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Marijuana Smokers Were Poisoned With Lead in Leipzig

Apologies if this has been posted before

April 15, 2008

Germany: Marijuana Smokers Were Poisoned With Lead in Leipzig


They had stomach cramps, nausea, anemia and fatigue, and some even had
a telltale bluish line along their gums — classic signs of lead
poisoning. But the cases, last year in Leipzig, Germany, puzzled
doctors. Lead poisoning is rare in Germany, and yet here were 29 cases
in just a few months. The doctors noticed a pattern: the patients were
young, from 16 to 33; they were students or unemployed; and they had
body piercings and a history of smoking.

In a letter published Thursday in The New England Journal of Medicine,
the doctors wrote, "On questioning, all the patients eventually
conceded that they were regular users of marijuana."

Three provided samples for testing. Sure enough, their marijuana was
full of lead. One bag bought from a dealer even contained lead
particles big enough to see, which meant the lead must have been added
deliberately, rather than being absorbed into the plant from
contaminated soil.

The core temperature of a joint can reach nearly 2,200 degrees
Fahrenheit, the doctors noted — more than hot enough to melt lead,
which can be absorbed through the respiratory tract.

The poisoning was widely reported by German newspapers and television,
and an anonymous lead-screening program was set up for marijuana
users. Among 145 people who showed up for testing, 95 more cases were

The authorities do not know where the tainted marijuana came from or
why the lead was added, but the German police suspect that it was done
to make money. The samples tested contained 10 percent lead by weight,
which translates into an increased profit of about $682 per pound of

The patients are recovering and taking medicines called chelating
agents to help remove the lead from their bodies. But it could take
years to clear it completely, particularly from bones. And some were
quite disillusioned to learn that poison was added to what they
thought was a pure, all-natural product, said their doctor, Prof.
Michael Stumvoll of University Hospital in Leipzig, who commented,
"How naïve!"


another reason why it should be legal. people are going to continue to add all this crap to the weed just to make a few more bucks. probably was from China. They like to add lead to just about anything. lol arent you glad you guys grow your own?


Listen to me jerky
I remember a while back reading about glass sand being added for weight. Lead is even more f*cked up. All the more reason to grow your own I guess. Thats some really bad karma for who ever is doing that.


Wow that is some seriously :fsu: ...

Bet the guy that was selling those bags has left the country, 'cause I know I'd be hunting for his ass.

Ultimate scary - adding lead for weight to your count...

Damn, people are cold... :badday:


damn, Europe has some fucked up dealers. First you hear about glass being added, now it's fuckin lead. Taking the insanity to a whole new level over there.


Active member
It's all about the money or the Zloty, in this case. Whichever dealer or grower added the lead deserves to have something truly horrible happen back to them, karma in action. Since they're fond of lead, may I suggest talking a 5 foot lead pipe and jamming it down their throat, so that it exits through their ass ? Cannabis laced with poison amounts to attempted murder.

:joint: :wave:


Pull my finger
damn. i did hear about the glass, now lead? that shit is fuct up! im glad i grow my own and have good friends that do.


greenhead said:
It's all about the money or the Zloty, in this case.

So you assume that it was done by someone from Poland? What makes you think so?

I suspect that the person that added it, did it because of the lead heavyness, but was to stupid to know how poisonus it is. Unless he is some psycho why would anyone poison his customers? He deserves some serious ass whoping anyway.


Active member
fastriffs said:
So you assume that it was done by someone from Poland? What makes you think so?

No, I don't know where the weed originally came from or who decided to add the lead. I messed up and thought that Leipzig was in Poland, I was wrong.

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Non Conformist


One things fer sure, who ever is doin it is high up on the ladder, for it to have reached as many people as it did.... That karma will be swingin back. Take care...BC


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
what a fucking stroke.......
how many more users will never come forward & die quite early from this?


Domesticator of Cannabis
I've seen buckshot in weed years back. The real danger about Cannabis is prohibition.
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Years ago I had an asshole dealer and I found out he was wetting his weed, but it was just water. Lead is just crazy, but I guess its just a product of prohibition.
All the more reason to grow your own!


Active member
Hurk said:
Lead is just crazy, but I guess its just a product of prohibition.

I don't agree that some asshole putting lead in weed and selling it is a product of prohibition. Any asshole that is greedy enough to put that crap into weed (to make a few more measly bucks while endangering people), would still be an asshole doing fucked up things and hurting people and trying to scam people even if there was no prohibition.

And I agree, grow your own, that's the best solution !

:joint: :wave:


greenhead said:
I don't agree that some asshole putting lead in weed and selling it is a product of prohibition. Any asshole that is greedy enough to put that crap into weed (to make a few more measly bucks while endangering people), would still be an asshole doing fucked up things and hurting people and trying to scam people even if there was no prohibition.

And I agree, grow your own, that's the best solution !

:joint: :wave:
i think it is, because if it was legal that 'asshole' wouldn't be in charge of distributing product. if it was legal it would be ran by legit people with quality control and such

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
greenhead said:
I don't agree that some asshole putting lead in weed and selling it is a product of prohibition. Any asshole that is greedy enough to put that crap into weed (to make a few more measly bucks while endangering people), would still be an asshole doing fucked up things and hurting people and trying to scam people even if there was no prohibition.

And I agree, grow your own, that's the best solution !

:joint: :wave:
no you see thats not true, because if it were legal, there would be quality standards and safetly regulations.... just the same as there are to stop establishments which serve alcohol from watering their booze down, or adulterating it with industrial alcohol.....
Case in point...i smoke a pack of cigs a day..that costs me 5 pounds every day...now i could buy a pack for 2 pounds from a bloke down the road, but theyre knockoff-made in russia, shite and really really bad and gove me a really sore throat -so I buy proper ones from the shop and pay the tax like im meant to(like a good little addict).... If black market products are inferior and even unpleasant-then ppl will buy it from the regulated suppliers rather than the black market-if they have a regulated supply chain.... sure there;d still be black market weed, but for it to be attractive-it would have to be cheaper than legitimate supplies-and would undoubtably be subject to the same sort of problems as now and like with the cigarrettes ppl would mostly prefer to have something known and quality controlled than unknown shit.....

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