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16 Plant Closet Grow - HELP! 3rd week of flowering and we left the closet light on!!



On a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being 'not at all concerned' and 10 being 'shitting my pants concerned') How concerned should I be that we left our approx. 60 watt bulb on for 4.5 hours into our plants dark cycle??




Canabudz said:
could make it hermie. def not enough time to make it reveg. you should be fine

Crap. I am definitely concerned about hermies...About how long does it take for the fuckers to start going hermie?


Hello Walmatt..... and all

Hello Walmatt..... and all

I seriously doubt any issues at all. What strain are you growing and from who? Dutch Passion Blueberry is notorious for easy stressed hermies but not many are too easy to stress into hermie and definitely not with 1- 4.5hr over run. Quit sweating it... no major issue. Now if you do it over and over with regular 12/12 between you might have an issue. Blueberry won't even do it with just a couple of days. Plus, if you did it for a week or 2 straight you would definately prolong budding by starting to reveg. Takes awhile to get them to reveg but delay would come first.

I have lots of experience using light stress as well as many other means of causing the hermie gene to kick in. I did quite a bit of selfing a couple of years ago to create femanized seeds. Now I go the chemical route.



SacredBreh said:
I seriously doubt any issues at all. What strain are you growing and from who? Dutch Passion Blueberry is notorious for easy stressed hermies but not many are too easy to stress into hermie and definitely not with 1- 4.5hr over run. Quit sweating it... no major issue. Now if you do it over and over with regular 12/12 between you might have an issue. Blueberry won't even do it with just a couple of days. Plus, if you did it for a week or 2 straight you would definately prolong budding by starting to reveg. Takes awhile to get them to reveg but delay would come first.

I have lots of experience using light stress as well as many other means of causing the hermie gene to kick in. I did quite a bit of selfing a couple of years ago to create femanized seeds. Now I go the chemical route.


We are growing 3 White Widow and 13 bubble gum plants. Also, I did want to clarify that it was the regular closet light that was on (probably a 60 watt CFL- not sure because it has a light-cover on it)- I would assume that this is less detrimental than having our 1000 Watt HPS bulb on :D




Well, the light type does not make too much difference. I have seen myself and talked to others... where small light leaks have caused to go hermie but again that was a on a sporadic-consistent basis. You have some fine stable strains there. On a scale of 1-10... you are at a 1. Not saying it could never happen but seriously can't see anything negative happening. As far as the light type goes... anything brighter than a full moon counts... it stops auxins that tell the plant to flower.

Have seen outside grows to close either to a window or a steet/yard light be prevented and/or delayed in flowering.

I did this several times with no bad consequences....however, just to be on the safe side, replace the bulb with a green one so that it won't matter if you leave the light on or not.


Thanks for the responses guys! I have calmed down. Definitely will be replacing that regular bulb with a green one, just to be safe. Will any old green bulb from a Home Depot or Lowe's do the trick?



no worries, even if they hermie just pull before seeds start poppin up so pretty much right after you start seeing banna's...IMO


the plants will be fine.....just leave them on 12/12 and no more worrying. even if they go hermie, you will have seeds that will defintely give you female plants. just one way to turn lemons into lemonade.


Active member
could make it hermie. def not enough time to make it reveg. you should be fine
Yeah...4-5 hours won't do jack. I used to have the same problem. finally removed the overhead light bulb to save me from myself.


been there, unfortunately, and done that completely unscathed!

been there, unfortunately, and done that completely unscathed!

I can't see a problem with your plants. I've had that happen for a continuous 4 days after the plant had been in flower for 6 weeks with nary a sign of any hermeing. And mine took place under a 600w HPS. My one girl (I grow one at a time, and let her go to about 5'), turned out ALL girl with huge nugs.

I honestly don't think you will have any problems.

Happy choofin'
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walmatt23 said:
Thanks for the responses guys! I have calmed down. Definitely will be replacing that regular bulb with a green one, just to be safe. Will any old green bulb from a Home Depot or Lowe's do the trick?


yup, I use the green CFL's. gotta save that power man. haha

its so eerie looking at them under green lights

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
thees a small chance it could cause a few male flowers to pop ouit but its not definate...
You could get a bottle of ducth master femenizer(now called reverse) to have ready for if male flowers do appear-that stuff will kill em dead and stop any more nanas being produced-and it will abort any seeds that have already started to be made..... saved my ass once

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