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Tom Cruise furious about new medical strain

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
genkisan said:
Ever see how many L. Ron Hubbard books are always in the second hand book store?

Any philosophy invented by an science-fiction writer shitty enough that no-one keeps his books is a stinking load of walrus feces.....and any scrote-sack twitbag actor who takes it seriously is a mentally crippled goatblower of the highest order.

....Now thats constructive profanity......I like it Genki.......a little Pythonesque you might say....


Resident pissy old man
First, Tom gets upset that his face on put on an anal dildo and now he is pissed that a pot strain is named after him. You would think that an actor would love the publicity. Sure didn't bother Willie Nelson when they named a strain after him.


Active member
they should just call it "purple cruise",so it still pisses him off,but can't do anything about it,put a pic of a purple ship on it



It would have made my day to walk into the clinic and to have seen that labeled "Crazy Cruise CUSH" with his little crazy ass face..well that would have been really special haha...I knew that little coochie would get his clit in a knot over that...


cruise= :cuss:

a joint goes to who ever can get a video of katie holmes taking a toke out of the butt bong....
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OMf***ingG this has been a hilarious thread... I LOVED "Turn me into Rainman Purple". I think I let some pee dribble out on that one, I was laughing so hard!

I think I have it... This is how to TOTALLY piss that piece o crap off... rename it:

"The Strain Formerly Known As Tom Cruise Purple"

If that legal workaround worked for Prince, it's gotta be golden!


Grinding extra.
Grobot said:
Fine, let him have it his way, just change the name and let it go. Here are some suggestions for a better name anyway:

Vertically Challenged Purple
Short-man Syndrome Purple
Scientology Freak Purple
Pompous Arse Purple
YouHadMeAtHello Purple
Maverick Purple
Penelope Cruz Purple
DaysOThunder Purple
Kidman Purple
Risky Business Purple

I think this re-naming could go on FOREVER... hey... what would you rename it? Other ideas? hehehehe
LMFAO! :jump: :laughing:


so now that this retard is pissed off there's going to be national attention on the state-licensed (but federally illegal) grow shops? great, just great. if this pos is the one who brings down the medical shops in california i swear to fuckin god i will go insane.


New member
We should just name it....

"Scientologistically Purple".. AKA... THE FORMER Tom Cruise Purple...

See.. I don't think you guys understand that the world will never heal until we all become THETANS!

Its that simple.

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