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It's a Longshot, but need help on identifying a killer strain.


New member
don't have too much knowledge on differnt strains, only been smoking for about 5 years and seems the only bud that comes round here is bc bud and mexican brick schwag.

anyways i was wlking on a beach in tybee island georgia, and found some pot in the sand, wrapped in cigarette celophane(spelling??). looked to be about a gram. crazy right??

Well what was even crazier was me and my girl smoked that bud that night, and oh my fucking god it was the best shit ive ever smoked in my life... I mean it was a happy uppity type high, we laughed for hours and man do i wish i had a pound of that shit.

I know its a longshot because i have no pics or nothing but i'll try my best to describe the bud and high.

Bud- looked like no other bud ive ever seen, the hairs were bright yellow as opposed to the orange and red i see. the bud itself was brown, that's right like shit brown. the bud was very very dry, and had almost no smell to it.

High- very uppity, no couchlock at all, took about one hit and i was in the clouds with permagrin. Made my face feel real warm probably becuase i was smiling for 4 hours straight.

the herb was found on a beach in tybee island georgia in august of 2006, maybe some of you southern boys remember bud like this coming around the florida/georgia area aorund this time or the time preceeding considering the bud was so dry. From what I know about the beach where the bud was found, is that it is a weekend vacation destination for people from central and western georgia. I would say about 70% of the patrons there are either from savannah, or atlanta. the rest could be from anywhere really.

again, the bud was like none ive ever seen, i mean its brown color and yellow hairs seemed unnatural, but i am 99% positive this bud was unaldulterated.

thank you all for your time
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Active member
Well, the brown color and the yellow pistils and the very dry consistency makes me think that this particular bud had been exposed to the air for at least a few days.....when bud is exposed to air it "oxidizes" and probably the change in colors is due to this.....however, it sounds like the THC remained totally intact so you were able to enjoy it!!!

Unfortunately we probably will never know what strain you found that day on the beach.....but it makes for a great story and some fond memories, which is what life is all about.....

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Another possibility was this was high end commercial Mexican that makes its way acrossed the boarder. Believe it or not, there is some amazing marijuana to be found from Mexico. And even some of the more "schwagg" looking mexicans can be jewels once they are smoked.

The only time I see brown weed is from mexican commercial, aka schwagg. And I see lots of marijuana over the years, trust me. So the brown color makes me wonder if it wasnt imported from Mexico, but was just some of the better marijuana to be found there. The high is usually extremely pleasant, very happy and talkative, good natured strong marijuana from the better Mexican.

Good luck, sorry I cant help more.
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outlawed420 said:
Another possibility was this was high end commercial Mexican that makes its way acrossed the boarder. Believe it or not, there is some amazing marijuana to be found from Mexico. And even some of the more "schwagg" looking mexicans can be jewels once they are smoked.

The only time I see brown weed is from mexican commercial, aka schwagg. And I see lots of marijuana over the years, trust me. So the brown color makes me wonder if it wasnt imported from Mexico, but was just some of the better marijuana to be found there. The high is usually extremely pleasant, very happy and talkative, good natured strong marijuana from the better Mexican.

Good luck, sorry I cant help more.

I agree, there's great genetics to be found in some Mexican Sativa schwagg. I know people who only deal with imported Mexican marijuana and I always tell them to let me know what something good comes around. Here's what they gave me this past month:

This bud was great! it didn't give me a headache at all, and it was a very clear high. When it was broken up it smelled like berries and mango, I found three seeds within what was given to me. I plan on growing them out, and if they do good they'll get crossed to the Bangi Haze I'm growing now, or the Original Haze I got going.


mmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmm

mmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmm


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

do you really think thats a mexican sativa????

not to discuss with you guys.... :jump:

but these days you must be related with the landrace brickweed already becouse colombian and mexican growers have years already getting marijuana seeds from holland many many years already :fsu: , mostly feminized , to try and ´´ compete ´´ with the local BUD , with is gooood :headbange but more pricey.. :headbange

but i dont think thats a mexican boy u got there bro .... its just nationalized ... hahahahah :jump:

peace :rasta:
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Active member
ElectroSticky said:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

do you really think thats a mexican sativa????

not to discuss with you guys.... :jump:

but these days you must be related with the landrace brickweed already becouse colombian and mexican growers have years already getting marijuana seeds from holland many many years already :fsu: , mostly feminized , to try and ´´ compete ´´ with the local BUD , with is gooood :headbange but more pricey.. :headbange

but i dont think thats a mexican boy u got there bro .... its just nationalized ... hahahahah :jump:

peace :rasta:

IVE always though mexico grew the weed for the purpose of bricking it up...
never seen anything good come from there. no way they buy seeds from holland, and if they do there probably keeping the genetics to themselves. around so-cal the dirt-brick-swag is all mexico originated. and if they had good stuff it would get here first.

the weed in that pic looks like it was grown in the forests by the drug cartells, it usualy has that 'exceptionaly shitty' quality aswell...aswell as the pine-sol smell, or is that real pine-sol?.....

~hell ive even seen people get brick with piece of brick(red brick) in them!!!

but then again i avoid swag like 'the plauge' .... id rather be sober.


Digitalhippy :wave:

let me hit you with some knowledge..... :joint:

no way they buy seeds from holland, and if they do there probably keeping the genetics to themselves

look bro , it does not work that way with commercial growers that sell the hemp ,,lets say somewhere else,,, :jump:

even more , most of them grow extent fields of what you called shitty weed..maybe this is what you see in south cal..


only this is from colombia but i´ve seen mexicans and they are the same shitty weed different beans when talking landrace..jejeje

now ... they dont grow all the weed to sell , somewhere else , and that best quality bud is grown in greenhouse ,, now you have to understand...for those growers ...MASSIVE growers .... the feminised seeds are a blessing .... and believe bro´ they use it...

unless you know somebody , that knows somebody and so on.. you are most likely to only see the shitty weed exampled above ,, but let me show you some colombian compressed that comes from Holland beans , i mean some good labeled shit... :headbange and they are sure ´´trying to compete´´ :muahaha:


this one my friend is seedless and is no match for the goodies ... but then again it is not as pricey and unless you know somebody , that knows somebody and so on.. you wont see it. :muahaha:
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Well-known member
If I was a betting man-I'd wager you had yourself some Oaxacan bud or less probable-colombian
good colombian is rare in my area at least-there is a reason DJ short uses the Oaxacan in his blue lines-clear/very happy high-sort of like first hour of clean acid
i've got abouta dozen of these seeds to play with myself this spring :rasta:


my vote is for the mexi brown ,since he didnt have any weed when he went to the beach his tolerance was probably really low,people only smoke shit they find if they havent had weed in a while LOL, and a good mexican gives ya that good happy trippy ass buzz...damn that square of shit looks terrible,thats not the kind of brick weed around here , thats the type of shit that gives mexi a bad name, the stuff i have looks more like the pic under that one and cost me 35 bucks, i smoke mexi , smokin somenow and it looks light green with few seeds and is some good smoke, it aint no dank but it is a nice high and i got 6 seeds out of this q and 9 seeds out of the last.and from my experience with growing the mexi brick weed , when grown properly this will be some killer shit.
ElectroSticky said:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

do you really think thats a mexican sativa????

not to discuss with you guys.... :jump:

but these days you must be related with the landrace brickweed already becouse colombian and mexican growers have years already getting marijuana seeds from holland many many years already :fsu: , mostly feminized , to try and ´´ compete ´´ with the local BUD , with is gooood :headbange but more pricey.. :headbange

but i dont think thats a mexican boy u got there bro .... its just nationalized ... hahahahah :jump:

peace :rasta:

You're probably right about them buying seeds, b/c my friend was telling me there is mountains near Nogales where the Cartels grow bud and finance some breeding projects. I wonder if they're doin' a good job of selection, b/c if they're not they are just dickin' around.

Regardless of this, that bud was good. It might not look that great, but it mos def hit a soft spot. I wasn't out of weed either, I was smoking on some Sour Diesel and some Purple Urkle BEFORE I smoked that schwagg. I still got a very nice and clear up high. Usually I get a headache and a bad depressing high, but this was clearly not the case. It was a happy bud that was great with drinking.

Plus I plan on stabilizing a hybrid that is great for drinking beer with, cus sometimes I get really dizzy if I smoke the very potent strains. I prefer a nice low potency smoke that doesn't get me pukin' when I drink

My friends and I were drinkin' the other night, then we smoked some of that bud and we were feeling GREAT!! What you say is probably right, but I can for sure classify that bud as a sativa once I grow it out. If it is a good plant and not a waste of time and space, I'll probably breed it with my Bangi Haze from ACE seeds which is a F6 IBL true-breeding sativa with a 9-11 week flowering time indoors. I think it will be perfect for the kind of strain I'm shooting for.
The Bangi also has a small hint of liquor in its aroma, along with other fragrances that just remind me of Mexico, like cellantro and mango. And this schwagg has a nice incense smell to it, which I think is rare with all the imported bud I see coming around my way.

Here's the Bangi I plan to cross it with (if the plant is a keeper):

And I agree with Bagseed, that brick looks like it was in a buring building lol