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I was just held up at gunpoint in my home by a gang of 6 and all they got was sticks

Ajunta Pall

Unlike you, I will not argue over who narced on me or not. At that time that info is irrelevant. What one must do is use what knowledge you have of the law to get your ass out of the current situation. I don't give a fuck if the pigs threaten me with jail time. If the narc gave them solid proof of your grow the fucking pigs just would have kicked your door down and shoved the warrant in your face after they cuffed ya and stuffed ya. But they did not have anything but a tip, and the fact is you caved in.
I'm not going to deny what you went through was tramatic. I'm sorry for what has befallen you, truly I am. That, however, does not change the fact that you did not stick to your rights, you pissed em down the drain when you made your confession.

You ask what would I do? Tell them no you may not search my house. If they say we'll take you to jail and search anyway, I'd tell them to put up or shut up. Until you made your confession they had no cause to arrest you, otherwise they'd just show up at your house with an arrest/search warrant. If they took me down to the station, okay now what? Unless they were able to obtain a search warrant, I would expect to be released in oh about 23 hrs, because that's the law in my state.

Thinketh 2, what would have been the charge if you had stuck to your guns? On what grounds would you have been arrested for? Being narced on by an anyomus tipster is not legit grounds for a search warrant, there must be more than that to raid your house. A few controlled buys, coupled with a FLIR and electical statements on your high energy bill would. But just a tip? Nope.

The reason I called you dumb is not your dealings with the police. Nope not at all. The reason I called you dumb is that you went through a lot of trouble to hide your growroom. Now that is smart, however what is not smart is telling your girlfriend. In your posts you admit you spurned your girlfriend's love for you. To her, it may have seemed if you loved your weed more than her, and we all know that hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn. Why didn't you just smoke the shit you grew with her, and if she asked where you got it, just tell her from your "source". But you didn't you left the door opened to be burned and you were. That in my opinion is what makes you dumb. Like I said earlier, you're a good guy. An asshole you are not. But your judgment stinks. You talk too much. Not only to the pigs, but to your women, too. Your loose lips sank your ship.

Ajunta Pall

I'm not on the side of lying ass pigs, but i have been in the joint. I'd rather spend the money on rehab than do time again.


give the man a break... he may have ballsed up with a few things during this "lesson" but then have'nt we all?? I would probably have done the same, 2j's, but then i'm the same as you.... i have'nt had the experience or the knowledege which comes from the experience either. Until you've been in the situation you just dont know how you are gonna react... This is what happens when a government makes us all criminals for growing plants but doesnt teach us our rights. Personally i think we should be taught law instead of triganomatry at school but imagine the uproar if we all knew our rights for sure when it came to dealing with the bastard police. Some people maybe "smarter" or more streetwise but for you (and the likes of me) it seems we just gotta learn the hard way!! Its a pisser fosho but its just another hard lesson you've learned through personal experience. Im sure, if it happened again, there is no way you would re-act in the same way. Keep your chin up 2j's
love to you


i really didnt learn anything though.... because the way i see it- if they falsified my police report anyway, im sure they would have falsified a reason to obtain a search warrant. if they came into my house with a warrant -a reason to tear out my walls basically- my grow would have been found. i think i learned that if you get ratted out, there isnt much you can do about it. even anonymous tips. HIDE your grow- thats why you hide it, so the pigs wont find it when they do come in!
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well im as tired of this thread as everyone else apparently... heh.. but id still like to finish it.

court was a few days ago and basically this is what will happen. the prosecutor is going to ask the people that were there on the arrest if the police report was honest. if they say it wasnt completely true, case will be dropped. when they say it was all true, i will be given a last chance to plea for a misdemeanor. no more rehab on the table, i made sure that all parties understood i was not addicted to anything. both my lawyers and prosecutors have been much nicer to me since the fist time i had court for this case- now that they know better who i am and what i do with my life. at least i know they are trying to weed out the good people no pun but i still cant feel great about another misdemeanor conviction.

but such is life. hidden cameras will probably become my new hobby...
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two joints, i recommend that you IMMEDIATELY put cash aside from your future grows to hire a lawyer on retainer. You pay them a monthly fee, and they are basically your slave lawyer. If the cops came to your house like that, you'd close the door behind yourself (make sure to lock it and have your phone with you) While you are outside, make sure to call your lawyer and have him immediately get stuff going (they are good at this; and you are paying him to do it)

The reason you lock the door? because then when they enter, they have to break in, and if they don't have a search warrant, the case would pretty much immediately get dropped in court. You CANNOT be afraid to stand up strong and use the rights that the law gives you. if you lie, make sure its a story thats believable.

the first thing you should have said was do you have a warrant? if they say no, you can say ok id like you to leave my property, im busy. (or just not answer it!)
(you work odd hours, you were masturbating, you were making love to your wife (or to really fuck with them, say your bf if you are a guy), etc etc etc...)

Glad you only got a mis though.


gets some
They know their case is really weak so they just want you to cop a plea and get a small fine and unsupervised probation and stuff, to justify their jobs. Remember that some states carry additional penalties on drug charges, even misdemeanors, such as drivers license revocation. Its a tough spot to be in. Good luck with whatever you decde.


gixergal said:
give the man a break... he may have ballsed up with a few things during this "lesson" but then have'nt we all?? I would probably have done the same, 2j's, but then i'm the same as you.... i have'nt had the experience or the knowledege which comes from the experience either. Until you've been in the situation you just dont know how you are gonna react... This is what happens when a government makes us all criminals for growing plants but doesnt teach us our rights. Personally i think we should be taught law instead of triganomatry at school but imagine the uproar if we all knew our rights for sure when it came to dealing with the bastard police. Some people maybe "smarter" or more streetwise but for you (and the likes of me) it seems we just gotta learn the hard way!! Its a pisser fosho but its just another hard lesson you've learned through personal experience. Im sure, if it happened again, there is no way you would re-act in the same way. Keep your chin up 2j's
love to you

Sup gix.

You know what irritates me, is the fact that he tries to justify his actions. Well if they lied on the report, they would have lied to get a warrant, Oh I told them no and I felt like I had no choice., etc etc. Its always something

I dont know if he honestly feels that way or if its just his way of trying to cope. But he also spews this nonsense into other threads and gives advice to other people to do the same.

I dont think 2J is a bad dude, maybe a little young and wet behind the ear. But he needs to start listening and paying attention.

2J, the cops may lie about details at an arrest because its your word against theirs. I have done time and I can tell you that 70-80% or higher of inmates in the county jail, are using PD's that just cope plea deals. Cops probably count on you not fighting. Now lets say they lie on a warrant application. They have to present different facts to the judge, we had a complaint, we saw grow stuff outside, we smelled weed. Now at this point they really dont know if you even smoke weed, they just have some tip. Are they going to make all that up, break into your house and have you turn around and file a complaint when they find nothing? Someone is going to ask where is the grow stuff? Where is the smell?

Will cops imbelish to sell the warrant sure, but just make up hard facts that cant be prooved later, I dont think so or less likely.

And if they had grounds for a warrant to begin with, they damn sure wouldnt knock and give you a heads up. They would show up with the warrant

I hope your case works out but dont expect a cop to back you up. Even if he contradicts another cop, dont expect a judge to go based on that. I had 3 cops testify on a motion to throw out a warrant and it was SO clear the arresting officer was lying. Not to mention the PHYSICAL evidence that showed he was lying. Judge didnt care and upheld the warrant


so your point is if you get caught, no matter how, youre fucked. i completely agree, and i guess ill just be happy for myself that this will end up in a misdemeanor possession charge instead of a felony grow with multiple charges. i mustve done something not stupid, as wet as you think i am.

my real problem in this thread is i never made my first post in detail, that was vague to say the least. i was still worried about this thread's security is all... but i know it doesnt matter much now.

and yes i do try to justify my actions, should i be goin about my day trying to hate what ive done? not to mention you still cant tell me a much better way to do things then ive done... sounds like your way got you caught too.


I did caught ONCE, and I made them get a warrant. That allowed me later to fight the basis of the warrant which I should have won but didnt.

There have been a few times the police knocked on my door and I have NOT answered and they left.

Believe what you want, several people have told you, that you fucked up, not just me.

Ajunta Pall

Hey 2js, I'm glad that you will get a misdemeanor and no bullshit ass rehab. I don't want to pile on but..... you blame the cops for lying. You blame your girlfriend for ratting on you. But it was you who included her in on the grow. It was you who let the pigs in because of your confession. Granted that both the other parties played their part to fuck you, but you played your part too.

Anyway, good luck on future grows. :smoke:


Hmmm ... I just read the whole thread ... and to be honest ... some gears don't mesh. I would call Bullshit if it were Wednesday. Smart level headed people that grow don't make statements like you have and they certainly wouldn't continue to grow There And invite another girlfriend to move in. If your lawyer is the "best in the city" some bush leaguer fresh from passing the bar needs to go to and jack that title right out of his hands ... it won't be hard.


Please don't get what I have said twisted. I'm not saying you're lying about this ... I'm saying that this is Bullshit ... If everything you have told us is True there is something Wrong with you and you should consider another hobby. Now where is that Hidden Grow tutorial?


mysticls said:
never tell a soul even if its your wife girlfriend father son mother grandmother son in law

dont grow in your house if someone else is living with you

dont try and hide from someone living in your house.

I have one comment only if your legalized, then it's ok to tell your spouse. I think


ok... well i hear all of your concerns. im not arguing any of them.

to conclude- the prosecutor asked the cop that she knew, and the cop did admit that they went into my house illegally. however, he was not willing to testify that in court.

so the prosecutor offered me 2 year no-contact probation for a class a misdemeanor and a $350 fine. what i mean by no contact is i dont have to do anything... just stay out of trouble- no drug testing, no checkups, nothing. and the $350 really was $350, no extras on top. with my bail included i only have to dish out $150 now. they actually had to amend my case so the fine could be so low- its supposed to be like $600 minimum with a bunch of court fees on top.

i could have fought it though. another few months in federal court though- i honestly figured i would lose more money by staying in court to fight it then i would be to just pay the $350. do any of you think this was a poor choice (at this point)?

needless to say i felt kinda sick to my stomach when i had to say out lout "yes i plead guilty" but at the same time i knew this ment i could finally get OUT of this town.

and weedwrapper- if you really did read this whole thread i applaud you. even i dont want to go back and read every post on this winded thread!
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Ajunta Pall said:
Hey 2js, I'm glad that you will get a misdemeanor and no bullshit ass rehab. I don't want to pile on but..... you blame the cops for lying. You blame your girlfriend for ratting on you. But it was you who included her in on the grow. It was you who let the pigs in because of your confession. Granted that both the other parties played their part to fuck you, but you played your part too.

Anyway, good luck on future grows. :smoke:

thanks. i know what i wrote in my original post, but it really isnt exactly how it went. ive taken a lot of grief for that, but whatever. the prosecutor even knows the case is bs now, which i was glad to hear even though they still weren't willing to drop it altogether. they kept citing the whole 'your word against theirs' deal, and the cop was not willing to testify against his sargent so i was still kinda fucked.

100% true on the whole g/f thing though. and i could've done more to keep them out that day (like slamming the door on them) but i still cant help but wonder what would've happened after that. i was as nice as i coul've been to them, and they did the nicest search of a house i have ever heard of- and im confident that is why they didnt find my grow. it wasn't THAT hidden- i mean cmon, the fuckin door was latched by plastic roller-pins that all you had to do was lean on to open up the entire room. they never pushed or pulled on anything, it was a virtually hands-off search.


Yea i read the whole thread too, and like 50 said, "I do my dirt all by my lonley"

The Reality is, growing this plant risks your freedom and anything else you want to do with your life.

Bottom line, it is a waste to grow for personal use alone AND tell somebody,(unless you are medically fucked beyond belief, like quadriplegic) Why, because you risked your freedom for a few smokes.

You should have sold some, and put money aside so you would have something to show for this and to cover lawyer fees.

Stay safe and if no one knows, you have your future 100% in your hands. i would never give a girlfriend the ability to take my freedom away. Besides she is a sick person to feel that whatever hurt feelings she had warrants her snitching and possibly getting your freedom taken away.

Get in the game- reach your goals, then grow small and stealth and tell no one - or get out of the game.
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i came back to post that shit they never found lasted me FOUR MONTHS!!!! best harvest by far and away, in so many ways. i shoulda kept from being caught all together, but this outcome didn't ruin my life thats for sure haha.

thanks to yamaha, anjunta, weed and everyone else for their advice. i have a better way of going about things now- i'll never grow weed again. ;)

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