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Wal-Mart go to hell!


Active member
greenhead said:
Like I said, just start a company yourself, doesn't matter what size company, you can start out small. Then you can proceed to pay for all of your employee's medical expenses, even ones that are not covered by any health insurance, and we shall see how non-greedy you are, and how long that company would be able to survive.

:joint: :wave:
Eh, no im not some capitalist pig so i have no desire to start up my own corporations that pushes its self into towns with its super centers and ugly parking lots just so i can help out the poor. lets help the poor by getting rid of capitalists.

daisy jane

RudolfTheRed said:
Eh, no im not some capitalist pig so i have no desire to start up my own corporations that pushes its self into towns with its super centers and ugly parking lots just so i can help out the poor. lets help the poor by getting rid of capitalists.

What??? :bashhead: Capitalist pig? It's called making money. And Walmart does that well. What is wrong with helping "the poor"? You wanted to help out Debbie Shank when she had $277,000 still in her trust account. Hey, that's a hell of a lot more than I have. Parking lots has nothing to do with this. Smaller grocery stores still have parking lots you know....

And yeah, Walmart is in a lot of cities. But guess what, they are a lot cheaper than the little shops around here. How come no one is complaining about HEB, there are two HEBs in this town and only one Walmart.

You do realize that this so called "capitalist pig" was just an entrepreneur who ended up being the largest private employer in the US. Yeah, giving low income parents jobs is a horrible thing to do. Let's close down all the Walmarts so they can go back to making minimum wage.
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Active member
And yeah, Walmart is in a lot of cities. But guess what, they are a lot cheaper than the little shops around here. How come no one is complaining about HEB, there are two HEBs in this town and only one Walmart.
I live frugal and know some people have to but I'm not into supporting a corporation that imports something like 15% of everything thats imported into America. That just means they have cheap labor elsewhere making the products so they can sell cheaper shit here. Buy American when you can.
secondly, buying local reduces the amount of miles something is shipped which is better for the environment. more expensive maybe but overall its a lot better in the long run.

You do realize that this so called "capitalist pig" was just an entrepreneur who ended up being the largest private employer in the US. Yeah, giving low income parents jobs is a horrible thing to do. Let's close down all the Walmarts so they can go back to making minimum wage.
poverty is an extension of capitalism. no matter what you do someone is always going to be on the bottom. if we get rid of the problem (capitalism) and the slave wage mothers wont be going back to minimum wage. if we the workers owned the production we put out then we wouldn't have people like this suffering.
read the abcs of anarcho-communism by berkman. we are getting fucked. we do all the work while a few at the top bank on all of it. yeah, so the waltons are nothing but a bunch of pigs.
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daisy jane

RudolfTheRed said:
I live frugal and know some people have to but I'm not into supporting a corporation that imports something like 15% of everything thats imported into America. That just means they have cheap labor elsewhere making the products so they can sell cheaper products. Buy American when you can.
secondly, buying local reduces the amount of miles something is shipped which is better for the environment. more expensive maybe but overall its a lot better in the long run.

poverty is an extension of capitalism. no matter what you do someone is always going to be on the bottom. if we get rid of the problem (capitalism) and the slave wage mothers wont be going back to minimum wage. if we the workers owned the production we put out then we wouldn't have people like this suffering.
read the abcs of anarcho-communism by berkman. we are getting fucked. we do all the work while a few at the top bank on all of it.

Gotta disagree with a few things you said. I don't understand the concept of buying only American goods, even if it is cheaper somewhere else. So what if 50% of what is exported from China goes to Walmart? There is nothing wrong with that. I have no problem with people in other countries working as "cheap labor" either, they are providing for their family and that is what is important. I understand your concerns for the environment, that is something always on my mind too. But I feel that it is the right decision to import goods from other countries. We not only get more goods for cheaper, but the countries we buy from are getting a profit too.

There will always be somebody on the bottom, I agree. I don't think that getting rid of capitalism is going to get rid of poverty. There is still poverty in countries that don't practice capitalism. I feel there would be a dent in the amount of poverty if a lot of these "slave wage mothers" just didn't get pregnant in the first place. Birth control is relatively easy to get and if you qualify, you can get it for free at Planned Parenthood (that is what I did for awhile). Just practice safe sex and we wouldn't have so many young mothers having to live paycheck to paycheck while still being supported by welfare. It's a relatively simple method, it's called swallowing.

I have always been a fan of the idea of communism and anarchy. But that is why they are ideas, just like capitalism and democracy. They are incredibly idealistic because it never pans out the way it does in theory. I have always wanted to live in a society that did not use money, bartering for example would be better. But I believe that idealistic ideas only work in small groups.


Active member
I have no problem with people in other countries working as "cheap labor" either, they are providing for their family and that is what is important.
wow, what a demoralizing way to provide for your family. I think I would just shoot myself in the face than deal with those conditions. I can't believe you have no problem with people being used as cheap labor so you can have your shit cheaper. thats fucking terrible. many of these people can't even provide for their families when they work 12-14 hrs. day for crumbs. how in the hell is that providing?? its exactly why these people still live in dire poverty and all this does it contribute to that. at least when i buy american i know the workers who made that were paid at least minimum wage and were working in fairly okay conditions and are paid properly for their overtime work.

There will always be somebody on the bottom, I agree. I don't think that getting rid of capitalism is going to get rid of poverty. There is still poverty in countries that don't practice capitalism. I feel there would be a dent in the amount of poverty if a lot of these "slave wage mothers" just didn't get pregnant in the first place. Birth control is relatively easy to get and if you qualify, you can get it for free at Planned Parenthood (that is what I did for awhile). Just practice safe sex and we wouldn't have so many young mothers having to live paycheck to paycheck while still being supported by welfare. It's a relatively simple method, it's called swallowing.
way to completely miss the point. i'm trying to show you that is we the workers owned the production we put out as workers we wouldn't be living in poverty. instead the production we put out as workers is controlled and run by a few at the top who profit from our work. instead of us profiting from it mostly they who profit from it. but here you are talking about planned parenthood and swallowing cum loads. i quit.
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Cannabrex Formulator
The entire fucking resource hoarding, parasitic, misogynist, patriarchal and malignant paradigm that humans have been living by for the last 5000 years (represtented today by capitalism) is a stinking load of steaming shit, and if we don't learn to change it right fucking quick and stop the vigorous anal raping we are giving this planet, the whole fucking discussion will be moot in a few decades, cause there will be no more people, period.

Infinite economic growth within a finite resource system DOES NOT WORK.....so fuck Wal-Mart and all the rest of it.....mebbe once we have learnt to wipe our own ass as a species and not base our society on rape, pillage and exploitation we will have a chance at long-term survival.

Wal-Mart and the entire fucking malignant greed-based system are ransoming our children's future for the sake of next quarters profits.........KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!
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daisy jane

RudolfTheRed said:
wow, what a demoralizing way to provide for your family. I think I would just shoot myself in the face than deal with those conditions. I can't believe you have no problem with people being used as cheap labor so you can have your shit cheaper. thats fucking terrible. many of these people can't even provide for their families when they work 12-14 hrs. day for crumbs. how in the hell is that providing?? its exactly why these people still live in dire poverty and all this does it contribute to that. at least when i buy american i know the workers who made that were paid at least minimum wage and were working in fairly okay conditions and are paid properly for their overtime work.

way to completely miss the point. i'm trying to show you that is we the workers owned the production we put out as workers we wouldn't be living in poverty. instead the production we put out as workers is controlled and run by a few at the top who profit from our work. instead of us profiting from it mostly they who profit from it. but here you are talking about planned parenthood and swallowing cum loads. i quit.

Geez, some people get bent out of shape over the smallest things. Here we are having a nice discussion about Walmart, calmly explaining our views and you decide to make it personal. I don't understand your motives behind that, other than you are overly emotional about this. Maybe Greenhead was right....:D You obviously took some sort of offense to what I said. I was jsut trying to say that working is a good thing. Even if you are working for "crumbs" (although in reality it is not crumbs) you are still providing for your family. It is better to be working than to sit at home complaining. At least they are trying to take care of themselves and their families.

And my tangent on Planned Parenthood is perfectly legitimate. You may be offended by it, but that is your own bag of issues. A large percentage of younger mothers are considered low income. I merely said that their situation could have been avoided if they were smart about sex (unless it's a rape case, thats a different story).

I'm sorry you "quit". How unfortunate.


Resident pissy old man
When Sam Walton was alive,his motto was "Buy American". He used the size of his company and the size of the orders to get the cheapest prices for Wal-Mart.Unfortunately, most of the American companies from whom he was buying no longer make items in the States, but have them made overseas. After Sam died, the company motto changed from "Buy American" to Buy Cheap". Can't really blame the Walton family, they really don't run the company anymore.

I really love all you Commies who love to bash corporations and capitalism. Without them,about half of America would be unemployed and we would be in a deep depression. Should we return to an old fashioned lifestyle? That would be great, but totally unfeasable. It is popular to bash corporations, politicians, insurance companies,lawyers etc. for all our problems. the only folks we don't bash is the ones who let it all happen....ourselves.

P.S. I think that it is great that daisy Jane swallows. I wish I had a woman like that, but it is hard to find someone who likes the taste of rust!


Well-known member
RudolfTheRed said:
thats fucking terrible. many of these people can't even provide for their families when they work 12-14 hrs. day

No offense, but I'm willing to bet most Wal-Mart employees dont actually work 12-14 hours in a 40 hour work week that their getting paid for. Wal-Mart has the laziest employees I have ever seen in one place at the same time. Out of Wal-Mart's Million+ employees I wouldn't hire any of them to walk my dog's.

Most of them cant even tell you where the toothpaste is much less which country is immediately south of Texas and I find that frightening. What that tells you is that thier standards are lowered and with lower standards people can get by with doing less.

I think there would be millions of people that couldn't get or hold a job anywhere eles if Wal-Mart were gone tomorrow.

I personally think Wal-Mart should change thier name to "CheepAss Shit & LazyAss Employees". I can survive without both :wave:


daisy jane

RudolfTheRed said:
Its sad that you don't get it. I'm not talking about low income teen mothers for fuck sakes. I am talking about the working class. YOU AND I AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO WORKS FOR WAGES!!!! Under capitalism we the workers work for someone else and we do all the work while the few on top benefit from out work. In we owned the production we put out as workers collectively then people wouldn't be living in poverty. Nothing I am talking about remotely has anything to do with single mothers or birth control, or swallowing loads of cum.

Right- the comment about working from crumbs wasn't literal. Nor are these people able to provide for their families by working in these factories. They work all day for nearly nothing. How is that fair and how could they possibly be providing when they still live in dire poverty?? Secondly, I suggest you take a look and see how global trade has actually hurt people overseas more than its helped. And also how its hurt American workers too.

Right, they are trying to take care of themselves and their family but how is making them work long hours for nearly nothing fair or even right?

Before the labor movement in America you might have been working 14 hour days for nearly nothing. Be happy those stinkin' 'commies' and labor organizers fought for shorter days and higher wages for everyone. Be happy there are people out there complaining and fighting for better work conditions!

Yet another example of you taking things personally. Just because our opinions don't add up doesn't mean you need to be rude about it. Why in the world would I want to listen to your advice if you are badgering me about my views? How immature. Did I ever disagree with you on your stance about the working class? Please point on where I clearly said "No you are wrong, the working class can do nothing about it." I merely just started talking about my opinion on the lower income class and how a lot of girls get sucked into a "low income lifestyle" because they get pregnant. And I don't really care if anything you say has to do with birth control. That is what I had to say about the matter and that did NOT give you the right to bitch at me. Threads like these are supposed to be about discussing different ideas and opinions. Not everyone is going to have the same opinion and you should be tolerant of that. Instead you are attacking my views for some reason? Maybe you just don't know how to have a conversation without getting angry. You should try relaxing before you post. I am not trying to belittle you with my replies. I am just stating how I feel. Try not to take it personally, I thought it wasn't that hard to do.

I never said it was "fair" for these families to be making next to nothing. I just said it was good that they were working. I am quite happy that labor unions had such progress. When did I say that I wasn't happy with what they were doing?

Besides I thought you QUIT .

daisy jane

trouble said:
No offense, but I'm willing to bet most Wal-Mart employees dont actually work 12-14 hours in a 40 hour work week that their getting paid for. Wal-Mart has the laziest employees I have ever seen in one place at the same time. Out of Wal-Mart's Million+ employees I wouldn't hire any of them to walk my dog's.

Most of them cant even tell you where the toothpaste is much less which country is immediately south of Texas and I find that frightening. What that tells you is that thier standards are lowered and with lower standards people can get by with doing less.

I think there would be millions of people that couldn't get or hold a job anywhere eles if Wal-Mart were gone tomorrow.

I personally think Wal-Mart should change thier name to "CheepAss Shit & LazyAss Employees". I can survive without both :wave:


Hey now, I understand what you mean. A lot of the employees at Walmart are morons. But hey, the majority of people are morons! I can't walk into one place of business without getting frustrated at the incompetence of its employees. Tarkus works at Walmart so I kind of take offense to that. But he is not in any way lazy and well on his way to get promoted. But here's something funny, we used to work at a vet where we did walk dogs all day long :D Hehe


Active member
Pops said:
P.S. I think that it is great that daisy Jane swallows. I wish I had a woman like that, but it is hard to find someone who likes the taste of rust!
Hey Pops
Can I put that in my sig? :laughing:


Well-known member
daisy jane said:
Hey now, I understand what you mean. A lot of the employees at Walmart are morons. But hey, the majority of people are morons! I can't walk into one place of business without getting frustrated at the incompetence of its employees. Tarkus works at Walmart so I kind of take offense to that. But he is not in any way lazy and well on his way to get promoted. But here's something funny, we used to work at a vet where we did walk dogs all day long :D Hehe

Daisy J, I'm sure there are a few good employees at Wal-Mart like Tarkus, however, few and far between. And yes there are incompetent employees everywhere, but one rarely sees so many in one place at the same time like at Wal-Mart's.:wave:

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Lune TNS

daisy jane said:
Hey now, I understand what you mean. A lot of the employees at Walmart are morons. But hey, the majority of people are morons! I can't walk into one place of business without getting frustrated at the incompetence of its employees. Tarkus works at Walmart so I kind of take offense to that. But he is not in any way lazy and well on his way to get promoted. But here's something funny, we used to work at a vet where we did walk dogs all day long :D Hehe

If that's the case then I would think that you'd be on the other side of the argument. We all (hopefully) know how walmart treats its employees - driving up the cost of it's health insurance so many of it's workers have to go on medicaid (draining our taxes for profits). The estimated total amount of federal assistance for which Wal-Mart employees were eligible in 2004 was $2.5 billion. And I hope you know that if Tarkus was even to mention the word "union" at his work, he would be fired.

As far as you being alright with sweat shops in 3rd world countries making your goods..... man I can't even comment on that and remain "civil".... ignorance....
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daisy jane

Everyone acts like Walmart is the only place that has expensive health insurance plans. When my dad first started working, health insurance was free. We have been talking about how health insurance has risen dramatically in over 20 years. Health insurance premiums are outrageously expensive. Like I said before, health insurance has risen 5 times the rate of inflation! How is that Walmart's fault?

And no, Tarkus would not be fired. It depends on the circumstances. If he were to ask the store Manager he would just sit him down and talk to him, probably make him watch a cheesy video about unions. If a union leader were to come up to him and Tarkus signed his "allegiance" to the union, then yes his job would be at stake. I never said, down with unions! I am all for the progression of the work force. And I do think it is ridiculous about some businesses policies about unions, Walmart is not the only business like this.

How come all of you anti-Walmart people are not complaining about Target, HEB, Krogers, Academy, Gander Mountain, and other businesses? They clearly "drove out" smaller mom and pop shops also.

I personally think that we should have a universal health care plan. I would read about Uwe Reinhardt if you are so inclined. It would cost a lot of money to insure everyone, roughly $160 billion a year. But I think that a significant portion of that could be paid for by taking away from the "war" in iraq and the war on drugs.

I cetainly hope that everyone who is taking a stance against Walmart has worked there before and not just relying on what people say. But I doubt that is true.

I'm sorry Lune TNS, I think you misunderstood me. I never once said that I support sweat shops in the 3rd world. I said I support people working in 3rd world countries. Even if it is for a small amount, at least they are earning something. At least they are trying instead of acting like a large amount of people here that abuse Welfare. (I know that's a different subject, but it kind of relates). Sorry for the misunderstanding though.

Lune TNS

I see your point about the sweatshops, and understand it.

You're wrong about the health insurance and unions at walmart though... They intentionally make their health insurance expensive so many of their employees cannot afford it, and are forced to go on medicaid. And they are Nazi's about unions, like I said, according to company policy Tarkus would be fired...

I know that the other chains that you mentioned have many faults, they really do, but walmart is such a horrible offender that it truely stands out among the pack.

I posted a link to a movie about walmart a few posts ago if anyone wants to watch it, it's pretty good and revealing too. Here's a summary if you don't feel like reading it:

daisy jane

Thanks for the link. I read all of it and I wish I had a link to Penn & Teller's Bullshit on Walmart. But I can't find a link that sends you to the episode. It's on Showtime though. I will try to find it though!

Anyway, I feel no sympathy for the "small town effects". Competition is openly encouraged in our economy. It is essentially what allows the price of goods and services to fall steadily. Competition is a good thing IMO.

The idea that Walmart's associates are overworked and under waged is outright ridiculous. If you go over your scheduled amount of hours you get a talking to from the higher ups. If you go over again, you are fired. They are very strict about keeping their employees from working overtime. Under waged? That is almost laughable. The average associate gets paid 8 dollars an hour. Tarkus started out at almost $10 an hour. It is very easy to transfer to an area of the store that pays higher. You just have to ask and you will most likely get transferred. If they are Nazi's about unions, then how come the German owned Walmarts have unions?:confused: Hehe.

The safety issue really bothered me. Walmarts have cameras everywhere. Just look up next time you are walking through one. For some reason, people want to blame Walmart's security on a girl getting kidnapped. I suppose that has nothing to do with the moral character for the guy that kidnapped and murdered her..? At our Walmart there was a guy sitting in his car that called in bomb threats to Walmart and a Hastings bookstore(that drove out smaller book stores) and the security cameras made it easier to catch him.

The outsourcing/sweat shop has little to do with Walmart policy. That is clearly an issue in the work force outside of the US. I'm not saying it is ok to have sweat shops, I am just saying it is not directly Walmart's fault for their conditions. Especially since it is happening in another county.


Lune TNS

daisy jane said:
If they are Nazi's about unions, then how come the German owned Walmarts have unions?:confused: Hehe.

The unions were already established when walmart bought the company.


God mother farking damit.... I hate walmart more than most people, however this "I hate walmart because they made a huge profit last year" is completely fucking retarded.... do you have any idea how ignorant that is?

Wal-mart is a perfect example of what is fucking awesome about America, (Although on a side note, i do think we need to invent a birth control that can be sent out airborne and put it in all these wal-marts, but thats a totally different story)

Sorry but the government is not responsible to take care of society (healthcare) and people in general (welfare).