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How many holes to gaurentee harvest?

I'm going to be growing at 42 N and only be able to go maximum of 4 trips, including planting from seed (only option), and then leaving mid-June. I'll be able to do some minimal care when I prepare to harvest. I'll be amending local soil with cow manure and peat moss, some lime and slow release ferts, with newpapers at the bottom to conserve water as I won't be able to help them with that. Gonna sprinkle some coyete piss to help with deer. I'd just like to make sure to get a couple of plants to harvest, a few ounces will satisfy for my first try. What kind of survival rate should I expect, and how many do I need to plant to have a good shot at a harvest? I've got 5 Mandala #1 femed, 6 Nirvana California Orange as my flagship seeds, plus Nirvana Ice, White Widow, Northern Light x Big Bud, Menage a Trois and some bag seeds. So how many holes?
yeah, unless them seeds dont mean anything to you, just use bagseed.

i would do atleast 4 differents spots; totally different locations, far away. this way, anything happens to one plot, its not going to get all of them hopefully.

i would also suggest planting next to a stream...find a secluded stream in the woods, put on the wading boots, walk all around the stream, look around grown up areas, youll find perfect spots like that.
i forgot to answer your question.

i dont believe anyone will be able to answer that question...its too hard to say.

in my area, in ideal conditions, i could get away with 2 visits and still get some nice plants; but are you worried about rippers? do you have enough sun? is your spot suitable?

theyres too many variables, but i can tell you this: when im planting unsexed seeds, ill take the number of plants i wanna harvest, multiply them by 1.33 and then by 2, because i figure ill lose 1/3 to bad weather/rippers(1.33), and half will be male((2).

hope i helped


Active member
depends on where you dig the holes. there are to many variables to know. how many hours of sun light will it get? then you gotta worry about the elements, heat, rain, flooding, wind, animals, humans, law enforcement, and so many other things its impossible to tell ya.
That's a tough question...
by planting from seed you mean directly at the spot and leave?
Coyote piss won't do anything after a couple weeks...

If it were me I'd start them indoors for at least 2 weeks, transplant with chicken wire cages, switch water crystals for newspaper, and expect 1/15- 1/50 to survive.

It really depends on animal concentration, ripper possibilities, and rain. Getting that initial head start indoors of 2-4 weeks will really help out your chances.

If there's any way to care for the plants instead I'm sure it would be worth your while. :rasta:


ICMag Donor
no rain dancing here. it depends where you are at 42N. ever hear of the great lakes? thats a lot of fresh water. lot of lakes, rivers, wetlands. crystals help if you can't make a lot of trips.

cages, coyote piss, your piss, ivory springs soap help with dear.
yeah I was afraid people would be pessimistic, but I don't really understand why. Only 1 in 50 will survive? what? How the heck did it survive in the wild before being domesticated? I understand that domesticated plants become dependent on people, but I specifically purchased Mandala #1 because he claims its landrace genetics gave it vigor, low nute and low water requirements. A friend of mine said the single best and biggest plant he ever grew was one he completely ignored - it got eaten by a deer so he abandoned it, but it regrew and he found in the fall that it had big crystally buds with no care whatsoever. So what makes everyone so pessimistic? I just want to get ONE plant to harvest. I know it won't be anywhere near its maximum potential, but you really think they'll all likely die? Drought is the only thing that I'm worried about, thats what the newspapers, peat and cow manure are for.
I know the coyote piss will fade but just want to give it a few weeks to start growing unmolested so it can get big enough to maybe survive a deer hit. I would certainly start inside if I could. Are the pessimists here speaking from actual experience? just because it takes so much care to achieve good high yields, doesn't mean a plant on its own can't make it to an okay harvest.
forgot to mention - the plan is to have half a dozen different spots. Variety of spots should ensure at least one escapes deer, people, and extreme environmental stress.
Do you all agree that I shouldn't waste the Mandala #1, even though I specifically purchased them with independence in mind? I don't know if the bagseed will finish in time.
I would at least germ them inside and and veg and 600 or 1000w for a month. Those are some nice genes bro would hate to just throw them out and pray? You could take some clones from them before you set them outside to hedge your bet's.



frostynugs420 said:
yeah, unless them seeds dont mean anything to you, just use bagseed.

i would do atleast 4 differents spots; totally different locations, far away. this way, anything happens to one plot, its not going to get all of them hopefully.

i would also suggest planting next to a stream...find a secluded stream in the woods, put on the wading boots, walk all around the stream, look around grown up areas, youll find perfect spots like that.

I couldn't disagree more.
You don't know what it is and if it will finish in time.

Go out and buy some fast outdoor strains.
These will finish at the end of Aug or first week of Sept.

I am a less is more guy.
I only make 3 trips.
Just plant the seeds in locations where other things are able to grow.

Weed doesn't need to be watered by people. Unless there is a drought or something just leave that shit alone.

Plant in a minimum of three diff. locations and you will be fine.
Good luck.


indicapimp said:
I would at least germ them inside and and veg and 600 or 1000w for a month. Those are some nice genes bro would hate to just throw them out and pray? You could take some clones from them before you set them outside to hedge your bet's.


Again, I disagree.
This is a total waste of time and will greatly increase your chances of getting busted.
With the proper genetics you drop the seed on the 4th of June and come back to 5 foot beauties on the 4th of Sept.


indicapimp said:
I would at least germ them inside and and veg and 600 or 1000w for a month. Those are some nice genes bro would hate to just throw them out and pray? You could take some clones from them before you set them outside to hedge your bet's.


Ill have to agree with this. I know that when plantd in early march in a green house with 18 h of light, grow till mid may then thrown outside. 3-11 elbows per easy. So even if you start them may 1st. indoor, put them out on your trip in june, you will have way more survival rate = more bud ( most will prob show pre flowers so you dont come back to a seeded crop, unless thats what you want). The only downside of putting big clones or plants out instead os sedlings is that they require more water. But you should ammend yur holes with polymer crystals that hold water and release it over time, they are cheap by the pound and is more reliable than newspaper. Hope this helps...good luck. Also the bigger your holes, with the right sun and water, the bigger your plants and buds. peace
kbc2007 said:
Again, I disagree.
This is a total waste of time and will greatly increase your chances of getting busted.
With the proper genetics you drop the seed on the 4th of June and come back to 5 foot beauties on the 4th of Sept.

Well, I was even cutting it one step short. I would have only sexed clones going out. Say you are sitting on 20 plants in a spot and it is discovered during veg in July LEO. They setup on you attending you spot. Well guess what, you got 12 Males out of 20 plants that you never intended to harvest and now you are over you legal state limit just for being Lazy. It is more work but unless you are under 18yrs old this is not a game! This is a Fucking Warfare Zone, go play Paint Gun or something if you want to just have fun.
Dude, I understand the K.I.S.S. principle but this is not going about it the right way. Not hating on you just trying to keep it real...


If you want a good perspective on outdoor survival rates, check out my last years thread. I only watered one time, and we did have very bad droughts. In the end though. I had 3 healthy plants, of which only 1 was a female. In the end it died though in the budding stage, probably from lack of water. My clones survived and I ended up with like a 10 gram harvest. That was with 15 bagseed.

Deer attacked every single plant i put out, and the 3 that survived only survived out of pure luck, because they treated the deer biting their top as a topping. SO IN CONCLUSION: If you live in an area with deer ( who doesn't?) then your result will be shitty. This year i will use chicken wire as I don't think anything else will work. When deer are forced to live in a human surrounded environment, my theory is that not much will deter them except chicken wire. Think about it; the deer in my area are already used to humans, they really couldnt give two shits about pee or any of that other shit people try. I pissed around my plants, SHIT I EVEN walked up on the deer sleeping next to my plants, none of that scarred him out of the area? WHY? Because he had no where else to go and he is out for survival.
well how bout 30 day coyote pee? If I can keep deer away till beginning of july, will that help them survive? I really wonder about the deer situation, as I live near a mountain range and I hear they will come down to eat. If I wait to set seeds out till the beggining of june, which is when I leave for summer, will that help them live, being as the deer will then have established foraging spots/found other gardens? With only one plant per spot, do they have a significantly better chance of dodging deer or are the deer a problem that will have to be confronted strongly? I really want to avoid using anything, like chicken wire, that will make it obvious that its a cultivated plant.


indicapimp said:
Well, I was even cutting it one step short. I would have only sexed clones going out. Say you are sitting on 20 plants in a spot and it is discovered during veg in July LEO. They setup on you attending you spot. Well guess what, you got 12 Males out of 20 plants that you never intended to harvest and now you are over you legal state limit just for being Lazy. It is more work but unless you are under 18yrs old this is not a game! This is a Fucking Warfare Zone, go play Paint Gun or something if you want to just have fun.
Dude, I understand the K.I.S.S. principle but this is not going about it the right way. Not hating on you just trying to keep it real...

I see your point here, I never thought of that.
That's probably because I don't live in a country where it's considered warfare.
But if you live in the US I see what you're saying.
go buy some chicken wire man, they will keep animals off your plant. Water crystals, peat moss and MULCH help alot. But then again during harvest season you don't need as much moisture. Plus you can get some nasty critters/fungus and they will f%ck up ur plants if left unattended
Nicol Bolas said:
yeah I was afraid people would be pessimistic, but I don't really understand why. Only 1 in 50 will survive? what? How the heck did it survive in the wild before being domesticated? Are the pessimists here speaking from actual experience? just because it takes so much care to achieve good high yields, doesn't mean a plant on its own can't make it to an okay harvest.

My closest experience to your situation is putting out 20 1 month old plants last year without cages and losing them all within 2 weeks to deer/ feral pigs. These were being attended/ watered/ ferted etc.

Maybe you can tell everyone more about your area... like what is the average monthly rainfall in your area over summer?

For me, rainfall is near nothing after may... so water is a must... others have different situations/ problems to work out. Hope you can figure it out, set it and forget it would be ideal if do-able for you.