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New Grow With The King


Listen my username is from 07 lol
So i had to cut my Cat Piss Gurl early well really early, so i made a reflector for 6 55w CFLs. an added it to my box. i have 32 16 oz bottles in there now with beaster seeds in em, soaked the seeds for 24 hours an all sank some even started to sprout. im gonna do a flood to waste hydro grow. im gonna b ordering bc boost, i have almost a full bottle of bc bloom an sense im doing a 12/12 from seed grow im not gonna be using grow bc grow. i also have two clones from the Cat Piss gurl in there, they rooted but i didnt know that they did an they sat in darkness for almost a week an are just starting to regain there color. well heres some pics:



i'm in too ;)

you know, that'd be a great 12/12 from clone perpetual harvest box. not trying to push you or anything, i'm just sayin :D . not to mention this grow would be a great opportunity to find a couple good mothers. i'm just waiting for my opportunity to set up something along similar lines and i want someone to do it first really lmao.

any way you go, i'm along for the ride :lurk:


Listen my username is from 07 lol
the next thing im gonna do is make a small tub setup for two mothers under 2 42w CFLs, i have everything to do it exp. the tubs, fans, an hinges. oh an i got 1 1/4oz of of the Cat Piss Gurl an she was only half way through flower!

dav zap

Grow cfl KING

Grow cfl KING

Greetings man. Really good grow box man. Nice & bright, huh. Must grow great in there.


Nice box and nice use of those 55's! Those are the shit if you have the vertical space for 'em. :yes:

Not sure if it's a Micro grow tho, lol. :D


Listen my username is from 07 lol
not micro? the actual grow space is 17"x30" using 16oz water bottle(soda is unhealthy).


Grow like nobody is watching
Shame about the cat piss but I sense a great grow coming up! I keep seeing this term beasters but not sure what it is. Is it like we call "bush" here? (Outdoor weed which maybe hasn't had much care or attention paid to strain and generally varies from terrible to just okay) I can't work it out.

Anyways, here's to the grow!


Listen my username is from 07 lol
beasters is really good "hydro" that is mainly smallish 2gram nugs, hydro around here is 220-250 beasters is 275-300 per oz. the seeds were gifted to me viva my cuz that knows a guy that grows it, i guess one plant got pollenated an was mainly seeds so he kept it instead of selling it an gave my cuz a quarter samwich bag of seeds...sorry for rambaling the Cat Piss does it to me cat wait for the two clones to start flowering


Listen my username is from 07 lol
so far 2 seeds half sprouted above soil, one is sheading its shell an is about 1/2"-1" tall, i can see about 5 seed shells poping through the soil


Smoke it if ya got it!!
King- How many ml do you add to a gallon of water with your BC nutes at different stages of growth? I ask because I use BC and I seem to be using more than stated on the bottle. I wonder why this is? My nutes are over three years old but seem to grown some dank bud anywase. I can't read my ppm meter because it can only read to 2000 ppm. My new clones are at like 1700 ppm when I put them in flower. That doesn't make any sense to me. What do you think?


Listen my username is from 07 lol
i have gonna up to 3000ppm during veg without burn an my nutes are new so i think there suppose to be like that.


Smoke it if ya got it!!
No shit! I had better start adding some nutes. Do you know the highest you've gone flowering. This info would help me greatly. like I said my meter only goes to 2000 ppm.
Thanks for the reply.


Listen my username is from 07 lol
ok so so far 5 seedlings an aprx. 4-5 seeds are scratching the surface, gave the top alittle sprinkle was looking really dry.

i really never went to the max in flower in fear of burning an buds that taste like nutes, but i have gone around 2000ppm, off hand i wanna say 1750ppm every watering is what i usualy do then flush for two weeks with just water an 2-4 tablespoons sugar(i use sugar from end of week one or two on depending on strain flowering time). hope that helps


Listen my username is from 07 lol
i have been neglecting this grow so far but have gotten back on the train. i ended up with 6 seedlings an 2 clones, the rest of the seeds dryed up bc i didnt moist the soil like i was suppose to. an the clones are only 4-5" an arnt growing but are budding i was hoping they would grow atleast to 10" each but i guess not. atleast ill have two 3-4 gram cat piss nugs to smoke on, unless i get a kick in the ass an build a mother / clone box. pics tomarro still dont have my own digital camra.

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