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Sound Muffling / Absorption


I can hear fans running a little bit when I press my ear against the door / wall. I am wondering if I nail up some comforters to the walls if they will absorb sound and make things a little bit quieter. Will this work?


Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
skylined said:
I can hear fans running a little bit when I press my ear against the door / wall. I am wondering if I nail up some comforters to the walls if they will absorb sound and make things a little bit quieter. Will this work?


Hey Skylined :wave:

I think comforters nailed to the walls would help a little.. Likely not what you're looking for though.

May want to consider building a box or muffler of some kind for your fan.. Sound reduction is mostly about putting mass between the sound and the listener. Wrap the comforter around your head and listen.. Then put your hands over your ears and and it should be much more quiet than the blanket. Hopefully that will illustrate the concept for you, unless you sleep with lead blankets or something hehe.

DIY muffler thread

Fan box thread (for true building pimps)

If you're on the lazy-mode though, get one of those egg-crate mattress pads at walmart or something and wrap it around the fan.. Should cut down the noise a good deal, though not nearly as much as a true muffler or box.

Good luck!


Ok thanks. Was just an idea in passing as I am feeling lazy lately since FINALLY I'm done building my setup. Skylined needs a break lol. I will certainly read through this threads and see what I can come up with.



There is are also commercially available sound suppressing wall materials available. I looked at some at Home Depot today. It's some sort of rigid, fibrous, 1/2" thick material. Comes in big panels kind of like drywall except it's black. It would definitely need to be painted or covered, lol.

It may have been one of the products offered by this company:http://www.soundstop.net/homeowners/utilitylaundry/. There are lots of other companies too I believe that sell a variety of sound proofing solutions. Car audio shops should have sheets of sound barrier material too. Just some ideas....

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Im thiking that maybe Im going to try a couple of these flexible silencers...theyre cheap enough and they can bend 90 degrees to fit in ur space... They claim to be just as effective as rigid ones
http://www.3countieshydroponics.co.uk/system/index.htm Id build some normal ones with buckets but i think I can fit these into my space better...
Ill get 1 and see how well it does the trick and if it works well enough Ill get 2 more for the other 2 fans(I run a 325m3/hour main extract, and 225M3/hour intake and a 660M3/Hour on the aircooled hood. (To compare european M3/Hr fan ratings to north american CFM ratings Divide the M3/Hr rating by 1.69901)
EDIT never mind, their website is setup to take you to their homepage no matter what link you follow there so the link doesnt work... but if you want to see the flexible silencers i was talking about they are listed under enviroment
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Hey thanks everyone. It's not the fan itself its all the air blowing out that sounds like a fucking jet taking off. So I'm guessing I need the muffler. Unfortunately I rather lack funds severely right now so I think I might somehow retrofit a 4 gallon bucket to build a muffler...should cut down on the noise enough.


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