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SuperSilverHaze from Mr Nice, Part II...pedro's way



Hey Wally!!

Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Always a honor to have a famous Australian breeder commenting!! I'm honored.

I have a couple new pics. You can see SSH5 resin better in this one.

SSH5 on day 35 of 11/13. This is one of her two longest tops. Resin is coming on.

same plant as above

Here is SSH5 and SSH6(rear)

SSH2 on day 41 of 11/13 This plant is over 5 feet tall if it were upright and not tied over!!! The stakes are 40" from the soil. The bottom of the light is 59" from the soil base.


My "babies" are becoming "monsters"!!!

My "babies" are becoming "monsters"!!!

Hey everyone!

New pictures of my plants. I sure hope SSH2 and SSH5 stop getting any bigger!!!

Here is SSH2. She is about 54" tall as you see her. She would be near 5 feet without the LST'ing. She was topped TWICE before flowering. She began flowering about 16" tall. Pretty vigorous plant, wouldn't you say? And this is under a 400W light.


SSH2 on Day 46 of 11/13. I think this one will go 12-13 weeks minimum.

My monster girl!!!! :sasmokin:

I love the look of this plant!!

I love the skinny leaves on this pheno!!!!
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Here is SSH5 and SSH6. These are interesting because they are the two phenos that were same age, same pruning and topping. transplants same days etc.

They have turned into two VERY different phenotypes.

Here is SSH5 on Day 40 of 11/13

And SSH6 on Day 40 of 11/13

And here they are together so you can see them side by side and how different they are. SSH5(L) must be the Northern Lights leaning pheno? Small and opposite budding nodes and smaller compact stature....SSH6(R) being a huge sprawling , skinny leaf sativa dominant plant?


You can see that my plants are healthy right down to the bottom. These are 6 weeks into flowering. No yellowing. I cut lower budding nodes off, but left the big fans...as I think one should do. The plant needs them.

SSH5 Buds What pheno? Don't you love the color of a nice healthy plant? :sasmokin:

SSH5 pollinated bud. Seed brachs are really swelling up with growing seeds


Hey hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone asked me about "stretch" with SSH. I thought pictures might be nice. This is SSH2 at various stages of flowering. She sprouted on January 31st. She was vegged 18/6 until February 26th. As you see, she TRIPLED+ in just 4 weeks. Rather vigorous plant, don't ya think?

They don't all stretch that much. SSH5 has stretched about lil over 2X in same time period

400W and 3 gallon pot.


SSH2 02/28 day 2 of flower She is 16"(between the red lines)

SSH2 03/26 Day 30 of flower (Between the red lines is 40")

SSH2 04/11 Day 46 of flower (Between the red lines is 40")
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Well I fucked up.

I have a few more seeds coming from my SSH than I originally planned on. I kept looking at my plants and there were swollen calyxes in places I "didn't pollinate".

I think what happened was after I did my last pollination, I "killed" off my male SSH plant...or thought I did. I broke off the flower stalk and laid it on the veg shelf next to the plant intending on tossing it and the plant later. I dropped the panda plastic curtain and shut the light off. Yesterday in the process of "cleaning up" I discovered that I hadn't trashed the plant. It had grown several flower stalks 4-5" tall in 24 hour darkness and no water. The pods had most all burst. Pollen was every fucking where !!!!!!!!!

I'll lose some yield but that's OK. Live and learn.

This will be like the old days in the 60's when I had to pick seeds out LOL!!

Here's some pictures from today.


Here they all are. SSH2(L) is on day 52 of flower. SSH5(Front R) and SSH6 back of her are on Day 46 of flower. The light is as high as it can go. I tilt it and move it back and forth to even up the light some.

SSH2 here on the left isd gonna have to stay in this spot. I have them all sorta tied so they are where they're gonna be for the duration.

SSH6 is the one with a branch you see in the back middle against the hut walll. She is very similar to SSH2, a big sprawling sativa. However see how big those skinny upper fans are. They are bigger than my hand. SSH2 has MUCH smaller skinny fans at about the same place on the node. Interesting.

All three of these are SSH5. She has pollinated buds all over. The very bottom buds were the ones I did intentionally. See that shitty bottom picture. Those buds area really swollen with seeds even though you can't see that here. She continues to put on resin though...lots of it. even on the bottom buds with seeds...very frosty girl. Very indica looking structure too ..don'y'all think? Opposite noding and branching. Buds are fat dense indica looking things. Must be the Northen Lights genes expressed? SSH6 has a branch in the left side of picture. Plants are same age. Look at the difference in bud structure. SSH6 is a long way from finishing.

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Ain't nothin' wrong with some seeded bud, especially when the seeds are SSH F2s. Love the looks of those ladies Pedro, you ended up with a nice assortment of phenos. I think we'll be harvesting our SSH about the same time.
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Any update Pedro? Sorry about your overpollination, but like you said, it's not the end of the world. Could be worse strains to be seeded,lol. Everything looks great.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Red: Just found this thread myself, but seems Pedro has canceled his account.... too bad was a grow that was coming along nicely


I had to cancel my account, but I'm back now. I'll get updates as soon as I can.



Well it's been a couple weeks since I was last able to post here.

All three plants are still in flowering. SSH2, one of the 2 sativas, is 10 weeks in this weekend. The other two are 9 weeks in.

I cut a small thumb size bud from SSH6, the NL leaner, and got about 40 "viable looking" seeds from it. This was a bud I hand pollinated. The 40 seeds I kept are nice, plump, light brown seeds with some speckles on them. I shitcanned the rest. Soooooo......if this holds true, I'm gonna have a shitload of seeds. These two that got seeded heavily are pretty good size plants, like 4feet for the lil NL plant and nearly 5 feet for the sativa pheno. That's a shit load of buds. I'm still trying to understand why the third plant didn't get pollinated like the other two. You can clearly see that she didn't get pollinated though. She is gonna go a 100+ days in flowering I think.

I know some will want to ask for seeds. I'm sorry, but I'm way too paranoid right now to be thinking about giving seeds away....and I would never think of selling them. I'm just not into it. OK? maybe...I'll gift them to local friends here...if I ever meet any who can grow them out

Here are pics from today


Click on the pic to enlarge it.

These are the 2 sativas, SHH2(L) Day 69. She is pretty heavily seeded from top to bottom. SSH6(R) Day 63 and only seeded where I hand pollinated her. Very weird.

SSH2 My seedy sativa bitch :)


Here is SSH5 Day 63. She is the NL pheno and all seeded up.



SSH6 Day 63. She is the other sativa. I think she'll go a 100 days or more. She is just barely making resin at this point.

Don't y'all think she has a long way yet?

SSH6 I think this plant could be a nice one.



hi, i like how nice and tall your plants get.
I didnt get a chance to read threw it all but i read the start.
i see you put some nutes into your soil.
my question is.
do you water with plain water? or do you add any nutes to the water aswell?
and when its time for flowering you change the nutes in teh soil?
good luck and nice plants! i wish i had something like that
Silver haze is my fav strain.

(ps im starting my first grow inside a pc case. and im trying to get some seeds to germ but its just not working :( my last few seeds cracked open under in the paper towels and when i put them in rockwool/rooter plugs. 2days later and no action at all.
now i tried a diff method and put 3seeds in cup of water for like 10hours and put them in jiffy tubes. 2days later dont see any sprouts !)"
anytips on germing properly? does the water i use make a diffrence? i think my water is really hard because it gets stuck in my shower head all the time hah.


robbiedublu said:
I just found this thread. I'm sprouting some ssh seeds right now. I hope mine turn out as well as yours.

Thanks robbie!

You're in for a real treat. The buds from my 1st SSH grow are just now gettingt o smell and taste sooooo good. curing since end of Jan. Anyway

SSH is an extremely vigorous plant. I lost control of this grow LOL. Not only got seeded but too big. I hope you have a good light and some space for your plants. I wish I had a 600W light. Although keeping them contained would be impossible unless you did a scrog. I'm stubborn though. I like to see plants get big. :)

These are finishing in 3 gallon pots. 4 gallons is better I think for my grow space. These plants take about 3/4 gallon every 2-3 days. Runoff is about 10% of that. 4 gallon pots would add a day to that cycle I think.

And next time I think I will do a lot more shaping to get shorter plants and multiple, albeit smaller, colas. Big plants aren't an efficient use of light in my sort of grow(hydrohut). As I said, I'm stubborn.

All three plants were put into flower at about 25-28 days of veg and were all 16" tall when flipped. Light is a 430W Hortilux, digi ballast, etc. The first 3-4 weeks of stretch can see some really scary growth rates with SSH. The two sativas more than tripled in height the first 28 days of flower. So you need to think about that in planning your grow. The Northern Lights leaning pheno was almost as vigorous. She stopped at 4 feet..and as you can see, not nearly as branchy as the sativas. So even the small phenos can grow quite large if they have room and light.

I'm kinda whacked. I need to go take a break and eat dindin.





Hang loose. I'll answer your questions in a few mins OK? Be an edit of this response. In the meantime look back a bit through here. Some questions may be answered.



tkayone said:
hi, i like how nice and tall your plants get.

The NL pheno is about 4 feet tall. The two sativas are over 5 feet, but I have them bent all over and around.
I didnt get a chance to read threw it all but i read the start.
i see you put some nutes into your soil.
my question is.
do you water with plain water?

Rarely, and if I do use just plain water, I make sure the pH is around 6-6.5.
or do you add any nutes to the water aswell?
I use various nutes like PureBlendPro this grow. I put nutes in my soil but not a lot. That gives me a little better control,or so I thought. Sativas are very efficient at getting nutrients from the soil. I lost control on this grow. I switched SSH6 to Earth Juice Flower today. EJ flower has no nitrogen. This plant may need something, but it sure as hell doesn't need any N now LOL.

and when its time for flowering you change the nutes in teh soil?

Yes, when I transplant the last time, I put less Nitrogen type nutes in and more Phosphorus and potassium. Now, with indicas I may not do it quite that way. But generally you don't need as much N during flowering, BUT remember that during the stretch, plants need Nitrogen for that huge growth spurt. You can't starve them at that time.

good luck and nice plants! i wish i had something like that.
Silver haze is my fav strain.

SSH is a wonderful strain. You do need some room to do it justice though.

(ps im starting my first grow inside a pc case. and im trying to get some seeds to germ but its just not working :( my last few seeds cracked open under in the paper towels and when i put them in rockwool/rooter plugs. 2days later and no action at all.
now i tried a diff method and put 3seeds in cup of water for like 10hours and put them in jiffy tubes. 2days later dont see any sprouts !)"
anytips on germing properly? does the water i use make a diffrence? i think my water is really hard because it gets stuck in my shower head all the time hah.

Rockwool needs to be soaked a couple days in a solution that is pretty acidic..like pH 3-4. As it comes it is too alkaline IMO. That may be why those seeds in Rockwool didnt germ. And if your water is hard, that's OK up to a point. If it is WAY HARD, I'd go to distilled or RO water and add CalMag if you had Calcium and/or Magnesium problems. Water quality is a critical part of your grow. "Bad" water can screw up an otherwise great grow effort. Same with pH. You MUST be aware of pH issues and address them before you put a seed to soil.

If you make a good soil, properly lime it, and use a sensible nute/watering regime, 90% of your problems with growing are solved I firmly believe that.

I germ mine using the paper towel method but I use distilled water. I wet the towel(warm the water to about 80-90F), put seeds on it, fold it over once. I then put it in a ziplock bag, zipped 3/4 way closed. I then put it in a warm place. Last time was in my bathroom. I left the heat on in there keeping it 80+F. I had the seeds covered so they were in the dark. I leave them 48hours, unless they crack sooner. After 48 hours or so, I place the seeds in plain old sphagnum moss seed starter soil 10 oz Solo cups. It comes in 8qt bags at Walmart or any place really. Only thing I do is add a bit more perlite to it(10%?) maybe. I usually leave them in the 10oz Solo cups for 10 days or so. Then they go in real soil.

Seeds may take as long as a week to germinate. You should give them a week anyway. Your seed sprouting medium shouldn't dry out, BUT don't be watering it all the time. The seed needs air too. You keep it too wet for too long, you'll kill it.I use a spray bottle to "mist" the surface now and then. During this time, the soil isn't gonna dry out quickly at all...or it shouldn't be. If you keep putting water on the medium, it drowns the soil and the seed. Make sense?

Here's SSH5 and SSH6 when they were about 10 days old in their solo cups and sphagnum moss


You might want to go check out the "MicroGrow" forums. I really admire how guys can grow such small, but such healthy little plants in those small grow spaces like a computer cab.

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