Hi! What are you feeding them right now? What is the PH? The yellow on the leaves worries me.
I am feeding them Hesi but at about 10ml/gal, yeah I know this may not be enough, I just wanted to be on the safe side. As for the ph it is at 5.8

Hey Zoo and evlme2 I am going to replant this weekend, I agree this stuff is not the best coco, but it was all I could get at the time.

oldpeculiar, Yeah I started these beans in the coco but I let them put on a 2 inch tail first then into the coco. As for the yellowing it is more than likely underfeeding.

ChaosCatalunya, no I didi not make the coco, however that would be a cool project :headbange

Sorry if I did not answer you question


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Hi Lucky,

Yeah, making COCO would be very cool, but watching that Canna COCO DVD and reading a bit about it put me off ! There is a lot of work in washing the stuff, then some secret buffering thing it took decades to work out how to do ... then more messing about.... I am just happy to pay my €€€€ to Señor Canna for his good work ... Have a look at their explanation of the 2 products and also the general COCO information PDF for enough information to put you off making the stuff !!

Your COCO looks really nice, chunky bits full of air, I just hope that the ChemDD likes it too !
Good thread Bro,ill be watchin :headbange . Im makin the gradual move to Coco now.Just gonna do a few with Hesi nutes to see how it goes for me.This is the Coco just picked up,anyone ever use it,any tips? :rasta: American Agritech has sourced the worlds most premium coir fiber. Cocogro has a very low salt content that is available in double-sieved long fibers to reduce dust and give ample space within the mix.

Cocogro has excellent drainage properties and can be used over a longer period of time than coir fiber with shorter fibers. With longer fibers and reduced dust, growers will experience an optimal air to water ratio, which is vital for strong root development.

Cocogro is unique because it is not chemically treated like other coir fibers on the market. Cocogro is a superior coir fiber because it is aged a minimum of 18 months and has finished its decomposition stage. In addition, Cocogro passes through at least three monsoon seasons, which naturally washes away harmful salts out of the final product. Most other coir fibers are only 4 to 5 months old and have excessive potassium and salts and thus have to be chemically treated.

* 100% organic coir fiber
* Optimum air to water ratio
* Superior plant yields versus conventional potting soil
* Flushed of excess sodium
Total Newb divin in h3ad first,lol.


what do you guys think of the b'cuzz bags of coir? i like it cause it's easy and already broken up :)

Lucky U

Ok, I guess by popular demand, I will at least continue to use the particular coco for one of the plant at the minimum but the others I am replanting in Canna Coco this weekend.

Hey dirtdog, I wanted to use b'cuzz but just as luck would have it the store does not have it any more.


I think the B'cuzz Bounce coco which comes in a compressed brick is good stuff but their loose bags....what is that stuff?!?!!? It has the consistency of snuff tobacco. It's like soil, I imagine you'd need a shitload of perlite for that stuff.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
duddits said:
I think the B'cuzz Bounce coco which comes in a compressed brick is good stuff but their loose bags....what is that stuff?!?!!? It has the consistency of snuff tobacco. It's like soil, I imagine you'd need a shitload of perlite for that stuff.

Funny you say that as I liked Lucky U's "strimmed coconut" looking COCO because it looked so rough and coarse.

The Canna professional has been rotted/flushed/buffered/treated for longer than the Canna standard, leaving it looking more like the B'cuzz you describe.... so, technically it is better, from the reduced salts point of view, but visibly it looses air space.

This has always intrigued me about COCO..... I once run outdoor plants with air bubblers in the middle of 20 L pots, but it seemed to make no difference.

I think [....so, may well be wrong...] that Canna and B'cuzz would have realised that "rotted/flushed/buffered/treated" COCO that looks more like soil produces better than almost raw COCO full of air and does not need perlite... or they would add it... wouldn't they ?


Got me, but without knowing I would think it wouldn't breath well enough straight like that. Be curious to see how it would pack.


By the by, I'm looking at these. Sounds GOOD. I plan on trying in a few pots.

I had wanted to add perlite to my B'cuzz Bounce coco but I re-use as much as possible and that stuff is too messy. Forgedaboutit. This stuff though sounds better than perlite and it is glass! Re-use city!

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