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I am in my mid 20's yet I feel like I am in my mid 40's


So i got some transplanting and soil mixin' to do tonight.... I have 8, 6" containers I need to fill with my own soil mix, doesn't seem like much right? .... I had to take a break after only 2 of them were done (just mixin/adding the soil, didnt even transplant yet!), I started mixing them in sets of 2, but think i will do 4 at once this next time, then 2 at the end.... as I have to now take a break as my back is f'ing killing me :(.

O well, that only means its time for one thing :rasta:

Then I think I will go make myself a drink and get started on these next 4....

Anyone else feeling twice there age? I have had this for about 5 years now... normally when doctors see my MRI's they expect to see a 50 year old man :(

Screw it, I just realized there ain't no reason I can't do 4 tonight, and 4 tommorow... that way I won't kill my back completely.

Tonight i'll do the 2 best JillyBeans, a Diesel clone, i asume EC but I am not sure, can find out...and a blueberry. Tommorow will be another blueberry I think, another Jill, and the 2 "whites" seedlings :)

O yea, in completely unrelated news, I broke my favorite glass piece today, it was only 25$, but worth about 45, inside out small sherlock, it was awesome and it had ALOT of sentimental value to me.... I came back from lunch and my smoke break, had put my piece in my pocket of my khaki's... got out of the car and heard a smash, I had NEVER done that before, although technically i didn't drop it, it was i guess half out of my pocket when I got out of the truck :(...

EDIT: meanwhile i was in my jobs parking lot and I just sat there for probably a good 20 seconds in the rain with a blank look on my face after letting out a loud "FUCK" after looking under the car and seeing it was my bowl that shattered...finally i remembered where i was and angerly picked it up quick and threw it on the floormat, not that they would even care... i want to say 50% of the orginization knows I smoke. But it's just the principal. They don't need to know how MUCH i smoke ;)
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
It is called the real life dude
Why I have lots of grey hair and I am in my mid 30's. Why I hate mail and phone calls. Why I hate getting up or even going to bed.

You kind of fill into your "own skin" in your 30's when you start to figure out what you want in life, a few more years, you will see what I mean


bongasaurus said:
yeah my body feels a good 40. fucking joint pain...

I have that related to my back/neck... one herniated disc in my neck that they want to do surgery on :spank: fucktard neurologists... and then also a few in my lower back that don't really bother me that much any more.

MJ takes care of the pain fine, IF i could afford to smoke it that much...although for the first time in like 5 years I can now grow again :)

Dr. Dog? real life? nah, don't think so bro...maybe for you. I wouldn't consider myself like most... I grew up in one of the states with 2 outdoor growing seasons, and lets just say, the blizzards of the 1980's never stopped coming through, even in July. You say you are in your mid 30's?

I will be fucking happy as hell to live to be 50, I plan to retire at 35...although I never injected any drugs, i certainly should be dead by now...


stoned agin ...
king youve been kinda down they say that makes the aches and pains come out more. tough about the discs i hear thats a bitch


Resident pissy old man
I love hearing you puppies bitch about how old you feel. I am wearing underwear older than most of you. Wait till you hit the mid 60's and see how you feel then. Fuck the asshole who called them the "Golden Years". He must have had a hell of a lot more gold than I do.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yup mid thirties for me, I say that I am middle aged. I am not going to fool myself and think I will live to 100, the average age is like around 75, I have not taken care of myself for the most, I smoke cigs, and I used to be a fairly hardcore druggie. I have never injected anything but I did everything else, been to rehab twice.

I also have degenrative disc disease, which basically means that my discs in my neck, are breaking apart, which leaves me fairly intense pain, when I have a flare up. Nothing they can do until I am older, they said they would not risk neck surgery on a young man. That was about 15 years ago.

Anyways best of luck with your surgery, and I know how you feel, I just dont feel that way as much anymore, like I said when you hit your 30's you start to become more content and your mood levels

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Pops said:
I love hearing you puppies bitch about how old you feel. I am wearing underwear older than most of you. Wait till you hit the mid 60's and see how you feel then. Fuck the asshole who called them the "Golden Years". He must have had a hell of a lot more gold than I do.

Surprisingly pops I thought about if you would post in here when I orginally did LOL


bah... i tried to just "get it done" and really should'nt have done that... all six are filled with mix, although there is no way in god green earth I can stand to transplant these tonight, on top of that, i just realized I still have to do 2 more, fuck those two, they can wait a few days... maybe I will try transplanting a few if these pills work, the problem Is I hate showering late at night... yet i only work 6 hours tomorrow...the only reason i wanted to transplant them tonight was I wanted to feed them tomorrow,

i had to take it up a notch and resort to opiates...as I just don't have enough green to smoke :(, maybe I can buy some budder from a friend one of these days soon... that worked very well last time... thats one way i know I aint just getting old... when I have no problem geting opiates in new england from a regular doctor and I am under 30, that is pretty much unheard of around here, although i fucking hate these things *norco, or rather hydrocodone 10/325...they will keep me up all night... all wide awake and shit, they don't make me tired like most people. in other news, i am not like most people. I am on another break... this is number 4 (for breaks)... although number 3 only lasted like 2 minutes before i said "fuck it, i want this done". You would think I would learn by now.

flubnutz said:
king youve been kinda down they say that makes the aches and pains come out more. tough about the discs i hear thats a bitch

I think its actually the other way around... but tonight was just me being a dumbass and trying to do more than my body could handle... the constant bending over it just can't take, i should of just planned to do 4 tonight from the get go, and the other 4 tomorrow... now i still gotta finish up :/

hey pops... the mids 60's? at the rate I am going now... like i said, I will be fucking happy as hell to make it to 50... I just tried transplanting 8 motherfucking plants... any normal fucking person under 40 could do that in one night no problem... after mixing the soil for 2 I was ready to quit, i am going to finish putting shit away and maybe transplant two, but thats it....I got 6 containers filled with my own custom soil blend...and thats good enough for tonight.

Dr. dog, they wouldnt do surgery on your neck? Yea pretty much everyone i talked to EXCEPT for the neurologist i went and saw said to avoid surgery at all cost, that I was just way to young for it, and besides; I can't fucking afford it... it would leave me out of work for over a month, and I have no family here or even close friends for support, but that was my own choice... moving here anyways...
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Resident pissy old man
I feel for you. I am arthritic as hell and have 2 torn rotator cuffs due to arthritis. I grow in 15 gal. nursery pots that take 1 1/2 cf of soil. Mixing that is a real bitch, esp. when you have to grow enough for a couple dozen med patients. My first 6 heart attacks weren't bad enough so I had to have a seventh. Fortunately, the damn doctors finally put the stent in that would have prevented me from having the last 6. Hydrocodone doesn't help me at all, but 3-4 shots of tequila does wonders. Disc problems are pure hell. My dad had his spine fused because of that and lost a lot of mobility.


sunshine in a bag
Starting the "buy Pops new underwear fund"

PM all inquiries to myself, founder of the BPNUF


JJScorpio said:
Aren't you talking about only 5 gallons of soil here?

indeed.... if i would of had some sort of big container to mix, my mix all in at once, it probably wouldn't of went half as bad, but I had to pretty much mix each of them individualy or rather in the containers themselves...(i set up a assembly line type thing, so i would just put 1 32oz cup of dirt, in each container, than about 10oz of perlite and 8 oz' of vermaculite, then a few tbsp of dolemite....and repeat, untill they were full.... its not the weight that is an issue, its the constant bending over my neck can't take. Like i said, normally i could just pack up the bong every 20 minutes and this would have been done... but i am runnin low on green right now. Although the shiaty painkillers are starting to work, so maybe i will just finish up....

Pops said:
I feel for you. I am arthritic as hell and have 2 torn rotator cuffs due to arthritis. I grow in 15 gal. nursery pots that take 1 1/2 cf of soil. Mixing that is a real bitch, esp. when you have to grow enough for a couple dozen med patients. My first 6 heart attacks weren't bad enough so I had to have a seventh. Fortunately, the damn doctors finally put the stent in that would have prevented me from having the last 6. Hydrocodone doesn't help me at all, but 3-4 shots of tequila does wonders. Disc problems are pure hell. My dad had his spine fused because of that and lost a lot of mobility.

The hydrocodone only helps when its combined with alcohol and/or weed ...
all of aforementioned drugs are working now, except for the weed, which i shall pack up now.

Its pretty amazing how much you take you health and body for granted, its the same thing with your freedom, untill you have had it taken away, or gotten injured, you really have NO farking clue what its like...especially when you are young you thing "aches and pains are only for old people" look at JJS's response... he can't even fathom not being able to transplant 8 plants.

I am quite surprised in the response I got in this thread tonight, once again, y'all kick ass...I figured no one would reply...sorry about the bitching, its the way i was raised and something I am constantly trying to fix...
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Resident pissy old man
Get yourself a big rubbermaid! I use a 55 gal one.

Thanks for the collection effort, Feyd. Some of them are so thin I could read a newspaper through them, assuming there was anything interesting in the newspaper. Only thing that keeps them from being completely transparent is the brown streak in the back.


Feyd said:
Boxers or briefs?

Well... good thing i DIDNT actually have all the energy/back streght to transplant all the sluts, as I discovered they are all not going to fit like I thought they would! FUCK#@$#@%@#%R... this means I think i can either fit 4 in there like this, and put 2 out side, or go with a bigger cab...(I was already planning on puting one outside, and giving one or 2 away.

ended up transplating the jillybean that is doing the best, and a g13x something or a blueberry, whatever my worst looking plant is...but i think its a g13 cross...made a giant mess in the room, but cleaned it up and grabbed a shower...

someone around here will be able to ID' them all in flower.... :)

I am really liking my new mix... i used the coast of maine organic general use mix...the kind made from composted salmon and blueberrys.... I love trying new soils/techniques/things... what else would keep us young? The mix looks nice, the ingredients read nice, and I actually managed to find some vermaculite this time around... so they got like 60% of this coast of maine stuff... then 25% perlite, 10% verm. and 5% lime...my jilly slut had QUITE the bunch of roots, i was suprised as these were started in semi-transparent cups and i could see the roots that were on teh sides, this slut was keeping all her roots bunched in towards the middle... needless to say i loosened em' up quite a bit and got as much as the junk soil I could without damaging her too much... I think she is going to love the earth juice/new soil tommorow once she gets used to it.

those measurements are pure guestimates, as is everything i do... i figure its like cooking.


stoned agin ...
you're gonna have to switch to promix and plastic bags :rasta: you might be pinched on space but a good height work bench has gotta help, two heights maybe, maybe a trolley for movin stuff too.
Im curious as to how to plan on retiring at 35?

Just quitting working doesnt count as retirement, even if you have the money to do it.
Many ways. The goal is to still have LEGAL income coming in eventhough your not working / barely working at all. You could own real estate, play the stock market with your saved up money, hire a general manager to take over you buisness so you dont have to work while you still get paid.. Ingenuity is the only way to do it.


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