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Navigator has Heart Attack @ 27



It sounds like a shit storm Nav ... I don't know what's best for ya but if you don't think you're getting the proper care ... by all means ... seek another Professional Opinion. Glad to hear you're home and resting ...
Update... doing good! Get results of all tests today. Gonna See whats behind this and what may lay ahead. Change my diet and activity patterns. Maybe change meds and add a couple more (blood pressure etc)

Thanks again Gang.... It means alot to me that so many people can help just by a note!


Active member
Navigator330 said:
...Im on suboxone for opiate addiction, tramadol and Effexor XR. ...:

wtf you doing on effexor ?? that shit made me gain weight, and it dosent even work, atleast for me.


Well-known member
Navigator330 said:

My doc that i have from treatment charges me 90$ a visit plus i get my pills.... 500$ for 1 month.... cash, no insurance.

That sucks. Why dont you have insurance? Are you working?

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ICMag Donor
Nav....take it easy bud, sounds like you have had a tough time lately. Just be careful and dont let the doctors over medicate you. Take care and keep us informed on your health :)

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Navigator330 said:
Gonna See whats behind this and what may lay ahead. Change my diet and activity patterns. Maybe change meds and add a couple more

You're doing fine. My friend stopped smoking cigarettes a week ago and he's a total wreck, moaning and whining like he was kicking horse.

You've got the right attitude, and yes, you should drop that 30 pounds + diet you're on and go for healthier eating habits.
I know it sounds like preaching, but I went on a rawfoodist (meaning that you try not to eat cooked, fried or otherwise tampered with food) and mainly vegetal diet three years ago, have been on it since, and haven't been sick since. No cold, no flu, no nothing. Feels like I'm on some sort of superdrug that keeps me going (if only I could rid myself of the daily stress and cop paranoia :D). Exercising helps too. You can be rich or poor, successful or unsuccessful in life, but the only real hardware you have is your health. Something you don't always realize until you loose it.


One thing I feel certainly deserves mention is fish oil. That is given to heart attack patients in europe because it works. I'd suggest around 1000 milligrams of EPA / DHA per day. Take a few gelcaps in morning, a few at night. This can greatly improve heart and circulatory health, lower that blood pressure a bit, and make recurrent heart attacks far less likely as well as helping to stabilize your mood....and oh yeah it has anti inflammatory properties. Theres been quite a lot of research on it lately, I'm sure any google search will bring up a few medical / scientific studies. Go for the pharmaceutical grade ones, they are extracted from salmon only. Good luck to you and I hope you feel better.
