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The Iceman

Active member
The thing with mma is styles make fights... some guys match up good against one guy but not another...its called mmath.... like rampage beats chuck but gets destroyed by wanderlei who in turn loses to chuck... you guys I got killer fight dvds that ive collected over the years if anyone is looking for something they cant find on the net.. also dvds of whole careers like wanderlei, bas ruten, fedor, BJ penn, ect... most fighters smoke herb aswell.... i know id rather smoke good herb then pop 5 vikes myself to kill nagging pain. The best strain for that I think is Bubba Kush...






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This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by ZUFFA, LLC

:cuss: :cuss:

Kinda too late for Folks Who didn't see it.Nothing really special..just ground and pound and "You Ain't Gett'in Up Dressa Serra"

I guess The Video was up for About 5 Hours. Funny part was at 1:03-:05 Serra touches his face and looks at his gloves to check for a mirror, 2 times.

Whats he's looking for ? A Mirror ? LOL

G. Sensi

SPOILER**** ufc 83

Alrite Alrite! Just finished watchin it! 22,000 tickets selling out before they even hit the general public should have called for better fights if you ask me...

That Canadian Kid that got his eye cut open was one tuff dude! I give him a tremendous amount of respect for not givin up even after he couldnt see

Nate Quarry was Hilarious!!!! He should have open palm smacked Starnes across the face and call him a bitch... You dont run! Its plain and simple...its in the rule book, YOU DONT FUCKIN RUN!!! Dude was almost as bad as Davis Luoiso (sp) Vs Rich Franklin... And notice how you havent seen him again?

Rich did a good job, but Lutter was beat from the Bell... That rolling Arm bar defence was Aces Rich! But didnt Anderson teach you anything?? FINISH THE FITE!!

This is where I start comparing UFC to WWF... Conspiracy theory... Dana fixes his fites so that he can get THREE-PEATS outta fighters... Just about every big fite ends up goin back and forth until they HAVE to have a suddent death fight... Most times whoever wins the first fight always ends up loosing the second and its the 3rd one that makes the difference... Does any one else see just how much fuckin money Dana stands to make off making sure they have 3 fites?

Anyways... Good job GSP...I knew you'd make it hurt... but I think you were too cautious... too stiff... scared to make a bad move... which I can explain... But you could have and should have finished him in the first round...

Pretty good fight nite over all... How was everyones 420?




Active member
Just wasn't the same without fellow smoker Joe Rogan callin the fights. :joint:
I like countin the phenomenals. So, here is a ?.... Who do ya get to fight GSP next? He definetly stuck to the game plan and executed perfectly. Serra gassed, of course those knees to the kidneys helped kill his will. ouch!


Active member
Shit hot ufc only one dissapointment in the night,nate quarry did well to keep his cool but something tells me a better fighter would have finnished him off looked good all the same.I think it going a bit wwf because dana wants more people to watch it.I do prefer vale tudo from brazil,seems a bit more raw and vicious.They should bring back kicking a downd apponent and also kneeing to the head whilst on the floor much more exciting :headbange

G. Sensi

Anybody got any good Vale Tudo fites to definately check out?

Im really startin to believe my conspiracy theory... How come GSP and Matt already knew they were gonna do number 3 in NYC? :fsu:
There was no begging. It was, for sure Ill see you in NYC...

I'll bet the tickets are already printed....


is the 3rd fight in NYC official ? i was under the impression that GSP was jus tryin to be modest n sayin he is willing to put himself in the same position as serra was.

Also as for UFC turning into WWF i disagree. WWF is fake , UFC is real , simple as that. Dana is doing a GREAT job making UFC a HUUUUGEEEE sport , hes a marketing genius. Why would you want UFC to be underground ?

I remember UFC wen it first startin out and to where it is today there is no comparison. UFC never used to be considered a real sport it was jus considering a couple street fighters getting paid to beat the living shit outta each other. Now UFC athletes are being recognized as some of the greatest athletes in the world. Infact just the other day there was a special on national geographic about MMA and how insanely athletic and powerful UFC fighters are.

I dont kno , im liking the way UFC is going , my two cents
ok, heres my take on the 3 fight deals. When you get a fight that gets an obscene ppv buy rating AND you have a great fight between the two opponents... you have an opportunity to fight a trilogy. Everyone is rooting for one or the other to win, and no one likes to be disappointed. So rather than disappoint fans, Dana books a rematch (some fights actually have rematch clauses written in the contracts) Of course the same situation comes up in the rematch, so the third fight is booked (..to settle it for once and for all...LOL) Its just a moneymaker. everyone involved makes money with it. Plus the fans get to see enjoyable fights. Its a marketing ploy and not much else.

tell me you wouldnt want to see a wandy v chuck trilogy......

and you KNOW you'll order serra v gsp 3
i think frank shamrock said it to tito after their 3rd bout "we made alot of money together". Thats it. The fighters involved in these fights stand to make BANK. This has been used to the same extent in pro boxing. I dont mind seeing rematches...as long as they're good rematches. To me, a fight is about whos better that day and these rematches just help to prove who is better overall. Just my .02

Stay stoned
well thats it, i called it...



Jason Mcdonald also won the KO of the night bonus.....despite the "After the fact" shots

GSP in a post fight interview hinted at a move to MW. (GSP v Silva...too tough to call) It wouldnt be a bad move, but i heard BJ Penn was gunning for him too. (GSP that is) The question in my mind is, if he does go to MW, will he still be as fast...

June first is also a date to keep in mind for all MMA fans. Urijah Faber v Jens Pulver for the WEC 145lb belt. WOW! i see some fireworks coming in that one.
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Here's some photos from the UFC 83 afterparty, at McDonalds ...
(i'm sure Maccas [edit - McDonalds sorry!] would taste awesome after having to cut down and eat healthy shit for a few months ....... for the better part of an hour anyway)


I wonder if GSP likes french fries!??!?!?!?!????!??????!!!???

btw speaking of Maccas it's believed that, starting next week, Kalib Starnes will be the best pound-for-pound McDonalds waiter in the US.

Here Nate Quarry demonstrates the move that finished off Starnes in the final seconds of the last round - it literally had Starnes running!, and which made Nate Quarry an honorary Canadian citizen in the process:

btw 24-30 ?? Starnes was robbed !
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G. Sensi

Okay... So ur a pro fighter of any kind... Judo, Kickboxing, BJJ, Boxing, MMA, dont matter...

What song/anthem are you coming out to?

He's wack and obsolete I admit it, but I've always said I'd come out to Ja Rule's 'Die M'fucker die'... One of the tuffest hip hop joints if you asked me... I think it would be pretty intimidatin, specially if your opponents already in the ring...

Just the first minute... imagine this comin on when you take that long walk to the ring (Forget that its Ja Rule)


What would you guys come out to?



I'd come out to How I could just kill a man by RATM, or Mama said knock you out by LL Cool J (cliche I know ;) or Walk by Pantera
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