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Source for Griffins Spin Out


New member
Hey everyone,

Just wondering whether anyone knows of an online retailer that carries Griffins Spin Out. For those of you who aren't aware, Spin Out is a copper hydroxide paint specifically designed for chemical root pruning. In a nutshell, it lets you get away with using smaller containers. An old buddy of mine was raving about the stuff a few years back but I haven't been able to find it at local gardening centers. Thanks.
Don't think they make or sell it anymore. I know uncle ben back in the day use to use it but that was years ago. Good luck.


Active member
anything that 'chemicaly' does anything... especialy when yout talking about cutting back roots, is going to increase the time to grow/flower... like telling you to bulk up, while eating less.


Here is a nice link with both Spinout coated pots and Microkote coated pots.. Gonna order some when i get my new credit card in the mail.. Spinout and Microkote
Has nobody read Uncle Bens articles about spinout?



Active member
Just found that same site and was about to post it to the most recent ''griffins" thread. Since I'm here I'll give this a bump. This product is supposed to do the same thing as Smart Pots or Air Pots, which is to cause root tips to stop growing and encourage lateral rooting instead. It should help plants basically have a more vigorous rooting system. I read about this in Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible.

Post up if you've had experience, positive or negative, with this product.