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Dog dies after drinking organic runoff


New member
My condolences to your friend, thats so sad! She was a beautiful dog and I'm sure a great companion.
im sorry to hear about your friends dog, i am a dog lover and would be devastated if that happened to me. will no longer allow the dogs by the chemicals


pico said:
I put up that article because it has a lot of plants that dogs can get sick from. Marijuana included.

What blanket statement did I make? I am sharing a very unfortunate story so that other people can be a little more cautious with their animals in the grow room.

I will try and ask about the exact nutrients used. From what I remember he used the organic line that has seperate bottles for Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium.

My friend has an organic nutrient company. He has no warnings on the labels and I am not sure that they are required or if anything gets tested.

I will say again, my friend's dog drank some organic runoff and died. Notice how I didn't say 'organic nutrients will kill your dog'.

I'm not trying to be a hard on. And please don't think that I'm belittling the tragedy.

My point is that, without more information, the correlation between A and B is only speculation. It's possible that the dog ate something toxic that the owner was unaware of, or maybe his nutrients have some toxic (inorganic) ingredients, if his run-off had been stagnant for a long period, maybe it harbored some god-awful pathogens. A simple call to the vet with information about the ingredients will clear up rather or not the nutes actually caused the death. I don't know, there's a lot of variables and missing information, so much that from where I'm sitting, it's very hard to just say "yep, the nutes did it, no doubt. " There's no point in having people go around with unnecessary misconceptions...know what I mean?

My condolences.


This is sad.On the plus side we now know what water to give to the drug dogs and cops for that matter.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
now that i think about it, its a damn shame they didnt take the dog in when it was sick...

there ARE 24 hour emergency pet clinics (if it happend at night)...

if ony we could turn back time...



That really sucks.

Hope yer buddy feels better soon poor dog n poor dude.

Dogs r so gross with some of the crap they get into lol mind ya i spose I must be grosser for lettin the dirty buggers kiss my nose lol.

Critters are better people then some damn people I know.



Active member
I couldn't imagine losing my dog that way...

i would lose it. my dogs are one of the few things i look forward to every day.

sorry to hear about your friends loss.


If you're close to a vet, err on the side of safety but if you're remote (we are hours from nearest vet) If your dog 'just' ate something, like less than 10 mins...forcefeed them a capful of hydrogen peroxide and they will vomit. Unless it's a known caustic substance, this is a great idea to get them to purge. My dog once ate 1/4 z and this saved her a night of agony.

The Iceman

Active member
man just heartbraking! So sorry for your friend as i cant even imagine how bad he must feel. I would be a mess as my dog is my best friend and best thing I ever did was get him. my dog likes to put shit in his mouth aswell and i gotta watch him like a 2 year old. To the guy who said 'now we know what to feed drug dogs" your an idiot. Those dogs dont volunteer to be drug dogs..its people who train them..I could never heart an animal but I can and like to hurt people probably due to comments like that. That organic runoff probably had tons of bacteria which can kill anything no matter what size.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
well i am not a pet lover, but i understand the loss of a loved one. i am sorry for your loss and hope your friend gets through things ok. remember to keep your friends around for support in such a rough time.



Registered Med User
I give my dog a dose of ff big bloom and earthjuice all the time, makes her coat shiny! Naw real talk though sorry ta hear bout your folks dog, He shoulda shoved some activated charcaol down its throat, thats how we saved our dumb ass mut when it ate somethin bad. Are dog couldnt move and was barely breathin but it pulled through in the morning, gave it a shot of jinsing too, not sure if it helped or not but fuck it she made it. As far as havin her around grows, never again, when i took her to a outdoor she was chompin all the low buds she can find, musta ate about a half ounce before I realized wut she was doin, loves the stuff, I usedta give her handfuls of shake, she eats it up real quick, stupid stoner dog...

Bumble Buddy

Active member
I agree with Pig-Pen; the dog drinking runoff and then dying the next day is not necessarily an example of cause and effect.

I cannot think of anything in runoff, with the exception (as was mentioned) of massive amounts of bacteria, that would cause a dog to die so fast. I severely doubt that most runoff, organic or not, would be so toxic to dogs or other animals. Such a large bacterial load would be an exception to the norm. If it was bacteria, the dog would have almost certainly vomited repeatedly before dying, did that happen? Were there any other symptoms?

Sorry for your friend's loss though, looks like it was a nice doggie. :frown:


Horrible to hear, mate. I, as well as two close friends have ALL recently lost our dogs (luckily from old-age) and it is a terrible thing to go through, regardless.
Wether caused by nutes or not, they put those "MAY BE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED" labels on bottles for a reason and this SHOULD definitely be taken into consideration when pets and plants are in the same area.
Sorry for your friends loss :badday:


this has to be one of the hardest threads i have ever posted, being that I thin it happend to me. I had a dog wich was the sweetest pit bull out there that just passed away. I suspect it was from when i emptied the resvoir some fertilizer water must have fallen on the floor and he must had walked on it and later licked his paws. I use beneficial fungi and bacteria and microbes so i think that might had done it. I dont know thow,the vet said he had really high toxic levels in his kidneys and liver both shut down. I have never been sooo sad about anything in my life, i miss him soo much!! thank god i still have another one,and now im making sure im extra clean, so i hope we all learn from this thread!


phatnuggetz said:
this has to be one of the hardest threads i have ever posted, being that I thin it happend to me. I had a dog wich was the sweetest pit bull out there that just passed away. I suspect it was from when i emptied the resvoir some fertilizer water must have fallen on the floor and he must had walked on it and later licked his paws. I use beneficial fungi and bacteria and microbes so i think that might had done it. I dont know thow,the vet said he had really high toxic levels in his kidneys and liver both shut down. I have never been sooo sad about anything in my life, i miss him soo much!! thank god i still have another one,and now im making sure im extra clean, so i hope we all learn from this thread!

Toxic levels of what?

Toxicity buildup in the liver and/or kidneys is typically the result of repeated ingestion of toxic substance(s) that can't be processed by those organs.

Sorry for your loss.
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"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Honestly the dog looked pretty mature, possibly her liver wasn't up to the task, and I still say that all those microbes/fungi that digest rotting plant and animal things can't be particularly healthy for us, our internal microflora is pretty specialized, who knows what sort of toxins (remember we aren't plants) those microbes produced...


Really sorry to hear what happened but very interesting info for sure. I'm also wondering how much and 'bad' bacteria played a part in all this but if that's the case it probably would have taken longer for the dog to die. Sounds like a straight up reaction to a poison and not a pathogen.