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Should China be barred from hosting the Olympics?

The 2008 olympics are being held in Beijing this summer and its no secret that Chinas goverment is oppressive. Human rights violations in the People's Republic of China (PRC) remain systematic and widespread. The Chinese government continues to suppress dissenting opinions and maintains political control over the legal system, resulting in an arbitrary and sometimes abusive judicial regime. The lack of accountability of the government and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) means that abuses by officials often go unchecked.

Human rights groups have long criticized China's:
1. Restrictions on media and freedom of speech
2. Tourture and ill treatment of its prisoners
3. Lack of due process in its judicial system
4. Invasion of Tibet and imprisoning buddist monks for peacefully expressing there realigious and political views
5. Discrimination of women

So what do you guys think?


I completely agree that the major powers need to do something, but I am unsure of whether or not boycotting the Olympics is the right thing to do. I understand that it is probably the best time to bring attention to so many of the world's atrocities, but I think this something more. I almost feel that politics should be completely separate from these sports.

In highschool I had a friend that was training for the winter Olympics, quite some time ago, and it was his entire life. Imagine training for your ENTIRE life, for one thing, only to have your country boycott the event. I just don't think it is fair to punish these people that have obviously worked so hard for something. Unfortunately, it always seems that a good in the world has to take the fall for a wrong to be corrected.


I think the people protesting against China for the way they value human rights will maybe make people who don't know the situation look into it. And I believe in a lot of other issues that need to be protested against. And the Olympics is a big deal so That would catch the eye of the world but as far as the U.S. boycotting I say he without sin cast the first stone. people know they will have media at the Olympics seems to me like a good place to go wearing a give peace a chance T-shit and holding a sign with you message.


Resident pissy old man
I really can't say that the U.S. is any better than China.

We imprison 7 times more of our population as a %
We invaded Iraq
We tortured prisoners
We keep prisoners in hidden foreign prisons and deny them due process
We spray dangerous chemicals on poor 3rd world people because our government can't control the demands of its people for drugs
We deny our own people the right to use a plant to heal our illness

Need I go on?

Bud Meister

I agree that what China has done to Tibet is wrong. They are doing everything possible to erode Tibetian culture and race short of killing them all.

This is a complicated global matter that should not be ignored, but sadly happens in countless other countries around the world. I think having the Olympics in China is a good thing because it has brought even more world focus on the situation in Tibet than it would have without it.

Bud Meister

the 45 king said:
I don't see china giving up tibet and I don't see america giving up hawaii

I agree.. China will do what ever it will take to maintain order there. I would not be suprized if China exicutes a large number of the leaders of this uprise. I am sure we will never know the true death toll this will take on the Tibetan people.


Smokes, lets go
i agree china is too strict, america is bad enough china is even worse. I have heard of some places that will execute you for possessing our god given plant.
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Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Such classic 'democracy' and neo-liberlistic ideals...

Look, if we go and tell China what to do, its just like invading Iraq. You're going in and telling a culture and people that they are wrong because it doesn't conform to your ideals. Its just like Christian missionaries that went and converted indigenous because they were 'godless heathens'.

Do I personally agree with how China has ran its country in regards to civil rights? No, but it doesn't matter what I think.

Now for the question at hand... what does the Olympics have anything to do with changing Chinas policies?... if you care about their policies.

If you told China they can't hold the Olympics because they've invaded Tibet, they would say fine, we'll still have them and whoever wants to come can come and fuck you. Anybody remember the German Olympics during WW2? Same deal would happen.

Cultures need to work out their own problems, when outside forces intervene, there is usually a motive for gains on the 'helping' side. It would ultimately cause more trouble for everyone if they were barred from holding the Olympics.

Bud Meister

Pops said:
I really can't say that the U.S. is any better than China.

We imprison 7 times more of our population as a %
We invaded Iraq
We tortured prisoners
We keep prisoners in hidden foreign prisons and deny them due process
We spray dangerous chemicals on poor 3rd world people because our government can't control the demands of its people for drugs
We deny our own people the right to use a plant to heal our illness

Need I go on?

We imprison 7 times more of our population as a %? Wonder if the fact they exicute many times more prisoners based on population than we do is figured into this?

We torture terrorists not US citizens. China uses torture as a tool by its police on its own citizens on a large scale.

We are not perfict but what country is? When you compare human rights between the United States and China you will find we dont come close to the human rights violations of China.

I wonder what wouid happen if you were caught growing weed in China? I bet they would shoot you on the spot. If you are lucky you get a trial wonder what rights you would have there? Then found guilty and then exicuted.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Bud Meister said:
We imprison 7 times more of our population as a %? Wonder if the fact they exicute many times more prisoners based on population than we do is figured into this?

We torture terrorists not US citizens. China uses torture as a tool by its police on its own citizens on a large scale.

We are not perfict but what country is? When you compare human rights between the United States and China you will find we dont come close to the human rights violations of China.

I wonder what wouid happen if you were caught growing weed in China? I bet they would shoot you on the spot. If you are lucky you get a trial wonder what rights you would have there? Then found guilty and then exicuted.

Yes, we are a better turd then China, but always remember this, you cant polish a turd.

God bless the United States of Turd!


Active member
Hello all,

I think that boycotting China is the worst thing to do....

Follow me here, with all of the millions of tourists and cameras and free speech being brought into China, it will only further the progress in human rights.

The event might imbolden the people of China to once again (Tiananmen Square) stand up for there rights while the worlds eye is upon them. It would be bad ju ju for the government to crack down whilst the Olympics are underway.

Just my thougths....



minds_I said:
Hello all,

I think that boycotting China is the worst thing to do....

Follow me here, with all of the millions of tourists and cameras and free speech being brought into China, it will only further the progress in human rights.

The event might imbolden the people of China to once again (Tiananmen Square) stand up for there rights while the worlds eye is upon them. It would be bad ju ju for the government to crack down whilst the Olympics are underway.

Just my thougths....


That's where I was going with my comment. Tourists, media coverage, teams, it's all people coming in and bringing the views of the world to them.


New member
I don't know cause RIGHT NOW they can't even keep the torch lit cause the protesters keep trying to grab it and interfear. So my question is what's going to happen when the games start and all visiters are there? I for one wouldn't be going to their country at this time!


minds_I said:
Hello all,

I think that boycotting China is the worst thing to do....

Follow me here, with all of the millions of tourists and cameras and free speech being brought into China, it will only further the progress in human rights.

The event might imbolden the people of China to once again (Tiananmen Square) stand up for there rights while the worlds eye is upon them. It would be bad ju ju for the government to crack down whilst the Olympics are underway.

Just my thougths....


Wishfull thinking.....boycott....I say boycott all olympics, do away with it. Its all politcal BS...and I am a conservative...


25 years in the future...

Massive food shortages begin to take their toll on the Chinese population which has risen another 25%.

The worlds largest agricultural grain producers are called in to save the day.

Armada's...trains of refurbished oil tankers, lines of ships criss-crossing the Pacific ocean, shipping essential supplies from North America and Australia to China. Hauling millions of tons of grains and rice to feed a population on the brink of perishing.

This is what you get when you take communism, the worst aspects of a free market economy and a few billion aspirational people who want to live like westerners.


Please. Citizens of the USA, implore your congressmen to....


Think I'm kidding huh? :D


Cannabrex Formulator
Mr Celsius said:
If you told China they can't hold the Olympics because they've invaded Tibet, they would say fine, we'll still have them and whoever wants to come can come and fuck you. Anybody remember the German Olympics during WW2? Same deal would happen.

Germany did not have any Olympics during WWII....that was in 1936.....there were no Olympics during WWII, and no one boycotted the 1936 Olympics, that idea was rejected by the US amongst other.


The Olympics should be boycotted and so should trade and any other means to support communist rule.

China is striving to take over the world and by supporting it you are helping.
