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DEA tonight 11PM EST on SpikeTV



lol me and my friend was riding in a golf cart where they had secret service ever where on top of buildings and all because vice president gore at the time had landed and was doing the hand shakes and all me and my buddy was passing a joint back and forth we always called it making a lap,, anyway my buddy said you know they are watching us right now with the scopes on there rifles lol so I shot them a bird If they want to watch me they must have a very boring job" look he went to take a piss, whats he doing now Ohh I bet he's got the Munchies " lol fuck um


Active member
I was watching MSNBC and they interviewed actual DEA agents from this show along with Al Roker, lol. Anyway, they basically break down these doors like fascist nazis, threaten people with the worst consequences, and they get them them to flip by saying 'we can get this to go away if you just work with us'. Never, ever, ever listen to them god damn words. On the show they actually get a few people to flip. Fuckin' snitchin ass rats...these people gots to go (said in my best omar voice). they need to realize you do the crime no one else made you do it, so don't be draggin other folks down.
anyway, its a good look at how informants, narcs, and those other scum work with the police.
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I just sent this letter to Spike TV ([email protected]):

"To the program directors of Spike TV,

First, let me say, I don't normally bother writing letters because I think most of them get binned, but here goes-

I really hope you guys realize that most of your viewers HATE law enforcement of any type. The DEA is used in California to raid medical cannabis clubs in total disregard for the will of the voters. Every time I hear you guys promoting their show on UFC Fight night or whatever, I just think 'you guys would hang with snitches to improve ratings'. I would like to see this show off the air, the DEA dismantled, and Cannabis decriminilized (1st one is up to you guys).

If you need a show to replace the Snitch Hour, I'd like to see a house full of people competing to grow the best pot. You could have challenges, reward them with tools for their grow, and at the end they'd submit their best buds. You know a house full of pot-heads would be much more watchable than a bunch of thugs kicking in doors with machine guns and befriending drug addicts in order to imprisson them. The DEA clips make them look like a bunch of terrorists, I'm more concerned about the DEA shooting me in my home than some Jihady towel-head thousands of miles away."

Maybe not the most eloquent letter, but I hope they get the message that these assholes don't deserve the air they breathe, let alone a TV show.


hunt4genetics said:
Considering that they are watching us,
shouldn't we be watching them...

i still remember that DEA agent that pulled his gun in front of a bunch of children, then shot himself in the leg.
thank god for modern motion picture cameras. without them, rodney king and others would be just a 'conspiracy'.
AriesXX said:
I just sent this letter to Spike TV ([email protected]):

"To the program directors of Spike TV,

First, let me say, I don't normally bother writing letters because I think most of them get binned, but here goes-

I really hope you guys realize that most of your viewers HATE law enforcement of any type. The DEA is used in California to raid medical cannabis clubs in total disregard for the will of the voters. Every time I hear you guys promoting their show on UFC Fight night or whatever, I just think 'you guys would hang with snitches to improve ratings'. I would like to see this show off the air, the DEA dismantled, and Cannabis decriminilized (1st one is up to you guys).

If you need a show to replace the Snitch Hour, I'd like to see a house full of people competing to grow the best pot. You could have challenges, reward them with tools for their grow, and at the end they'd submit their best buds. You know a house full of pot-heads would be much more watchable than a bunch of thugs kicking in doors with machine guns and befriending drug addicts in order to imprisson them. The DEA clips make them look like a bunch of terrorists, I'm more concerned about the DEA shooting me in my home than some Jihady towel-head thousands of miles away."

Maybe not the most eloquent letter, but I hope they get the message that these assholes don't deserve the air they breathe, let alone a TV show.
////What pissed me off is watching Joe Rogan interview the agents and being like i cant wait to watch the show,good luck guys.Joe is a peice of shit in my book now.

Bud Meister

As long as they are busting meth labs more power to them. With all the really bad stuff out there like meth wonder why they waste their time with weed.

I am in the Army National Guard and serve in a Special Forces unit. In the past some of our guys were tasked out to Task Force 6 where they work with DEA, Customs, and Local Law Enforcement agencies on drug enforcement. Most of our soldiers refuse to volunteer for these operations. We have concerns that in many cases violates the oath we take when we join the Army. The part that states "I will defend the Constitution of the United States of America against enemies both foreign and domestic." Many feel the tactics and methods used by these agencies against our citizens violates our sworn oath and thus refuse to work drug enforcement operations.
AriesXX said:
I just sent this letter to Spike TV ([email protected]):

"To the program directors of Spike TV,

First, let me say, I don't normally bother writing letters because I think most of them get binned, but here goes-

I really hope you guys realize that most of your viewers HATE law enforcement of any type. The DEA is used in California to raid medical cannabis clubs in total disregard for the will of the voters. Every time I hear you guys promoting their show on UFC Fight night or whatever, I just think 'you guys would hang with snitches to improve ratings'. I would like to see this show off the air, the DEA dismantled, and Cannabis decriminilized (1st one is up to you guys).

If you need a show to replace the Snitch Hour, I'd like to see a house full of people competing to grow the best pot. You could have challenges, reward them with tools for their grow, and at the end they'd submit their best buds. You know a house full of pot-heads would be much more watchable than a bunch of thugs kicking in doors with machine guns and befriending drug addicts in order to imprisson them. The DEA clips make them look like a bunch of terrorists, I'm more concerned about the DEA shooting me in my home than some Jihady towel-head thousands of miles away."

Maybe not the most eloquent letter, but I hope they get the message that these assholes don't deserve the air they breathe, let alone a TV show.


even the documentaries for cannabis are one sided...the only scratch the surface of a very important, complex, welllllll documented policy in the prohibition of this plant! :rant:

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
they are only busting illegal meth labs
get it right
there are still pharmaceutical companies which produce methamphetamine and it is still a perscribed medicine in the USA
we grown our own medicine, why can people make their own too?
methamphetamine isnt even a schedule I substance, its schedule II, that means the FDA recognizes more medicinal potential in it than it does cannabis.


Sheriff Bart said:
they are only busting illegal meth labs
get it right
there are still pharmaceutical companies which produce methamphetamine and it is still a perscribed medicine in the USA
we grown our own medicine, why can people make their own too?
methamphetamine isnt even a schedule I substance, its schedule II, that means the FDA recognizes more medicinal potential in it than it does cannabis.

I've thought about this too, and if someone wants to do meth occasionally, fine, but that's maybe 3% of users. Most users quickly degenerate into addiction and other forms of crime, which is the real problem. The other reason to take out Meth labs is the fact that they use HIGHLY TOXIC, dangerous chemicals. Cannabis grows should be totally environmentally neutral too, IMO.

The DEA should be replaced by a Meth task-force, if Meth is their main target. Really though, the whole war on drugs is such a joke, these guys have no moral authority to back up their use of violence. They create situations where it's us or them, and then they're "justified" in shooting people.


I like a couple fat lines of coke once in a while lol I did the meth or ice what ever its called don't like it personally. but yeah lots of people get strung out on these type drugs but I don't think they should be illegal. just that people need to be informed on the risk before experimenting. But I am not a crack head or anything I haven't done coke in 2 years but I do like it.


yes i do love any shot like this did yall see the one where the former gang members are now bounty hunters. just think about the great insite into operations and suchs. love cops too on court tv . just shows us how not to be a dumb ass. peace
Yeah i havent watched an episode where they bust any grows or marijuana dealers. But it is Detroit, they prob just get beasters.


My little pony.. my little pony
Watched it .. it sucked like watching 1,000 episodes of cops.. once you've seen them break into one place and bust its all the same from there.


This show is asking for lawsuits..

This show is asking for lawsuits..

I watched it tonight when it re-aired and man, I dunno how television works but that show has got to be putting peoples lives in danger.

For instance those people that got knocked on those dope charges (the girl) and then her coke man are gonna get wind of this show, and people on the street can put enough clues together to find out who the people were who flipped..

The girl can find out who the guy who flipped on her was due to the clothes he had on, the ring he had on his finger, and the car they showed him drive up in.

The girls blow man can find out about her rolling on him due to the damn television show putting her car, her spot, and her jewelry on camera.

Ive never seen something so blatant in allowing peoples safety to be compromised in the name of television ratings. I didnt mind the show but i hope it gets cancelled quick in the name of safety.

Anyone else pick up how blatant that shit was? I hope those people dont think that by blurring out someones face that people who deal with them daily wont recognize their cars, houses, jewelry, and other identifying factors.