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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Mr Celsius said:
Dude Tropical, I get that you don't really know shit, but there's a reason that we use ambiguous language, and it will always be that way.

When you start asking what phrases mean or start labeling numbers with $ before it my paranoia screams: "Rat, snitch, fucking pig". I'm sure you're not, but if we were talking in real life and you started talking like above, I would simply walk away and never talk to you again. I often treat online conversations like I would real ones and talk that way as well.

I highly doubt anybody is going to answer any of "those" questions. If you're not totally clueless, you should be able to figure out what "those" phrases mean.
Eh...you know....various reasons and all hypothetical, so :smoke:...

Like the indoor thread....all hypothetical :smoke:....

No secrets shared.....no admissions made......I could tell 25-20-15yr old stories all day long........(and most wouldn't believe em so what's the point anyway :smoke:)

Doesn't mean I do it today :smoke:...


Tropical said:
tripples, thanks for the explanations. They make sense except for "say i know 10 people who buy pot and sell it, dealers..." How would you know ten dealers? If I knew even one dealer that could sell me a pound at I time, I wouldn't be a grower and I wouldn't be on this web site. You find a guy one time. Then he suddenly goes permanently dry or he disappears or something. It can take me years to find somebody else. So, how did the wholesaler come to find ten dealers who buy pounds?

well say ive bought pot off of 10 people who sell.. now i know ten dealers that i can offer product to.. my people stay in business.. for years.. if one goes down 2 more pop up.. i know lots of people.. and all those people buy from someone else whos one step above them.. so even if i say i know 1 guy well he knows a guy who sells to 10 people and the guy that he buys from has 10 more guys on his level.. the pyramid works its self up... dont know how it would take anyone a year or two to find another dealer... only a phone call away and ive got 10 people on the line who know people.. even if my main guy dries up for a bit.. i call the next guy.. its all about who you know in your circle.. and if you dont know someone who would sell you a pound then how do you know that a pound goes for 4k in your area??

and your in miami? fuck dude you must not know anyone..
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
tripples said:
a guy that moves 2-3 pounds a week isnt making a grand on every pound..
Depends......people who move regular sometimes only make like $1-$300 per depending on how they are selling it.....ie: If moving whole ones, might tack on 1-200.....if busting it up might make 2-400....if busting it up small?, they very well could be making a g a piece on em....(or, depending on how cheap they get it, could be making 600 a piece on full ones for good price to people :smoke:....)

Depends how much their guy is, or is not jacking em in the first place.....(guy who gets em for 6 and sells em for 18 to long term people so they only make 1-300 a piece , is, in my opinion, one true scumbag.....
maybe he is selling half pounds or qp's maybe he has a buyer who buys 1 pound every week.. maybe he makes 200-250$ on the qp's if that, maybe he makes up to 200 on each half pound he sells, and maybe he makes a hundred or hundred fifty if he dumps a pound to his guy.. so if he sells 4 qp's = 800,, 2 halves = 400,, and makes 100 on the last pound.. so all together he made 1300 in the week or two it took him to get rid of the 3 pounds..
all speculation......1 million different scenarios......just was an overview,....everyones situation different........
hes got bills too, why do you think hes selling weed..
Same deal......can't make that statement......

For example: You have people reading this right now who grow so they can smoke for free...., but then might comment on someone who sells, when many sell to get their smoke for free also...

if someone was to grow 1000 pounds of weed.. do you think they are just gonna throw it in their bedroom closet.. no,, maybe they would put 50 pounds in 20 different storage units, that way when he needs 50 pounds he just goes and gets it and gets rid of it in one day.. and that would be one way to make it last more than a few months..
same deal...endless scenarios but of course best to cut everything up........product separate, cash separate, cut up into different spots...(storage units get visits, so........have to watch that.......)
next.. how people get to the position of selling quantity.. well say i know 10 people who buy pot and sell it, dealers... now 2 of them moves 1 pound a week.. 2 of them move 2 pounds a week... 3 of them buy off of a guy who moves 10 pounds a week.. and the last 3 guys that i know move 20-50 pounds a month... ok follow me.. so know i know this guy who can front me 100 pounds for a month... ok so now i got 100 pounds.. i call the 3 guys i know who move 20-50 pound a month,, they each buy 20 pounds.. 60 pounds gone.. keep following so now ive got 40 pounds of pot to sell with in 3 and a half weeks.. so i call those 3 guys who know another guy who sells 10 pounds a week and they all work with him and each buy 10 pounds.. ok now ive moved 90 pounds of pot in 2 weeks.. and ive got 10 pounds left.. call my guys that i know who move 2 pounds a week,, they both buy 2 pounds.. now im down to 6 pounds of pot left with only a week till i gotta pay this hard knock fucker .. so i call the last 2 guys who move a pound and they each buy a pound.. still with me? ok now ive got 4 pounds of pot left,, i got enough money to pay this fuckin guy before he comes bangin on my door,, but i like makin him worry so i dont call him or return his calls.. with only 3 days left till he shows up with his gun, another one of the guys who goes thru 10 pounds calls and i say all i got is 4 pounds left, you want it? he takes it.. you still here?? ok this character has really been on my ass and with 3 hours till hes due on my step,, i got his fuckin money for him.. and thats how a guy comes into the position to move 100 pounds in a month on front..
I got lost.....few minutes, plane to catch, waiting for cars.....

I'd advise different though.......:smoke:

Pay attention........this is how the real money is made :smoke:

100?...let's say on your doorstep for 90k.

You sell for 18?

50 pays it off.

You front 10 to 5 people. 16. (80k) If quick? Next round will be 14.

2 weeks later..........people won't have it all....but, will be close.....

Let's say they have 60k.......

You still have 20k out
, you throw them remaining 50 (70k)

You owe 30k.........

You have 90 out.........

You ask for another round, 30 still owed, but 90 out......

Next round comes back.....(90k)

You put that on balance (120k)

You now are sitting on 100 and owe only 30k on it......


You just made 130k in less than 2 months with minimal effort and risk......

(go for 3 months?........throw down the 130k on 200.......)

Your sitting on 200 (280k) and only owe 50.

(I favor channeling all money to make more.............although many who know my history, know this can be a downfall of sorts if something happens.....what good is 15MM in product and your money if it gets grabbed :smoke:.....)

so, best to reach a happy medium.......keep enough cash onhand, do with the rest something else.....
and you next dilemma.. everything is gonna be priced different.. everywhere.. it all depends if you know the hookup with the bomb strains for cheap..
sometimes..........sometimes always same price.....


i know julian i was just giving him ideas so he could understand in laymans terms.. i wasnt speaking for myself or you.. just throwing out ideas to him so hed understand kinda what you were saying.. most of it was just bullshit.. not really saying thats what someone is gonna make or is what someone is gonna do.. just makin it simple ya know


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
All just hypothetical examples for an understanding of an overview....

Of course.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
tripples said:
i got enough money to pay this fuckin X guy before he comes bangin on my door,, but i like makin him worry so i dont call him or return his calls..

with only 3 days left till he shows up with his gun,

ok this X character has really been on my ass and with 3 hours till hes due on my step,, i got his fuckin money for him..
You forgot the part about, at that point, the money not fixing the problem....:smoke:
tripples said:
i got enough money to pay this fuckin X guy before he comes bangin on my door,, but i like makin him worry so i dont call him or return his calls..
Never wise to fuck with the people who make you money.........

Being cut off isn't the worst thing that can happen...:smoke:

An insult and disrespect isn't a monetary matter.......Accounting doesn't handle that....a different department does :smoke:
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obviously.. commercial growing cant be done.. :D the guys that run multiple ops in different states, or in one state are a myth.. its never been done.. :rasta:


Julian said:
You forgot the part about, at that point, the money not fixing the problem....:smoke:

Never wise to fuck with the people who make you money.........

Being cut off isn't the worst thing that can happen...:smoke:

you liked that didnt you?? thought youd get a kick outta it :headbange


Julian, you have truly given me inspiration. I've read the first 10 pages of this thread, but just can't wait to get some input from you.

My first grow: I was living with my parents and grew out 40 from seed until they were about the size of the ones in the trunk of that guys car. I did 3 spots. 2 were crap and grew over. I came back to find nothing. My main patch was to be a winner. I hauled a couple bags of manure out and tilled the soil. (same with the crappy ones that grew over) The main spot was an old farmstead, now a nature preserve) I planted 28 or so there. I came back 2 or 3 weeks later and EVERY ONE GOT EATEN. There was a stalk of a ruderalis hybrid that was probably 2.5 feet but was bitten off 1 foot above the ground. At that point I gave up on outdoor. I live south of where you do but early finishers would do great here. Drought sets in in August and continues for 3 months. I had taken no precautions against herbavours. No repellents, didn't piss around my plot...nothing. I just said, "fuck it" and gave up :(

What do you do about that? Strength in numbers?

You said, "no state parks or national parks". Well, I've got some spots in mind in places that are very inaccessible but still in some kind of state park. Almost nobody goes there. Of course, there are the national forests and huge tracts of land owned by the coal mines.

I know of many streams which get very small, but don't go dry in the late fall; not even in our worst years of drought. I'd like to do some slow sativas (my favorite) along the banks of the headwaters of these streams. Here, the problem is finding a place with light. These streams are down in canyons filled with hardwoods.

Now, my main question. Growboxes are my thing and I plan to set up a male containment so that I can make my own seed; thousands of seeds. I'd like to breed some autoflowers and make my own feminized using the colloidal silver method.

OK, so, for legal reasons, I can't do any real numbers like you do unless I sow seed out in the wild. Is there any chance that this would work? Assuming I have 10,000 feminized autoflowers (will finish before drought and eradication efforts start in earnest); could I count on 1 in 10 making it? 1 in 100? The latter would still give me 100 mature autoflowers which would suffice for my personal needs and perhaps a little more...friends, cancer patients, a relative whom I would like to supply.

With my limited capacity, I could turn out about a half dozen clones per 2 weeks as it is right now. Of course I could reach a production level of 200 clones every 2 weeks just with the growboxes I have now, but I just don't have the balls to work with numbers like that.

Another factor is my fixed income. I just don't have the gas money to reach all the prime location spots. I can walk or ride my bike to a lot of "city" spots (lol I live in a little farming town). These would be big clones and only one plant per spot.

But, my biggest concern is that the plants will all get eaten. We have every kind of animal here short of grizzly bears and wolves, but I bet even the bobcats would prefer some nice hemp roughage for their hairballs.


Active member
Almost 100 pages, oh shit!

Jules, recently, Ive been having issues with things I never even thought about (stalling, deficiencies, leaf burn) in the past. Never checked ph, ppm, nothing. Just measured nutes, add to tap water, and pour. At my new location, all my clones are stalling once transplanted. My mothers are all crispy and at a halt, and im getting hit with pests for the first time as well. Lower leaves are yellowing within 2 weeks of being transplanted. What gives?

I remember this thing being a lot more simple in the past. My first dwc rez consisted of soil plant run off, worm casting gunk, and dead leaves. 2 zips off a 125w fluoro .

Anyway, I was wondering if you use RO, and also, if and when you use tap water, do you let it sit out for 24 hours first? I feel like I have stripped my entire system down, and the only thing that is different is the location, leading me to think its the tap water.

I finally built an aero cloner and clones are no problem, but now my mothers are all fried so I cant cut more clones!!!!! Fenabala!
BonsaiBud said:
Julian, you have truly given me inspiration. I've read the first 10 pages of this thread, but just can't wait to get some input from you.

What do you do about that? Strength in numbers?

You said, "no state parks or national parks". Well, I've got some spots in mind in places that are very inaccessible but still in some kind of state park. Almost nobody goes there. Of course, there are the national forests and huge tracts of land owned by the coal mines.

Did I miss something here? WTF, why do US National Parks. Man, I am getting further behind the 8 ball here!



OK, yes, Indicapimp, US National Parks are totally off-limits for so many reasons. And, why do a state park when a national forest is nearby?

I like city property that is practically wilderness. Then, there is BLM land, if you live near it. Not to mention state property which is awaiting sale or exploitation...no...wait, power cuts, or rather the north edges of power cuts. One thing I would do is make damb sure I'm not putting plants on someone's private property. If uncertain, one can go to county tax-assessors for such maps.

As for land owned by mining companies: just don't take any of the timber (unless it is the trees you grew :rasta: ) And don't mine any of their minerals. Oh, and know all the hunting seasons and wear blaze orange if you have to go in in the middle of a hunt. Hardcore hikers and backpackers will hike during a hunt. You could go in with a 6000 cubic inch backpack filled with an unstuffed sleeping bag and your clippers and a dozen paper grocery bags. Come out with your sleeping bag in a compression bag and 20 pounds of bud :headbange

My cover story could be:
hunter (scouting the area for when hunting season comes)
biology buff
mountain biker
rock climber

I hoped a gate at a nature preserve with a backpack full of little plants in cardboard boxes. Some biologist lady was driving out in a truck and asked me what I was doing there. I just replied, "I've always gone hiking out here". Now seriously, that was truth. She just went on her way and I went on in. Honestly, it didn't even phase me. My pack was way over-stuffed for a short, afternoon day hike.


I come from a part of our society where as if someone knew you had 6,000 worth of illegal substances, and if you talk to the wrong people, you could get robbed or " disappear !"

how do you go about covering yourself whenever you have a big orders and big money?.......... do you count 15k right away,or do you trust the buyer,..... how do you keep from getting robbed??

I deal with Fronts all the time.... Ive got people i still deal with that owe me money, people ive been knowing all my life ... the reason is because they make me money, and if i scare them away they wont spend with me.... i beleave losses are apart of buaz


Julian much respect man. I have really enjoyed this thread and have definatly gained a lot of insight into growing,money matters,people skills and life in general. I am newbie member but long time lurker, read thro this whole thread and been taggin along for the ride since first day.

I am a reasonably smart dude and i can come thro with some killer plans but my follow thro sucks. I am disabled and that complicates matters but thats just a pussy excuse I know I can do better and damn it I will get my shit together. I just wanted to let you know that your an inspiration to me and I am sure to many more.

I joined in part to take part in this thread and to thank you as well and a big shout out to everyone else thats contributed to this thread.

Good luck and stay safe everyone.


Gonna sit down and work on my plan right now Ive been a dog fucker my whole life this year I plan to kick some serious ass and get it together so in the future I can pound the pooch in style lol


New member
When you get back around, I have a quick question. I've been reading this thread since the start, and you really have touched in on everything. Like others I am greatful for all the information, but there is one little detail that I think got left out. How do you cure such large ammounts? That's be a hell of a lot of mason jars to unscrew everday.......just curious.....rubber made bins maybe?


It's in the thread somewhere. cardboard boxes it is as far as I remember. mason jars :D not feasible as you already realized.


Where is Julian?
I bet he is busy...very busy.
He did mention cages a couple times. not in the city, not by railroads, not everywhere
I am busy with cages. If he doesn't rest, then what is my excuse?
I like the "hurry up and wait" strategy. It works wonders for travel. I'm trying to apply it to my new little hobby. I now spend all my "free time" reading this, and other outdoor threads. I inquired as to deer repellent for my legal garden and got a laugh out of a local expert. Cages it is. Cages for all. metal cages. Old rusted barbed wire-look. Yeah, that is the goal.
I just tried my hand a cloning for the first time. (aside from putting houseplants in a glass on the window will) It is amazing how well it works when you just follow the directions. :bashhead: KISS for sure. Protip: some kind of humidity dome. Seeds don't need the domes, but clones sure do.

As to money: uni accepts cash for tuition and fees. In fact, they like cash. I can just imagine, "No worries, pa, I paid it already." Now there is a goal. Next, thought of starting my own business (really wanted to do this for years), but only netting 60% of input funds, and calling it a grand success? This would be wonderful. As long as I sell fine carpentry for 60% of what I paid for the materials, in green cash; then I have laundered 60% of my money and can chalk the rest up to creating my own business. I'll be free to claim and pay taxes on all this clean income. :jump: Yeah, that and the drug-tax-stamps. I get to pay tax twice! :headbange

To be able to, or have to, start my own business would be wonderful. But forget that...I just gotta grow these plants to ensure my personal stash :joint:
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