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Outdoor Bubba Kush


I just got a clone of katsu bubba kush which I plan on growing outdoors orgaincally using the organic moonshine mix. If anyone who has grown this strain outdoors could please give me some input it would be greatly appreciated. I have been doing my research, going back looking at old threads, but there isn't to much on outdoor bubba. So what can I expect as far as yield, finishing times, and mold problems? Thanks in advance :rasta:
I have one Bubba mother, and in this moment i´m preparing 3 cuts to grow outdoor!!!. I´ll be arundo this thread to learn more!!.



Active member
never done her out side , just make sure you let her go a full 70 days from start of flower. she will look done at 45 to 50 days but let her sit the full 70.


Okay I'm knew at this whole growing thing so even outdoors 70 days flowering okay, but isnt it impossible to tell exactly when the plants go into flowering outside?


Active member
no its not impossible. its astronomy. usually july august is when it starts here on the 35deg. Google sunrise/sunset chart 2008 and see when the days get shorter and night are long enough to induce flowering in your part of the world. You can see it down to the exact day or week


Active member
remember when your outdoors to use neem weekly. Also check in your area when butterflies and moths lay eggs or larvae so you can spray with bt or diatomeous earth. Otherwise the eggs hatch in your buds grow into caterpillars and eat them and they shit inside the bud and mold and fungus develops. I lost half my first crop to caterpillar and spider mites. heres a link to determine when your girls will start to flower good luck http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/sunrise.html


oh shit.. i just put the little clone outside 3 days ago but i just realized its 13/11 here.. is that going to trigger flowering?? please say no


okay couple of noob questions: what is neem? so i spray the bt right on the plant? only in flowering or in veg 2? and will it affect flavor/ will i be smoking pesticide? what can i do to prevent powdery mildew? thanks for the help everyone i freakin love ic


Active member
neem oil is from pressed neem tree seeds. its organic way to deal with spider mites and critters. I use dyna-gro its cheap and effective. I spray every week until 2 weeks into flower.

safer caterpillar killer with b.t. I use only when the moths and butterflies are laying and when caterpillars usually appear. Here its may and june.

diatomous earth is like pieces of glass for bugs. It will also keep all critters flying or crawling from even thinking about messing with your plant. I use a old school duster and dust the plants weekly in veg. Its a powder. some of it gets blown away some of it runs off with the morning dew and some gets absorbed as silica which is great or your plants. I also put some ontop of my soil to discourage gnats and aphids.

for mildew you can use serenade. Its more of a preventative than a cure.

all these products are organic and pesticide free


Active member
Yes it will trigger it to flower. But it will reveg. I would bring it inside under floro light for a few weeks. Let it get bigger and take some cuts. Keep one cut as a mom. You don't want to just put your only Katsu cut outside. It could be eaten in 2 bites by a rabbit or groundhog. Or die a thousand ways. It's a KATSU Bubba Kush clone guy.

I just got the Katsu cut today and was searching for info. I waited a long time to score this. I would never put my only one outside.

Go get that thing headshot. We can do an outdoor grow thread on here. Ain't many on Bubba Kush Katsu cut outside.

Mix up one gallon of water with one 325 mg plain aspirin. Mist any seedlings or clones with this mixture about every 5-7 days when they are young. Continue misting once a week until harvest. Aspirin water kills mold and fungus and also boosts a plants immune system especially if started young. You should still follow the other advice about bugs. It can be used with other stuff. It is OK to use up to harvest too.


My outdoor growing is starting now. I have snow white seeds from Nirvana and some seeds I found in goood nugs. So any information on outdoors growing would be great. I just got 3 floro bulbs yesterday, and I have a container Im putting them in. They will grow in there untill they are too big and go outside. So I need to know these bug tips and many others.

215 User


Got a Platinum Bubba going from club bagseed with purple top.
It is nearly 4' with HUGE fan leaves.....


Active member
I think I will give it a go outside this year. I was already commited to a few Bubba crosses but I'm gonna stick a few pre 98 and Katsu BK outside. They might be mold magnets but nothing ventured nothing gained.

One of the crosses I have is a Bubba Chunk. It was actually a good vegging plant and yielded good indoors. I can see this making OPOP if cared for.