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Drymouth in,"THE GROW" Featuring: THE BLUE SKY LADYS


Hey Icmag, This will be my first grow journal her on this lovely site. Let me start off with my name, I’m drymouth for those that don’t know me nice to meet you! Ok...let’s get on with the show!

Here are the specs tools and equipment being used for this grows

- 2 4 x 8 Hydro huts
- 2 6”600cfm Hurricane brand exhaust fans for intake and out
- 1 8”800cfm Ecoplus brand inline fan for evacuating the hut
- 1 6”309 Elicent inline for air-cooled feature
- 1 4”172cfm inline for air-cooled feature
- 1 4x8 Growtech black flood table
- 1 115 gallon botanicare reservoir
- 1 Gh 4 outlet air pump
- 1 950Gph Magdrive water pump for main supply to drippers
- 1 2100 Rio Gph? For circulating and draining the reservoir
- 32 8L white square pots for one of the huts
- 23 4L white square pots for the other hut
- 1 Hanna Hi9813 ph and ec/ppm meter
- 2 1000W Hydrofarm Radiant 6 Ac
- 2 1000W Sunlight supply ballast & supper horizontal reflectors
- Hydrologic 200Gllons per day stealth Ro unit
- Nutrients: An’s Grow-Micro-Bloom G5ml pergal/M5ml pergal/B1ml. per gal 5.8/950
- Additives: Mycomadness .5mlper2gal Floralicious + 1tspper5gal 5.8/970


Temps in the huts run about 75 – 85degrees on any giving day 40 – 50% RH. The medium I chose on this grow is, Down-to-Earth chunky coco compressed blocks with 1” of, Fossil rock(which is a silica based rock like Higromite) at the bottom of each pot to aid in draining as I didn’t want the roots to be saturated and soggy all the time. Note: Down-to-Earth is some salty stuff! I had to rinse 3 times with, Clear x just to get the ppm down to 100 I hope that’s acceptable? I really don’t know much about coco just that you got to rinse before using. I didn’t soak this coco in cal-mag I hope that wont effect the grow. My fist grows I used, Fossil rock the medium I mentioned earlier, this rock is fare superior then hydroton, as it has a high amount of total porosity and retains a very high amount of water making it really effective in increasing the capillary porosity, and increasing oxygen in the root zone. Right now I’m hand watering my Purple Kushes 2 times a day in the Fossil Rock medium. Some growers might say, “oh... well, I might be all that, but how well does the medium holds its ph?” I don’t know if it was the nutrients or the water filter or a combination of both, but on my last grow I didn’t have to touch my ph at all! It was a spot dead on 5.8. Even after dumping like 60gallons of water in the res it still never budged! But, still here I am using coco because, “you cant knock something before you try it” Same goes for the nutrients, as I’m using Advanced 3 part I normally would use Floranova bloom 8mlpergal.(Lucas formula) but.. Like I said, “you can’t knock something before you try it” Well... Enough babbling here goes some pictures.

Just to give you a general idea of the size of the grow

Here gos a pic of the supply with a 1/2" compressed shut off and my inline filter.

Here in this pic i'm trying to illustrate my 2nd Rio2100 pump that has a barbed tee in the res that i was not able to get a pic of but it runs constantly and shoots out water threw the tee causing a water fall effect for added oxygen as well as circulation in the res. As you can see it's connected to 3/4" tubing with a shut off on it, thats were i drain the res, all i do is twist that baby on, and it makes draining 115gallons a breez!

Here goes were the other end of that 3/4" tube leads to. It leads to a 3" castiron clean out, straight to the drain!

Here goes the water filter hooked to a standerd washing machine hoes bib

And heres were it leads to, stream lined with 1/4" tubing to these 44 gallon Brute garbage cans oh, excuse my french... i mean,high tech reservoirs

From there i have a little water pump in there which i flip on and top up!

Here i am posting pics... and forgot to show the babys here are a few shoots not much to see just some scroggly looking Hindu kush ladys at day 2 veg.

Now for the exhaust, check this crazy looking thing out! all the air going out including the air from the lights is going out this main 14" existing duct work i once had it going out into the room, but what good is it when the hot air is being sucked right back in the Hydrohut, because thats all its doing! the hydrohut is nothing more then just a room with in a room. So i came up with this.As you could see i had to cut the Hydrohut new holes and abanden the factory ones just to line everything up right! Plus my celling hight is right at 8' so the Hut fits very snug to the celling giving me no room what so ever.
4000W + the heat from the ballast+the general heat thats all ready there! Can you say, "Hell!"

Theres both the rooms

Look at tis nightmare! an electrician would come in here and faint!

Here goes my little work station/ mixing table/storage cart/analysis work station/weed rolling table/ uh... lets just say it serves its purpose...



Lets check the ph/ppm shall we...

Looks like were right where were suppose to be!

Nutrients and add's

This Hydrohut has been threw hell, floods, bug problems,frame bending from leaning on it, BROKEN ZIPPERS! I fixed it once maybe twice, i just keep breaking the darn thing! I must be from the over excitement i get when opening it up come harvest time, like a crack fiend opening up a hydrohut filled with bone white crack rock! :bigeye:

Here goes the (Blue Sky) Purple Kush Hut

They kinda been threw alot they started off really sad, they went threw what a believe to be overly high feeding with a ppm of 1100. So i flushed them and transplanted some in some Ocean Forest soil ( very good soil i might add...) and hopefully they'll come back to me

Man there slow vegers! there in 4L pots and moving slower then that turtle racing bugs bunny, you know... the one thats all ways like, "Uhhhh Yup" come to think of it... didn't that turtle all ways beat the rabbit? so technically the turtle was faster? Thats not a good comparison. The Pk's are moving slower then a snail on a hot day! I don't know? maybe its the over feeding, maybe its the pots there in? Some are in straight Fossil Rock, now i got the ppm at like, 700. This grow will be a drain to waste i got them on a home made table that has a slight tillt to aid in draining, and it has some kind of moisture barrier paint on the table.

Oh yeah, does any body know how many times your suppose to flood coco? heres what i have them at. This a 18/6 cycle

I think its like 5 times when lights are on for 20min. as thats how long these gasoline timers go for or is it 15? anyway what are some of you guises regimens? oh, and do you have to res change out on the coco? i know you don't on the rock because it's all ready constantly being flushed but doesn't coco build up salt faster since it's a little more dense then the rock? I don't know ? like i said I’m new to coco I’m still reading up on the stuff I’m willing to give a try before i criticize it, even reading other growers horror stories about coco won't discourage me from at least giving it a fair chance in my garden!
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Well... Today i transplanted some, PK'S This is what it consist of: Fossil Rock first, then some Ocean Forest, then some more Fossil Rock

There it is 39 Plants some are, Blue Sky Purple Kushes some are, some Sourer D and and unknown Kush plant cross. I'm having some trouble identifying this Kush... I got it from a friend who told me it was, Buba Kush? Maybe some of you Buba Kushers could help me Id this baby.



fuckin sick grow man seriously you are doing some awesome work, and I do mean work! Your rooms are sick, those yields are impressive. Congrats at dialing shit in! PEACE


Hey Caligreen! nice to meet you! I haven't got that many watchers yet but thanks for dropping by! Well heres the up date.

It is now 8 days into flower with the Hindu Skunks. After reading the Grow tent fourm i determined the funny yellowing is coming from the tent giving off gases of some sort? The Hindu skunks are just more immune to this yellowing then others and is why i never experienced this with no other strain.. Since then i have changed my nutrients to Pure blend Pro Bloom and Cal-mag at 15ml per gallon bloom/5ml. per gallon cal-mag. It seems to be working out allright... I all so changed the feed to 3 times per day/each for 20 minutes which gives approximately 1gal. of feed to the front 2 rows and about... I'd say... A little shy of a gallon to the back 2 rows. This is with a Mag drive 950GPH water pump with 2 1/4" lines per pot.

I'm allso moving my Purple Kush grow to the organic soil's fourm! Since it's being grown with teas and all the good micro beastys



Ohh man this looks awesome. Sweet clean setup thats how you want it bro. Those ladies are gonna be so even with that scrog! Keep this shit up, even if no one else watches I'll be here til the end haha ;) PEACE



WOw dude that is FU CKING AMAZING!~~~ DAMN dude... Wow this is going to be 2 good to be true. I wish I could do something like this... I Hope you get 5-6lbs my man! Good luck and I hope you hVE a good grow throughout. Ill be around you can count on that buddy!

REp commin your way 4SHO :headbange
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This is very unique. I like the IN-HOME set-up. Let me know how the Purple Kushes Turn-Out. My PK looks a little different, but all is well. You should be smiling, your rent is paid, lol.


Bigtimer7 - Thank you for the kind words and thank you for stopping bye... I hope to get that much! (5 - 6) I doubt it... 3 is what I'm maxing out at.

Aerokush101- Nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by... Where did you get your Pk from? Mines is a SR-71 cut some people say it's a Ultraviolet cross form trichome Tech, some say it's just a plain old Urkle cross?

I actually moved the Purple Kush side of the grow to the Organic Soil forum's Since it's an all organic grow with brewed teas, mics, bacteria,fungi and all the works! I like to add that PBP Bloom + Cal-Mag at 15ml.B/5ml.cal-Mag is working smooth... After coming from the Flora Nova Bloom 8ml/Gal. (Lucas Formula) which gives very good results... despite using 1 bottle... is very easy! PBP is right up there with the FNB very easy to use...

Oh yeah... Does anybody know when growing in coco, do you have to change the nutrients out every how many weeks and drip with pure water to cause from salt building up? Cause i know in a rock grow you can go straight threw the whole grow with out having to change out the res. I think I could've probably went through one more grow if i hadn't flush the res...
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very nice bro

very nice bro

I like ur setup, I am very interested in the grow as I have bluesky's purple kush or sr71 what ever u call it. I have 1 in flower and a bunch are going outside to see how this strain does out and inside. I have my ppm's in flower are 500 but for some reason it looks like to much but there is purple everywhere going on 4 wks. :headbange


yo what is up with that one plant with brown spots on it. do you know what caused it? i have the same kinda problem on one of my plants


vinnystallion - Hows' ah goin'... Thanks for the drop in So you got the Pk outside! Love to see that one, post a pic of her outside (if you got one) I don't even know what the ppm is on mines? I feed my Pk's guano teas. I had i friend that had th Pk at like 1200ppm! with most of the mix being a grow mix, but in mid flower stage! He didn't see no bud formation of any kind until the 5th week of flower!

tyler- Hows' ah goin'... Thanks for the drop in. Those few pkants were practicly on there way out as cuttings. Very unhealthy, dam near dead. so ... all i did was re-pot the clones into the Foxfarm soil mix, foilare feed them babys with a good tea mix, they love it! hope you stick around... and good luck with that browning!

Here gos some pics of them at 1 1/2 week old. I started using this Gh product called Flora Nectar its a flavor enhancer. I'm adding in according to the weeks. 1st. week 1ml. per gallon, 2nd week 2ml. per gallon and so forth... there at 1500ppm right now and still haven't change the res out! I hope I could go the whole grow with out having to! On this grow I didn't let them get to close to the screen before I flipped to 12/12. I'm glade I didn't! cause there filling it in just nice... I probably would've had problems if I did wait for them to fill in the screen 60% or so like your suppose to on a regular scrogg. But these Hindu Skunks are so dam vigorous... it's outrages! this pheno would
definitely make a commercial grower happy! few days veg, hybrid vigor, coupled with a, above decent smoke! who wouldn't like this strain!



Hey' whuts up everybody time for little update. Let’s start off with
saying,coco Is the shit! So fare its been really easy to work with, and it looks like its stretching little more in this medium vs. the fossil rock, and the node spacing is a little more tighter with the rock… but still… the coco medium seems to have just more overall vigor, size and health to it! It’s surpassing the chicken wire fence… No matter how much I bend it back under… it just keeps on stretching past it! “Cluster fucked.” I’m hella… glade I didn’t wait for it to fill in 30 or so %... It would’ve really been overly “cluster fucked” Oh… and if any of you are using Flora Nectar from, GH… beware, it may coat your dripper lines and either significantly slows the dripper down! Or it will completely stop… like in my case… luckily I got more then 1 dripper line (3 per pot to be exact) I got 3 dripper lines on most of the back row just so it could keep up with the front. Don’t get me wrong… Flora Nectar so far is turning out to be a great product. I hope it really improves the, all ready smooth soft smoke of the Hindu! And add weight as well… Anybody went a full run with this product? The stuff smells really good to!

This is what the mix consist of: 17% Cane sugar
7.5% Malt extract
5% molasses
Sounds pretty good If I were a plant… shit… this stuff sounds good to me and I aint’ even a plant… so must taste fantastic to them! Well… we’ll see…33 more days is all I got left I take my Hindus to 56 days cause I like the high it gives at this harvest window! But this time I’m going to flush 5days prior to harvest, last time I went 10 days and since I’m using some what of organic nutes (Pure blend) I figure I can go with a shorter time frame, since it’s made up of a lot of organic components, and in organics you there is no need to flush! I got this new air pump to by, Sun leaves. It’s a 100W air pump and this thing aerates the shit out of my 115 gallon reservoir! I mean… lots of movement, lots of bubbles, this thing kick’s ass! Well… enough talking here are the pictures.

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stone fool
You plant a nice field Drymouth, great looking gals. We have a mutual friend, tape, hehe.


AMazing buddy! WOW that is too good to be trye man. Great job and keep up the good ass work man!

I cant wait to see this one thru.....

KEep it green and have a good one my MAN!!!!


I love every second of this grow.

Beautiful girls. Shit like this puts my efforts to shame and gives me much to work towards.

Thank You.



Haps - Thanks for the kind words hope you could stick around

Bigtimer7 - Whuts up... Thanks for chiming in, and yeah I will try to , keep it green... and lean...

GroworDie - Thanks for the jaw drop... I sure don't intend to put anybodys grow to shame but i hope my work will inspire...

If any one has any comments may be suggestions or even pic's feel free to let the mind speak...


Well…. Time for another update. I’m now 32 days into flower and the Hindus are just fatting up right now 1600ppm 15ml. Pbp + 5ml.Cal-mag + 5ml Flora Nectar by GH seems to be a good approach… The Hindus growth is pretty impressive this pic is day 1 of flower

Now this is them right now… man… they just fill in nice!

Here goes a few more signal bud shots

I’m going to start feeding it An’s Overdrive + purple max


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