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Eat Crunch Munch? Don't throw away the bags!

Hey guys i was just enjoying my bubblehash rolled up into a cigarello and watching tv. So I was having the munchys for some snack, there I was eating Crunch Munch Caramel and when i close the bag and light was shining on it and it reflect back into my eye. Thats when i was like Whoa this thing is like Mylar! :jump: So i thought to myself I get to eat some delicious popcorn and when im done i get this about 10x24 peice of mylar, and if i keep collecting it i'll have a growroom with these bags. :rasta:
Sounds pretty ghetto, friend....

If you don't want to spend the money on mylar(the real deal mylar, not aluminum insulation), then just paint the walls flat white. Paint is cheap, and non-toxic. And the difference of light reflection between flat white paint and mylar is negligable.
Mr. Botanical. My point is that instead of throwing away your trash you can make something out it. If you think like that there will be less trash in the world.

U wouldn't go buy a bunch of Crunch Munch just to get that mylar effect that wouldn't be smart would it?
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Wow I was eating Pop-tarts and thought the same thing.Then when my mom found me cutting Pops-Tarts out of the bag, all she said was you not growing in my house.Damn hippie mom.lol Also Pepridge farm cookie bags are mylar ,but I get the giant pain in the ass emergency blankets, I think they were $.89 a piece.Well you can get a blanket, but no cookies. I have food stamp-card so my babes get the best water that I can buy and the food item containers that I use to grow in also moleass's. Wrapping paper is mylar sometimes you could use blue in veg and red in flower!?HoHohem?Maybe I'll do that .


Poodo said:
I have food stamp-card so my babes get the best water that I can buy

You mean that I can buy. Glad my money goes towards good use


no wuckin furries!
my 1st hydro grow...done on a budget i found i needed some panda plastic for the inside of a wardrobe...i had some white potting soil bags that i just cut to open them up and thumb tacked them....did the job for the one time grow.HH. =]-~


A lot of food comes in mylar these days. My wardrobe is lined with crisp packet mylar in fact, didn't see any point in buying it when I throw loads of it away all the time.


Active member
It'd be a bitch just to get the foil from fuckin crunch-n-munch clean enough,haha. I second the white paint. Recycle the bags some other kind of way.


hehe lets brag about our food stamps!

I think using black and white poly film (panda film) is the most affordable


668, Neighbor of the Beast
Those little lunch sized Oreo cookies have it too.

Funny they can afford to pack snacks in mylar but I go to buy it by the roll and its CHACHING!!!!!
i know most states require a job to be eligible for food stamps. i'm pretty sure they got a job.

like you guys pay taxes, besides in the fancy stores and restaurants you spend your profit on. lol give the guy a break. Mr 9k has a problem with someone spending his tax money? lol i can give a shit what they buy with that money, thats their choice. it's like having mom and dad helping you out, just some people don't have that option.


If your disabled your disabled and I have no problem with getting money for food.It's my SSI also when you grow up you will see there is many was to get money from the government.
Thankx for your hard work sound like you need to smoke more!I also worked for 15 years so I'm spend my money I give a shit also.This is a lot like people that go to church I really don't care what you have to say I get mine,plus you would smoke my weed and shut up.Anyway I mow like 3acres of land a week and have garden.
#3 I'm crazy you don't want people like me working around happy go lucky monday morning smiley peps that would get the word food stamps stuck in there head like you guys I'd snap!!!!!!

Jack Crevalle

White paint is best, saves alot of problems such as pieces of mylar falling off the walls, time it takes to break down grow room due to untacking all those pieces, irregular light reflection could cause burn marks on leaves with HID, there could be several issues that white paint would solve, nice trying to "help the earth", but the recycle bin works great at that!

ps- I think it's very lame when people milk the system just to sit at home and grow and try not to make a living also just because everyone else is paying hard earned taxes to support. Those are the growers who try to charge you for a bongload or a gram of bud when the rent is due and get all mad because the crop isn't ready, they ran outta tax money they got for scamming us hard workers. I'm not saying that is the case here, but using stamps for bottled water for your plants is plain STUPID. Stamps are for people to buy food with and water to drink. Anyways, tap water that sat for 2 days with some PH up or down to regulate it works fine for soil grows, and alot of bottled water is just that...tap water in a bottle.. I figure people who claim false permanent disability, insanity, whatever and milk the system just died early, didn't accomplish shit, and use the extra stamps and money for shit like bottled water and pop tarts are the perfect example of the lazy and useless society we live in......rant over, I just know a few losers that leave a bad taste in my mouth, you know who you are..
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