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miracle grow outdoors?


Active member
I got 70 free bags of miracle grow nursery select from a friend.I am going to grow 70 plants in 5 gallon grow bags.Do you think it will be ok for established clones?Ive used it twice before with good results.I just wont put plants in the soil until they have a good root mass.What do you guys think.The bag says that it feeds for 3 months.Which is almost perfect.June to September sometime,thats 4 months,and some time to flush?


Well-known member
I don’t see why not if you are growing 5 gal buckets. Hey there might be better products out there but free soil no-brainer to me use it.

If the clones have roots and are hardened off they should be fine. Sounds like you got a great deal.


Active member
yeah,i was thinking to mix the MG 1/2 to 1/2 peat and some lime added,because it has more nitrogen in the MG than phosphorus and potash.Then start feeding them flower nutes around mid august or alittle earlier.im afraid the extra nitrogen will stunt the bud growth.Any thoughts?but you guys are right,free soil is free soil.the shit costs like 6 bucks a bag,times 70 bags.....thats $420 worth of free soil!!!
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MG? ewwwww. You know that stuff contains radioactive phosphates, don't you? That's right....radioactive phosphates.

You couldn't pay me to knowingly smoke bud grown in MG. But different strokes for different folks. I still wish you all the best with your green venture :D


Active member
the truth is i really dont want to grow in MG,but i cant afford soil,so what else do i do?plus i spent 7 hours last night(11pm-7am)taking the soil to my plots.Fuck it was hard work,i can barely walk today lol.Im not doing that again till next year,i dont mind bringing about 4 bails of peat in,but thats it.so i just wanted some people to tell me that it was ok in a crunch.
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Freedom Fighter
I used MG a couple years in a row...and I don't glow-- :bashhead:
It is a very good grow soil...just not for Marijuana-- But that doesn't mean they won't grow-- Grow to the best of your capabilities...and if that means using Miracle grow...Grow that shit!! Just keep in mind that you will have to monitor them to make sure they are not showing deficiencies-- :wave:

Phish Dude

careful with that shit it will burn your plants i lost half of my seedlings when i started them with that , the rest to flooding. but im all organic now and proud of it its better for the earth and you.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I used Miracle grow soil to get my plants going last year before planting them out, worked great.
There is nothing wrong with Miracle grow, I'd never hesitate to use their products.
Did you know that one in every thousand Potassium atoms(organic or not) is radioactive? Thats right, even that bananna on the counter is releasing radioactivity as we speak.........
Wikpedia said:
40K occurs in natural potassium (and thus in some commercial salt substitutes) in sufficient quantity that large bags of those substitutes can be used as a radioactive source for classroom demonstrations. In healthy animals and people, 40K represents the largest source of radioactivity, greater even than 14C. In a human body of 70 kg mass, about 4,400 nuclei of 40K decay per second.[2]

The activity of natural potassium is 31 Bq/g.
Link to Potassium in the Wikpedia-Potassium
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Active member
i would NEVER start seedlings with MG,its just too much for them.I did about 3 years ago and had to rinse the soil completely off the small root ball and replant in promix.They finally recovered,but lesson learned.The only thing im worried about is that the soil is .15/.05/.10 Which is higher in nitrogen,since its a time release fert im worried the plant will get too much nitrogen and stunt flowering.Ive heard of plants that have too much nitrogen in the flowering cycle dont bud out that well and take longer to flower.But it says 3 months of feeding,which will probly be closer to 2,so im hoping to give a dose of "Heavy Harvest fall" to supplement phosphorus and potash,by that time im hoping the nitrogen is almost used up.Sound like a good idea?


Hi chongsbuddy. Free store bought soil? Im with hamstring.
I used to use MG for everything. Generally it works fine. It isnt good for seedlings like you say. Sensi star, blueberry crosses , anything sensitive to nutes will struggle with the nutes they put in MG, especially during the early growth stages.
More than the fert burn is the taste. Use chemical fertilizers and thats what your pot will taste like and since Mg is loaded... but hey -free soil! They'll grow fine. Congratulations on the good luck chonngsbuddy and lets hope the claims on the MG commercials comes true-- "more, bigger flowers".

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Use it up man. Free=good imho. One thing I might suggest is think ahead and prepare a couple plots for next year, let that MG break down for a whole year somewhere then come back next year turn the soil over add a few amendments and voila nice soil for a grow. Early bird gets the joint, lol.

Definitely use it this year too, cant beat free anything in this day and age :jump: