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Help! How do you move 20...


I am wondering what is the best way to relocate 20 plants about 2-3 feet tall in the 5 week of flowering 350 miles away to a new location. The outside temp is 32 deg f.

Will they make it in a box van at that temp? Could get some in cab of truck...Should they be covered with black plastic?

Thanks for any replies..

Man, I'm glad I don;t have to move that many plants---IMO moving plants that are that tall can be a bit**ch. If it were me I would get as many in the fornt cab as I could put the rest in the back. wrapping with some plastic may save the ones in back if not exposed to the temps for too long. Just do what you can and be carful you will break some limbs (unavaoidable) Maybe wrapping in plastic kind of pushing all the limbs together and laying horizonally. Good luck


how far are they. if it was me i would hold out to the last min. and cut them girls. better early than never or even worst busted. crazy man peace and good luck



Hey-selfprofider-thanks for the comments-I htought I might put them in some big boxes "wardrobe" and close em up...or wrap in plastic bags...i doubt if it will get to freezing...

wishbone-yeah, i may end up cutting them, i have copies of everything that are about 6 inches tall...but man i hate to lose these...quite an investment in time and expense...weed is legal where i live...up to 25 plants before any problems..i would just cut them WAAAY back if they were in veg mode...but if i did it now they would freak..

got a new location all setup, only need to deliver them...

baja sauce---FOR REAL! no bs...cant be prevented....house sold...

have you ever seen those little trees wrapped in burlap? would that work?


Wrapping them in anything may insulate and protect up to a point Too much exposure to the low temps will kill them no matter what you do.
being legal to have the MJ I would risk the trip and hope for they best, Too much time invested to harvest and get low quanity, low quality weed IMO


id wait if ur already at week 5,id wait a couple weeks and chop early.definetly understand about the time you put in on them.but yo the time you could do 4 them aint worth it.you've got copies as you say,so just roll with them and be happy you got them.if you chop early atleast you'll get somethin'or you could always bubble hash them;) trust me i feel your pain i just had to chop 30 early prolly f'd myself in a lb.more of weight there and i had to kill like 40 more so...but my garden is back up full swing and i hardly missed a beat.it seems harder then it is.play safe cause you know those haters dont play fair.stay safe peace-Y-


Tom 'Green' Thumb
If you put them in boxes they should be fine as long as they are watered well before their trip. Usually I transport my plants in recycling boxes, but make sure they can breath by poking holes. Act as though they are little animals lol.

I do this transport 3 times every 2 months as my veg room is at one location and it feeds my three bud rooms. The bud rooms are also at seperate locations. I know it's weird, but it cuts down on having to veg for a month and keeps my bud rooms filled constantly.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
you should be fine, it is just like a dark period for plants
300 + miles should take you going on 5 to6 hours, just keep them in the dark when you get there

Your biggest problem with be the smell and your nerves, having a van completely full of weed, would kind of freak me out


Rent an enclosed u-haul truck. Drive from 12-5 am when there is no traffic. Drive the speed limit and only stop for gas once. The Uhauls have a lock on them that a cop would need a warrant to break into.


Buy a bunch of styrofoam coolers and use the bases to hold a couple of plant pots each. Then buy some spun poly fabric "frost blanket" (e.g., Remay) to cover the tops--the double-thick version protects the best. Also, just before you leave, fill a bunch of 1 gallon water jugs with hot water, cap and intersperce them among the coolers; the escaping heat will warm the space for several hours. Good luck.
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I would rent one of the Uhauls that use a hitch, so you can take the van and the plants. Throw a battery powered space heater in there and keep the temps sustainable for the 6 hour trip. Good luck!


Active member
they will make it just fine as long as you don't break down. The small u haul is the best. card board boxes is a must, If possible pack them in truck and put a elect heater in there untill you are ready to leave, and drive right and unload quick.AS LONG as they don't freeze they will make it, there tough
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I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
you guys crack me up....

all you need is some plastic sheeting ,some burlap, and some twine..

you know how they wrap up christmas trees, or any other trees that are being moved?

Do it that way... to do this: bend your limbs straight up, wrap them in the plastic and then twine it up to the top. Then wrap the plant in burlap and wrap it with the twine again. This will also allow for more room when you pack them into your truck. You should also go and purchase some other plants to stick back there to camoflauge the cannabis.

the plants will not die in 6 hours because it is 32 degrees. And also, renting a uhaul is a HUGE RISK. cops target uhauls and other rental vans....

Oh, and also, ever think about buying some sort of magnetic signs for your truck with some sort of "landscaping" company name on it.... A cop wont be suspicious of 20 plants wrapped in burlap in the bed of a landscaping truck...

The less you do to prepare for this, the more likely you will be caught


Active member
tall boxes beat burlap and wrapping all to hell, way to much damage can be done and you see hundreds of uhauls every day, every one uses boxes when they move so it looks very normal to be packing them and unpacking.

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