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Where to find weed ? (Bologna)


Boys prompt where in it is possible to find a grass? In the city of Bologna or in vicinities :joint:

Meal from other country, but through the border I can not take... Where on a place it is possible to cut down


Son Of Botany - Green Block Original Shrdana
sorry can't help you 'couse i don't visit bologna from over 10 years.
in the centre i belive it will be easy to find something to smoke but mainly hash and pay attention.
see ya soon


Peace, love and THC
ICMag Donor
Not completely true. It is quite easy to find decent hashish through the very large student community pouring in the bars and cafes every night. And there are a few really dedicated indoor growers in the area. Difficult to find good bud at fair prices, though.


Thanks you! We shall search as they say))
I think still I shall have time to grow up and the Lowrider for a summer....
By the way as there about cultivation in the north of the country?

And still what prices on qualitative stuff\weed! ))


Active member
Africano said:
What means glas weed? Good or bad ?

It's bad man! Very bad! It means that grass is 'cutted' with micro glass dust and that's very dangerous for your heatlh. I get in touch with that stuff myself and I bring it to a friend's chemical laboratory to see the stuff with a microscope to confirm it contains some silicon dust. So pay attention on this rottengrass 'cos it was a problem around all europe . Have a look at this: http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/4907.html

By the way I think we all like to smoke hemp but if u go to Bologna to holyday just enjoy the city and maybe u'll find some weed/hash from the many students in the streets as Franco said. Don't trust any north african street pusher around university 'cos thay just sell shitpollenbars.

Bologna is a very nice city I'm sure you will like it and is sublime food (mortadella rules!!!)
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Anything to itself... I even did not know about this glass!
That has explained thanks
In general I have understood so it is possible to find a grass in the street about universities or in "MONTAGNOLA" (that this such?) it would be desirable to know the prices for hashish?


New member
probably you find this site useful ... webehigh(dot)com
...it explains like finding in all the countries...


Joint Date: Today.
I agree with Franco, Filimagno and TLB. no Doubt.

Remember (with hash): if it turns black and burns like wood - it aint hash. It SHOULD BUBBLE. This is a rule that you will need for sure along the streets.


New member
We we in Bologna

We we in Bologna

Hey guys,i kinda need some help.Im in Bologna for the next 2 weeks and i need to find we we.I went in the Univ area and i didnt see any morrocans...Please guys..i dont want to be bored for 2 weeks.Tkx

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