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HELP!!! Landlord Scheduled Emergency Visit


We have a small ant problem in my building and my genius landlord decided in two days (in accordance with statute) to schedule exterminators to come in. The problem is here that I have FINALLY gotten my clones to root (located in my closet) and have huge beautiful plants in the 5th week of flowering in my HydroHut. There is ducting X 6 leading to the window....bottom line there is NO WAY to hide this. To add insult to injury they want us NOT to be here when they do this. They stated I had to remove my pets and self for 3 hours.

FYI, I am legal to grow. Maybe he will be cool with it? Do I level with my landlord? Or hide it?

I certainly do not want some fuckin douchebag exterminators knowing about my operation. I can see it now...come home from work and WHERE IS ALL MY SHIT?!!

ANy advice

Kenny Lingus

Active member
If they gonna spray down the house you should really move the plants if they're supposed to be consumed.

Pack all up, park it at a friends or in boxes in the car for the hours... IThey're not gonna be snooking around in your stuff, but hide most traces. I bet the contract don't say you can grow inside your appartment, but as they allow pets I may be wrong.

All best luck to you mate. Better being safe than sorry


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Don't "break the news" to your landlord that you're growing "legally". Most people can't even conceive that it's possibly true and it's more likely going to sound like a stoner delusion than reality to him/her.

RENT AN OUTDOOR GARAGE for a month or WHATEVER...just get the stuff out.

Ultimately if you're legal, you don't have the LEGAL/ARRESTING stuff to worry about. It's just the pain in the ass people that want to rob you or look down on you (hell... your landlord could just evict you and say it was for some other reason if he/she is a real douche and hates dope).

The reality is that NOBODY should know about your grow....legal or not. If it were me, I'd go into super-ultra-hyper-extreme "A-Team" mode and get it done asap. Then when the emergency DEFCON-5 crap is done...you can go back to growing again.

If you have to: Just keep your clones intact.....the worst possible case scenario then is that you have to toss your 5 weekers. You won't be starting from scratch. You can take a few of the clones..turn them into moms. Then take the rest of the clones and flower them.....you'll be back about 2 months...but you won't be back to zero.
Ultimately those clones are probably the easiest things to protect, hide and repopulate your setup. Then you can box the rest of the equipment...make the place look normal for a few hours and you're rolling again before you know it.

I remember similar crap happening whenever I was renting someplace.....it was a fucking drag to have the stop-bys and the notices for things routine like "fire inspection", "extermination" etc.

The ONLY solution is to own your own place. Of course it's not a possibility for everyone....

One last thought: you may be able to pull the "medical" excuse. Tell the landlord you have multiple chemical sensitivity and you want to consult with your doctor prior...or you may want to call in some more "natural alternative" exterminator....don't know if that will fly either...but it may buy you an extra day or so. Just thinking aloud.




Damn man that sucks to hear. I remember during my first grow this came up. I just locked the closet and told the landlord to fuck off. She was a bitch though, believe me. Taking advantage of university students that wanted to live 1.5 miles from campus.


i am gonna keep the door locked...and play dumb....that door will never get unlocked as far as I am concerned...I lost my key?


Active member
s0cK3y3 said:
i am gonna keep the door locked...and play dumb....that door will never get unlocked as far as I am concerned...I lost my key?
not an option ... the exterminators will want to get at EVERY nook and cranny so that the job is done. they WONT want an irate landlord calling them a week later saying that the problem hasnt been solved. they will call in a locksmith if they have to. rent a van if you have to and store all the stuff in there for as long as is necessary.
good luck.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
s0cK3y3 said:
i am gonna keep the door locked...and play dumb....that door will never get unlocked as far as I am concerned...I lost my key?



Active member
If you can not get it all out of the room in to a van or other storage you can move all your ladies in to boxes for the day. You will need to work on the smell factor but you can at least make it look like its items that you never unpacked. This should also protect your ladies from the chemicals that are sprayed in or around your home.
If you go this route you may want to ask your landlord if you need to move things away from the walls ect. to allow for the exterminator to get in where they need. You do not want the exterminator moving those around. and if you want to be there when they are just tell them you have some valuables around that you do not feel comfortable leaving with someone else in your home while you are not there.

This issue is a downfall of having a hydrohut as it is not easily hidden. I have had multiple landlords and maintenance checks and, knock on wood, never been made. I grow in an armoire (flowering) and my mother/clone/veg is done in an aprox 3x2 heavy duty plastic tool box similar to this one

this is what it use to look like inside but now I have gone cookoo for coco.

Good luck with your inspection/exterminator issue.

Green Force

Active member
ampersand said:
rent a uhaul and drive around for the day... people do much worse in them

i love you, Exacly what i would do rent a uhaul u dont have to drive it around tho and its prolly gona look shady btw not many options right?


lol id hate to have to move my bitches


RENT A UHAUL FOR 20$ a day

RENT A UHAUL FOR 20$ a day

RENT RENT RENT A UHAUL!!!!!! I am a landlord too, also am a med user /grower/ my tenants are really cool too they smoke as well.. but as far as the extermination you have to move it , otherwise i wouldnt if it were let's say an inspection for someone who is buying . happend to me, couldnt get thru a locked door when the inspectore came, couldnt get in , soo we had to accept buying the house even tho you could smell it was a grow op.. but the door was locked. so yeah rent a uhaul for a day, yu'll be much better off and no stress.

Shady Smoka

Active member
How the hell ya gonna move a 5 week flowering plant and all the equip (lights and such) and clones without being seen? And if your landlord lives in the same building, how are you gonna explain a U-haul truck? That just sounds real hard to do to me. I know I couldnt pull that off where I am.
What I would do is pack it all in the smallest cabinet in the place...possibly a food pantry (or enen kitchen cabinets), and tell them you dont want the chemicals on whatever's in that closet. I would also assure them that you will put ant traps (bought at pretty much any place that sells home goods) in there the fllowing day...or maybe put em there before hand.
If thats not possible I'd put the flowering plant in the stove, clones in the fridge and the rest of the equipment in boxes or something.
I also suggest finding out, ahead of time, what the exterminators will need you to do...as far as move stuff away from walls and allow access to certain areas.

Hope that helps any


I talked to my landlord and told him I have a locked room with rackmount servers in them that cannot be disturbed. I told him I would put my cats in there if they wouldnt mind, AND MY LANDLORD OFFERED TO JUST SKIP THE ROOM!!! WOOOT!

I will close my hydrohut and keep my 147cfm charcoal carbon filter running (god damn those rackmount server fans are loud!! hehe) with the thing zipped up. The door will remain locked and noone will access it.

God I feel like I really dodged a bullet here. And to think...I was actually gonna tell the truth to my landlord HA!

Thanks all for the input. I was shatting bracks
Sounds like you got away with it. It's just pure luck though. I'm sure you are going to have a solid escape plan in place if/when this situation occurs again.



sock3y3 you are so fucking cool! Rackmount Servers! That's great!

One time i was moving into a new house (for rent) and i was talking to the landlady about the lease agreement and everything. I knew I was going to grow but I had to make sure what the protocol was for maintenance visits. I asked her, "when you guys need to make maintenance visits do you give a notice?

Landllady: "Well.....are you planning on growing marijuana in there???"

Me: (acting incredulous and offended and perturbed) NO! Look, the last place I lived in had a handyman who just showed up whenever he felt like it and one day when I was at work he came in and saw my girlfriend naked on the bed asleep. So if you have a handyman like this i don't really care to live here."

Landlady: "Oh! Sorry....um, yeah......we'll let you know days in advance if we need to come by."

That old lady called me on my shit, but I pulled that reason out of the thin air and it worked like a charm. They never came by and I successfully grew the best blueberry plants I have ever seen. :jump:
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
thats what you call it in the states right?? rent a truck.... rent a truck/van whatever is of the correct dimensions, stick a striplight in there on ur timer just to keep ur cycle right, and ur fan and carbon filter in there....


New member
S0ck3y3 - Congrats on your luck.

I have found much relief in being honest with my landlord. When I moved in, I explained I was a legal medical patient and they told me as long as I stay within the law, there are no problems. Honesty can be a great thing...

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