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So, we have 4 years left on earth...what is your final goal?


According to all prophecies and bibles, chinese, aztec, merlin and even some scienists, December 21st 2012 will be the final day of earth as we know it..

What do you want to do before we parish?

I want to see the ocean and jamaica :p


The "I Ching" chinese book of changes, which ends @ 2012, the end

THe "Mayan Calender" which ends @ 2012, which fortels of the end because of alignment of the earth with the stars/planets

Scientists say in 2012 that the earth, moon, sun and some other planet will be aligned and that happens ever 25,000 years, which may cause the earth to switch axis and rotate backwards, causing world wide earth quake, tsunami blah blah..

Merlin the great (the real one) who was a prophet, fortold and wrote of the earth ending in 2012.

Also, I think there is supposed to be an asteroid that could hit earth around the year 2012.

Kinda interesting stuff on the History channel last night.
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If it was actually going to happen, Why would they tell us? And why cant everyone say 100 percent its going to happen, There is still scientists who say its not going to happen...

Its just going to cause big huge riots and shit, People fleeing houses to other states and shit to be with family. Airport nightmares/bus/traffic

I've fell for this shit when I was younger and got scared of it, I am not falling for it again..

If it does end , FUCK this earth anyways, its to fucked now anyways, we need to hit the power button and restart this shit.


Ancient prophecies don't mean shit and anyone who believes in such things are gullible ass hats.

the earth is going to roll over? People actually believe this? Seriously?
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the mayan calender doesn't actually say the world is going to end. it simply ends on that date, perhaps because the mayans could not predict astrological events past that point, because it is too far in the future from when they made their calenders

scientists do predict that the planets will align on december 21st, but this does not mean the world is going to end (lol). perhaps the mayans did predict this event, and saw it as an end to their calender era, with events past that point being unpredictable

regardless, those are the only 2 sources you provided that mention december 21

it is merely coincidence that all of these sources point towards 2012. There hav ebeen many other prophecies in the past that have said the world would end, and none of them have come true thus far. This is because human beings have no ability to see into the future to acurately predict events. To think otherwise is ridiculous. And, if people were able to use magic in the past to sense the future, then i wouldn't mind that the earth is going to end because that means there is likely some magical, spiritual afterlife.

we are all going to die some day. religious people are in denial of this and thus turn to superstition to make them feel better. lots of religious people, throughout history, have felt they were living at the end of time, and that jesus would return soon. basically, its all bullshit

however, a meteor could strike earth in 2012 and theyd all be right....its all fucking random coincidences
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Tomorrow is a promise to no one.

In the meanwhile I'd like to knock boots with
Jennifer Love Hewitt so I'm working on that now.

and thnx for the info, I'll be sure to plan my
harvest for bout 2 weeks prior to that date.
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inverse said:
it is merely coincidence that all of these sources point towards 2012. There hav ebeen many other prophecies in the past that have said the world would end, and none of them have come true thus far. This is because human beings have no ability to see into the future to acurately predict events.

This made me crack the fuck up. Thank you for some common sense, it seems some people need to be reminded of these things on occasion.

Until someone makes a convincing case that the Mayans were given the end date by aliens or something, I'm skeptical at best.


inverse said:
the mayan calender doesn't actually say the world is going to end. it simply ends on that date, perhaps because the mayans could not predict astrological events past that point, because it is too far in the future from when they made their calenders

scientists do predict that the planets will align on december 21st, but this does not mean the world is going to end (lol). perhaps the mayans did predict this event, and saw it as an end to their calender era, with events past that point being unpredictable

regardless, those are the only 2 sources you provided that mention december 21

it is merely coincidence that all of these sources point towards 2012. There hav ebeen many other prophecies in the past that have said the world would end, and none of them have come true thus far. This is because human beings have no ability to see into the future to acurately predict events. To think otherwise is ridiculous. And, if people were able to use magic in the past to sense the future, then i wouldn't mind that the earth is going to end because that means there is likely some magical, spiritual afterlife.

we are all going to die some day. religious people are in denial of this and thus turn to superstition to make them feel better. lots of religious people, throughout history, have felt they were living at the end of time, and that jesus would return soon. basically, its all bullshit

however, a meteor could strike earth in 2012 and theyd all be right....its all fucking random coincidences

what he said.

and my goal is to smoke copious amounts of weed before 2012...

Ive pretty much already met that goal


New member
:jawdrop: :pointlaug :joint: Anyone watch AFTERMATH last night on history ? Just think it will only takes 150 years to wipe out what man has done to earth. All except plastic, stainless steal and a couple other little things.


haha seems about right.. fuck life its pointless anyways.. were all gonna die at some point.. why not all together with a big fuckin blunt. a really big blunt. im gonna smoke up on that day man. oh and i deff think that axis thing is gonna happen.. just you kno.. dont kno when.. that seems logical.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
well if it does happen maybe cannabis will be legalized then, but who cares anyway. the environmentalists talked and the capitalists never listened, oh well, we didn't deserve it anyway.

hopefully the next planet that humans settle on wont be seeded by these illuminati, skulls and bones assholes, wont be any of that clique bullshit.

maybe the next world would be more sensitive to the emotional/mental states of humans and specifically kill all anti freedom thinkers individually, like if you dont support cannabis or something, then all the wildlife attacks you and only you and leaves the rest alone.

a proactive civil rights/ anti war planet, would be cool.
I support the idea of the anti war planet.Cannabis forests and festivals all year long.Killers,rapers ect should mine uranium without protective gear.
the whole planet shifting axis thing sounds plausible..if there is evidence of it happening in the past then i wouldnt call that to far fetched..


Freedom Fighter
SomeGuy said:
I survived Y2k, I can surely survive 2012!!!!

Haha!! That is exactly what I was going to say--
The "End of the World" for the Mayans...was a long time ago--

Space Ghost

"scientists"? show me one peer reviewed journal entry that talks about this...

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