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White W. Grow Q for the experienced!



If I did one WW in my space --> (2m high x 1.2m x 1.2m) under a 600W HPS then wat size pot would one recommend? ... Jst trying to get lil bits and bobs of extra info coz I haven't done a huge amount of experimenting with pot size.



Depends on the footprint of your hood, but I would say a 15-20 gallon container with some LST and FIM to make a low profile bush (exactly what I did on my last run with a giant WW)--SCROG it too if you have lots of time on your hands. Your vertical space gets reduced pretty fast when you take the hood (plus enough space to not burn the plant as its finishing) and container heights into consideration.


indeed socio, some very good points ... I can make my light take up bout a ft (30cm) of space when needed and the plant can be bout a ft below that not to get burned so i loose a bit over half a meter from top, plus possibly the same from the bottom with pot size ... So hmm lol ... How much bigger did ur WW get when flowered? (approx. e.g doubled itself, trippled?)



It depends on how you veg it out--bigger plants don't stretch as much as smaller ones. I've flowered right after rooting, and they stretch about 3x. From seed (on average), I flowered them at 24'' and they ended up at 48''. The bush I'm flowering right now has stretched about half of its original height. Minimize the stretch with the bush strategy. Good luck man and let me know if I can help anymore!


Active member
Ha Ha! Lots of folks like the widow. I've read so many conflicting things about it. I've read it is a small plant, a large plant, likes lots of food, doesn't like lots of food. So I'm finding out the hard way. From what I'm seeing, it doesn't like a lot of food, and it certainly isn't small. I have way too many plants in my space, so basically, they are crowded, and only the tops are getting full light. That's O.K. I'm looking for a few good moms. I have just finished the 3rd. week flowering, and the leaves are getting very frosty. Going to be some bubble hash for sure. I am kind of wishing I did fewer plants and topped them, as they are very prolific!

Check out Arjan's White Widow grow here:

I know some don't like Arjan, but this plant is amazing. Definitely looks topped. Only 2 Ft. tall, but huge, with tremendous buddage.
When I do it again, I will definitely give more space and top them. I will try to post pictures of the flowering tomorrow.
Good luck!


Active member
Mine were right about 2 Ft. when I started flowering, and they are now @40 inches three weeks into flowering. Don't see them getting much taller. If I started over, I believe I would start flowering at 1 month/1Ft. That's in soil. I expect results would be different in hydro/aero.


Sweet Retro ... Thnks for ur input ... A White Widow breeder told me that in soil they should b vegged 1 month and in hydro vegged 2 weeks ... I guess thats bout accurate then lol.


Active member
Here's a couple shots of 2 of my Widows. I pulled these out to pollinate them. Pictures from the growroom don't come out so good, due to HPS light. These are getting pretty frosty, and pictures are a few days old. They are considerably more frosty now. Had to stake some of the branches, as they were collapsing under their own weight.



Yea the HPS makes things difficult picture-wise for sure hahaha.
Those are some nice plants mate - How many weeks into flower are they?


Active member
Those are 4 weeks into flower. So, there are 4-6 weeks to go, depending on who you listen to. I think I will do a minimum of 9 weeks, and make a decision from there. As I have 7 of them, some might go 9, some 10. My Cheese have to go 10 anyway... I have one that put up 3 main stems from the get go. I'll have to pull that one out this coming weekend to check it out. It's way in back and I can barely see it! Rooms too crowded. When I do, I'll snap some more photos. :jump:


Sweet as mate. Lookin forward to those photos.
From what i've heard you should go 10 weeks .. I'm going a couple Jock Horrors with mine, which go 9-11 weeks anyway so 10 or the bunch should be cool when that time comes. Hopefully I'll have my 1000W Dual-Spectrum Bulb by then!!! hahaha.
That's a way away tho, They're just seedlings at the moment and I have to finish flowering my current crop yet lol. Just under 2 weeks to go!!! Yuss.

Cheers for you're input and those photos mate. Will be waiting for the next snaps.