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Active member
who uses it and what is it's MAIN purpose? it sounds like it would make tasty sticky buds. thinking about starting. i'm on 4 weeks into veg and will flip to 12/12 next week. thanks. :joint:
vindiesel said:
who uses it and what is it's MAIN purpose? it sounds like it would make tasty sticky buds. thinking about starting. i'm on 4 weeks into veg and will flip to 12/12 next week. thanks. :joint:
Your kidding right? Not to be a jerk, but put Molasses into the search and everything you want to know about it and its benefits will be revealed. More then any one person can type into this thread.


vindiesel, you make some of the most useless, repetitive threads i've ever seen. there's a huge thread in the organic forum stickies called "Molasses: the miracle additive".

UTFS (Use The Fucking Search)


Active member
yeknomssa said:
vindiesel, you make some of the most useless, repetitive threads i've ever seen. there's a huge thread in the organic forum stickies called "Molasses: the miracle additive".

UTFS (Use The Fucking Search)

yekster u are f'n useless so zip your lip :wave:

i have read about it but i'm asking USEFUL people on here what is the MAIN purpose of it?


Active member
and yes i'm high as hell so if i did ask a "useless repetitive" question...deal with it buddy. don't behave like a little bitch.


Gee whizz guys have some patience with the grower... you sounds very pissed off for stoners... ;) he is only asking
I use molasses (Grandmas Unsulfured) $2.20 at the grocery store.

I use it at a rate of 1 TSP (teaspoon) per gallon of water every other watering from veg to flower (soil).

If you have kickass potting soil (dolomitic lime as your PH buffer, mycorrizhae innoculants), the only other thing you need is 5-1-1 fish emulsion used at half strength or 1 TBS (tablespoon = 1/2 ounce) per gallon of water. I use this at EVERY watering for VEG.

If you are into CO2, then keep CO2 levels at 1,500 PPM's during lights on.

Neem oil the shit out of everything (soil included) and you will not have problems with bugs but this MUST BE DONE RELIGIOUSLY.

Fly strips and NPS (No Pest Strips) round out the arsenal to fuck up anything with a insect heartbeat.

PS...... When mixing up the molasses, you need to stir it up to bust it up. It is kind of gummy but dissolves real fast.
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Well that is true Vin, there is a huge thread on it in the organic soil section. Also, there is a thread in the grower forum section, it has everything you need to know.

Not trying to be a dick! goodluck!


I guess I asked the same repetitive question myself but seemed to get a bit better response. Although I did get pointed to the organic thread to..... all great info as well but I think you were asking for opinions like I was.

My thread

I Also I took this quote off of another one of my threads for ya.

kovenant said:
great beginning grows! the setup continues to evolve, that's for sure.

i saw you asked a question about molasses. i use it myself, let me tell you my own personal what, why, and when.

first, i recommend using any brand molasses - however, make sure of two things: you want blackstrap molasses, and you want it unsulfured. both of these attributes are attributed from the way the molasses is refined... and the unsulfured blackstrap is the best of growing MJ. i use plantation.

i use it for several reasons, and throughout my grow. the 1st reason is to help feed and grow a healthy micro heard. that's all the beneficial organisms in your soil. molasses will explode their colonies and they will work well for you in return - they help break down nutes, so they transport to the plants better... they also fight off bad organisms and fungi. 2; it supplies important minerals to your girls - namely Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium (as well as carbs/sugars.) alot of MJ products contain molasses as their main ingredients - including ones for use during mid- to late-flower... brings me to 3; i begin my flush with RO Water + Molasses. this way i begin weening the girls off the nutes but continuing to supply them with some important minerals (and dont forget the carbs... great for packing weight on the buds). it also contributes to 'sweetening' up your buds. advanced nutrients makes a product called Sweet Leaf. it's main ingredient is molasses... along with some other really good stuff that isnt in molasses (but i still choose to use it over Sweet Leaf.)

as you can see, i use it throughout my grow. i give a couple applications during veg (to help build the micro heard) and i usually use between 2 tsp - 1 tbsp per gallon. i use it again starting early budding (around week 2 or 3) and add it to my nute mix once a week - same dose. finally i begin flushing about 1 1/2 weeks before i plan to harvest... the first watering during flush i water with only RO water and Molasses - and i blast it with 1 - 2 tbsp per gallon. if the plants are burning through the water - i'll water same dose again (e.g. if you are watering every other day, or even every 3 days... i would flush with molasses twice.) then for my last week i flush with RO water and Final Phase. usually my last flush i give with only RO water.

hope that helped with your question. guess i ran on alittle :rasta:

happy growing!

I have just started to use it myself, So I really have no opinion on it yet but so far so good.

Just thought I would pass what was shared with me.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
well its mainly used as a soil additive, it boosts flavor/taste by feeding the microbeasties that produce the necessary sugars for the plants and makes it easier for the plants to process these things for the plants.

remember its for the plants , by boosting your soils nutrient productivity. i agree that the molsses info is on here in its own thread, but its long winded as far as getting to the main use of molasses and what/how it helps directly.

still read that thread though, there should be some other valuable info about molasses and other things that can be used. once i read it and got the jist of what was being said, i never had to read it again, just know to add it to your watering/feedings at a rate of 1 tsp per gl for veg all the way to flower
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Its easy "when you know how"!! 1 teaspoon of blackstrap mollases to 1 gallon. Cant go wrong with that information. Does anyone know if we can get that particular brand of mollases in the UK?? I was wondering about using it and now I know, what, when and NEARLy where....:) Thanx for that guys


I have noticed a great differance in taste using it,

I also use SUGAR IN-THE-RAW from hawaii, its in a brown box at the grocery store, it taste fantastic for sugar, its brown.

Here is a cross I did using molasses and Suger in-the-raw for the first time



those buds are lookin very spectacular.... what strain is that ya got there babes??
Word Vin...fanx guys