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How do you make this system?


Smokes, lets go
I was looking at the stealth hydroponics system and I was wondering if someone could tell me how to make a system like this with all the same features, im sure diy it would cost much less... also don't forget their "pro drainage kit" it seems to look like it makes things a bit easier.


I am not familiar with DWC but this looks like a typical DWC setup.

Do you really need help building this? Seriously it seems easy enough to copy. Get a rubbermaid container, cut some holes in it, drop the pots in and an airpump. What is so hard about that?


second yamaha on that. looks like the site got a list of the componets of that system. go on a hunt my friend. much luck to ya peace


ya i have multiple of those gray tubs, walmart, like 5 bucks, you can build this whole setup from walmart short of the net pots most likely


Active member
Don't waste your money! You can DIY this whole thing for less than $30.00!!!

There is nothing special about that setup.... and the superspecial injection into the rootzone is nothing more than a drip system plugged into the netpot. You can do the same thing with top drip and won't see any difference.

"Pro drainage kit" my ass! I bought that part at my garden store for $1.99!

In short, its CRAP for $90.00!!!