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Other then Cannabis, What are some other cool plants to grow?

If castor bean is in the euphorbiacea family, it should have milky sap in the stem. Poinsettia's at Christmas are in this family. So is the weed spurge. Break a stem and see. :) Great info Sheriff! Now... time to drink some more 211 triple export 8.1% alcohol beers. Man, I'm wasted. :D

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
shit you know some euphorbias saps can give ya some nasty burns...im not finding out if ricinus is one of them...

and they are self-fertile (pollinate themselves)
but what does it i dont know, probably just wind, those flowers are kind of small...
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I just remembered some "superfoods." There's moringa oleifera, aka the miracle tree, or malungay in asian culture(leaves are available frozen in asian food marts). It has an unusually high proportion of nutrients and vitamins. Also, every part of the plant has it's uses, including minor water purification with the seeds. But it's a tree, so can take a while to got a decent size, though if I remember correctly, it grows fast.

Same goes for the goji/wolfberry as far as nutrition. Though I think that takes a while to make fruit, maybe 1-2 years, but I'm not sure.

I have seeds for both, but never got around to planting them.


sesame plants are interesting to grow, single stalk with big leaves..lots of people will ask "What's that plant?".


Eugene Oregon
I truly love growing tomatoes there fun to grow and there a great condition in my garden... I like growing sage aswell then making incenses.


Non Conformist


Sheriff Bart said:
they are self-fertile (pollinate themselves)
but what does it i dont know, probably just wind, those flowers are kind of small...
My point is where is the pollen coming from, and where is it goin to? I think I'm correct in asumming the pollen comes from the lil yellow flowers and pollinates the hairs on the pods (??) via wind, bugs, etc...Although, it jus occured ta me, the darker those leaves got out in the sun, the more heat would rise from them, carrying the pollen right with it.True self pollinating plants! lol It's also jus occured ta me that I'm purdy fuckin stoned and rambling, aswell.lol I dunno, it doesn't really matter....Take care,BC

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
oh i believe that although the flowers are tiny that they are synoecious meaning the flower has male and female parts or they are monoecious and they have sep. male flowers and female flowers on the same plant but i dont believe those hairs on the pods have anythign to do with germination since those are already pollinated and developing seeds in there...and liek i said if i recall correctly they are trichomes and are used in protection...
i didnt look very close at the flowers ance since they are so small its hard to tell in the pic and i havent foudn any other good pics of the flower up close....i'll have to see if the sucker still has some flowers...

they usually have monoecious racemes but apparently there are many sex mutants
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