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hairs turning red in mid flower ?? ( the church )

hello all ,
i have a 5 ( the church ) all fem girls from greenhouse seeds , at a friends , and everything is going good . but today ( day 36 of flower i notis the hairs turning red all of a sudden . ?? not sure if this is normal i am a new grower , but i had to have been in the last week that they did this turn , thats the last time i was there and everything was white as can be . so people is this normal or what , i a, thinking they will be done the first of june. i can add pics is needed . but there are in a closet 6 feet X 2 1/2 deep , with a 1000k and a 375 cfm blower and carbon scrubber . my buddys who's house they are at has been growing for years , and says the only thing that he can think of is ( its just the stran ) , so i am asking here ,
Some strains turn earlier than others, your good. Just start lookin at the trichs around the breeders estimated flower time. Or you could be like 90% of IC(myself included) who checks them almost daily knowing full well that it's not finished and wont be finished for weeks. ;) :wave:
awesome thanks man , just seams weird. i am starting to question the rigor and stamina of femanized seed's but then maybe its just me . humm

also is gh 3 part ferts a good ( all the way thru ) fert's ??? Ive been use gh and a product called suger daddy . as recommended by directions on jug's .

and other recomendations ??? a good friend said to switch to ka_boom that he has always had great outcome with ka-boom .


Nothing wrong with femmed seeds.
I grow lots of Church.
If the hairs are already red, something happened.
Maybe your friend isn't telling you something?
Were they sprayed?
Sulfur burner?
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New member
do you use a foliar spray, if so that could be the problem to much fert i had the same prob with one of my first crops it burnt most of the hairs so i swapped fert for plain water and a few weeks later the prob was solved
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One possibility is tht the plants have seeded due to a possible slight herm in the plant. i have had this happen a few times due to seeding. im hopin for your sake it is just the strain, but when hairs start turning brown/red in mid flowering sometimes it means that its been pollinated. hope not good luck man!
naa they where not sprayed , i threw the sprayer away to avoid this , no sulfer burner used , . and as fas as i know there are no hermi's ether , i will pull everything out again when i go there next, and examen again but i dont beleave so / what would the out come be if some of them did pollinate , how badly would it mess things up , i know they will still grow , but what should i expect ?
and if they do in fact grow seeds , would the seeds be any good to use , or would the be hermi also ?

sorry im still green .
also here are a few shots last time i was there before the change . i dident have my cam last time i went to take pics of the red hairs . looks like i need to plan a trip . lol



From the pics uve posted it dont look like there are any balls among the buds, however could do with seeing the new pics with red hairs, in answer to your question of what would happen if its already pollinated, well for example if its just a stray male flower (sometimes they are hidden under/ among the female bud) it may produce just a few seeds in your buds rather than a lot, if there are more male flowers and the pollination took place in early flowering you could end up with buds just full of seed i mean hundreds! its happened to me once! but im guessing as the stigmas hadnt turned red before day 36 tht your crop wont be all seed as some bud has already formed before the possible pollination.....but saying that it could just be a feature of the strain the church not sure ....if so it may be totally unseeded! if it is seeded the resulting seeds would probably be some females and some hermies. from the pics all looks well to me! let us know how it turns out man :joint: (fuk its hard typin coherently on pure rhino! lol)


I'm interested to see those pics.
I couldn't tell from your original post if it was a bunch of red hairs or just a few..
ok i got those pics last night. the first few are the biggest plant witch is still compleatly white .

and here are a few of the ones in question . >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

so what ya think ???? i dont see and seed or seeds packs , nor did i see any male flowers on any of the plants . anyone got a picture of a seed starting to grow on a bud ????? thanks all


nothing to worry about, my speedqueen clone hair change colour like that 10 days before harvest time.

edit: oh, you are in mid flower... are you using small pots? my 2 t.haze x skunk1 were in mid flower and had reddish hair , and they were in 1litre pots.
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one of them is in a 5 gal bucket , the others have about 10 gallons of dirt per plant , as there is two plants sharing a 20 gallon tubs . thanks for the replys ,

its strange cause 2 of 5 plants are turning redish , the rest are still white as can be .

thanks again
you say mid flower.. what week? started on... now on?

very nice job to you or whoever is taking care of them, they look like some healthy/happy plants. fan leaves stretching out and up are a sign that the plant is very healthy. looks like she will just be a early finisher low yielder.

IME the pheno's that finish early(indica dom) seem to have the stigma's dry much earlier than the sat dom phenos. i'm willing to bet that's the first one to finish. doesn't look like a yielder but who cares when you have that fat bitch(pardon me) beautiful lady next to her. lol tell me you got clones off that fat one... ?

i've had phenos that looked like they were done at 6weeks(mostly cloudy trichome's) then explode and are perfect at 8-9 weeks. it's like the first wave of flowers set and then the second wave really packs it on. i'm on week 6 and have tons of red stigma's with the second wave of growth now in full swing.

nothing to worry about IMO
they are on there fith week , should be done around june first.

and clones, hahaa man i had so meny i had to thro some away , this ( the church ) is a very very very leafy and bushy lady , i have trimmed down about once a week to keep them under control .

and it is a very over welming sticky funky sour smell to it , like franco from green house seeds says ( its like a punch to the nose ).

and also this is my second grow, my first got cut early due to the man getting close to friends of mine, but yea this is my first grow that whent into flowering .

and i am the only one that takes care of them , my buddy has 35 plants in anouther room to keep him busy, 10 lui ,10 blockhead , 10 sensi star , 5 church . ( i cant use his as a reference, cause he got the close from me ).

my buddy said that it might be that the light is to far away from the lower buds causeing them to turn red early ????/ humm sounds iffy ???
also to the note ( they look happy ) , please come back in a day or so. as i will be takeing them all out of there bat cave to do more trimming . and to lower light a bit. and i will take a groupe shot and a total plant shot of each ( 5 )

also there easy to keep happy , i go there every other night and water . other then that i dont think about them . i got plenty light (1k ) and alot of air( 375 cfm) and food and water .

all i need to do now is find a way to set up a watering system, and i could not even touch them for a few weeks , till i need to trim. hummm :joint:

p.s. some of lower buds i cut off a few days back , they where not doing the best, i let them dry and tryed them , and being a lower bud cut half way thew grom , they where still great tasteing.
dident get a chance to take the pics, but i have bad news . wile over there i pulled a plant out and was doing a real close look around , and i see seeds starting to grow, :fsu: , its mainly on the lower branchs .

but the thing is none of use see and male ( bannana's ) as we call them , of any male pods at all . and we looks like crazy once i spotted tiny seeds .

now , what can i do , should i grow them out ? should i chop now and start new stuff ? whats the best thing i can do now ????

also, my friend said that it might not be anything i did at all, that it could be in the batch of seeds that i got . :badday: :bashhead: :cuss:

anyways please let me know my best option at this point .

thanks again
oh wow dude that sucks. i'd just finish the plant like normal if you don't see nanna's on the plant. only reason to pull it would to stop the others from being seeded too.

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