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First Clone Attempt

Hi community

i topped two 5week old plants that were getting to tall for my micro cab.
one of the reasons i topped them was so i could try taking my first clones.

i set up a perlite-wick cloner (thanks to guidelines form this site)
made hole in moist perlite topped plant #1, put in hole.
I then did the same thing to plant #2 the next day.

it has been 10-11 days now. cutting#1's leaves are curled inwards, mostly green and starting to show some faint minor yellowing,

cutting#2 (taken one day later) is surprisingly way more yellow.
no pic(sorry) but i'll try to describe it.

......like a zinc deficiency, it yellowed on the outer edge of the entire leaves. the yellow would continue to proceed to brown, kinda dead looking tips.

any opinions? i know its hard with no pics and i may not get many, or any responses at all ,but i have fate in you guys to share your thoughts

do u think they're rooting? i havent disturbed them at all and i pH my water so i dunno what to think yet.....

thank you everybody

The Iceman

Active member
sounds more like its overfed bro.... you should give the mother only plain water prior to taken clones as nitrogen will slow the rooting process...sounds like they will still root for you... are you using a humidity dome?

The Iceman

Active member
also this is the wrong forum for that question and you would probably get alot more responses in the right one


New member
Leaves will sometimes yellow because that energy is going into rooting. Yellowing in clones isn't always bad.


I have used wick cloners for years....

I personally prefer vermiculite....

but either way....

You must be curious??

So look already....

If it has roots transplant....

if it doesnt put it back.....

no harm done putting it back if there are no roots....

and if there are....time to transplant.... and give it some chow....

if it hasnt rooted then your temps are probably.....



Btw...normally I check for roots on day 9.....


Active member
Cloning styles is kind of a personal thing. I don't use domes very frequently. Yet, if you are near a decent airflow, sometimes plants dry out a little quick. If you can, see about putting a clear bag or a larger clear container over the cloner. Then watch out for condensation within the first couple of days just to make sure that they aren't holding too much moisture under the lid. Yet, the yellowing could be a problem with it staying unrooted for so long. IT's kind of trial and error in some situations.


I have never used pearlite. It's been 11 or more days.
Unless they are cold they should have rooted, 14 days max.
Do not start worrying about a deficiency now the plant can use a lot of energy rooting.

If you have a fairly low humidity and the plants are domed remove the dome and if they wilt they are not rooted.
Hi everyone, thanks for all the input so far,

I should be more detailed in describing since I don’t have a digital cam.
Hi whats up ICEMAN, I agree with you on the overfeeding part, and the flushing that I SHOULD have done prior to making the cutting.

It was a general clone question honestly so I didn’t know if I should post in the infirmiry, or the soil grow section. I didn’t want to make multiple posts. Thanks for your input

JOEBOB. That’s what I thought but one started going yellow pretty quick. The proceeding of brown on the tips made me thing it was dead and should be tossed.

CHOSEN I used a dome for 5-6 days, I haven’t used it this week, no differences. My clones are really short. 2.5-3inches tall. It’s the top growth that I clipped.

STIPULES and BINNACAS I clone in a micro rubbermaid cab under a 15w cfl. Blue spectrum 6500k. My temps stay at a constant 75(morning) to a max of 80. 24/7.

OCTODIEM im ashamed to say my humidity reader broke and I haven’t got around a new one.
hey everyone.

cutting#2 (very yellow on outer leaf edges, some black/brown dying tips.)
i poked at the perlite with a toothpick and moved it away from my buried stem.

im beaming and its thanks to everyone here. I got my first cutting to root!! its around 1-1.5cm long. :)

i didnt disturb cutting #1, im gonna continue to wait things out cause the root is real tiny and didnt throw out any "?hairy feeder roots?" yet.

thanks people im always learning from your input and for that im very greatful.