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The Canna Embassy organic homegrowers thread


Green Ambassador
Hi Kayaman,

Great you join the celebration!
Looking forward to all the grow reports...

Against all odds some positive news from the minister of health.
He wrote a letter yesterday to the governement that we still can smoke our joint at the coffeeshop, but without tobacco!
A lot of my friends running a coffeeshop are preparing already smoke spaces for their customers.
One of the shops here in The Hague is creating a big smoking area at the basement of the shop. More space... lol.
So people can smoke pure joints and pipes at the shop.
A little light in the darkness....
Keep on growing friends, take care and stay safe....

Peace, G.A.

Smallest coffeeshop The Hague across the government building.


Picture: Esben
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nice nice! tobaco is very bad for you! what a crazy world :bongsmi:
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Green Ambassador

How's the weather?... lol

Overhere it's raining, dark, wet and 7 degrees.
After a couple of days of frost the forecast for the weekend is around 14 degrees by day and between 4 and 7 degrees at night.
It looks like it's getting a little bit milder.
Time for spring to come!!

Little Rebel is still goïng strong, it just needs a little more warmth to develop it's roots.

Peace, G.A.



hello G.A and green friends!:smile:

After all strange weather condition, today was pretty cool and warm.
Its something like first Spring 'wave'...Today i noticed the temps like between +14C at day and +9 C at evening...yeah thats what we wating for!!!:smile:
Anyway im gently making some plans for this outdoor season! yeah im kind of feverish...lol!

PS: i cross my fingers for a "Little Rebel" ... give it a chance!:smile:
greetz to your friend Gijs...and have a nice time at Fresh FM...will listen...:wave:

Sunset at (52N)...Poland:


Take care and stay safe!!!:wave:
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Green Ambassador
Hi Ilijah,

Lovely shot...

Sometimes, one lifetime isn't enough...
This is one of those days.
This morning we had coffee and birthday cake at Gijs, before we went to work.
My birthday present for him was the Bio Canna fertilizer line (Vega, Flower, Rhizotonic and Boost).

Tonight we are going to celebrate Gijs his birthday indeed at the Fresh FM studio...
A live radio programm with some very nice dj's.
I am sure it will be a lot of fun and smoke.
I will report on the party tomorrow.

Yesterday I went to an exhibition at the Institute of Social Studies...
I liked it very much!!
African vibes...

The 2 GAPs are still indoor under the tube light at night and in front of the window by day.
Little Rebel and the PurPri are doïng fine.
Today was cold, rainy and 7 degrees.
Tomorrow is forecasted 13 degrees..

So join the live birthday party of Gijs tonight at www.freshfm.nl
"Club Fresh" will start at 11 pm and will go on till 4 am...
Have a great weekend folks!

Peace, G.A.













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Hello G.A. and all!

So how was Gijs' birthday party at the radio?

Funny to know that this summer I will do something illegal if I mix some tobacco with weed and smoke it in a coffeeshop! I don't think they will monitor this rule very closely though..

I just read that Hempcity Haarlem has been "attacked" by Dutch police/politicians last week... they raided and closed for two weeks some shops, including one of the Willie Wortel, the shops of Nol van Schaik.
This's a quote from Nol's website www.hemppcity.net
Coffeeshop Sativa was raided by about 20 officials today, Police, CityHall, Taxes and FIOD worked together in terrorisinng yet another coffeeshop...

They were successful, and found 500 grams more then the 500 grams we can have in stock according to the fLaw.

We have been told we will be closed for at least 14 days.

We''ll keep you informed, I fly to Holland tomorrow to talk to the Police and such.

When I sell A kilo per day, I pay my taxes over those sales, now they confiscated on day supply, wich we can deduct from taxes to come....

Strange, so the taxpayer is to pay the bill for weed destructed= Disgusting!
It seems hard times are not over for coffeeshops!

Greetings :wave:

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Green Ambassador
Hello world,

Bulldog. thnx...

High Lowlander I use the Olympus 51ouz.
It's a nice camera for this kind of photo work...


He, he Pablow, you are right, it's hard to check if people smoke with, or without tobacco.
I don't see the police opening joints...
No time for that..
But it's true, hard times for the Dutch policy, but I don't see the coffeeshops disapearing soon.
It's a part of the Dutch culture!
Against that time another political climate will change the policies again.
That's why this Christian politics tries to break down a lot of the policies before they are out of power.

The party of Gijs at Fresh FM was great.
The live broadcasting took place between 11 pm and 5 pm.
Great dj's, nice people and a lot of fun.
Thanks Gijs for the great time.
After the party we had an afterparty at Gijs his place.
Finaly after 24 hours of party I went to bed yesterday night at 9 pm.

Peace, G.A.
















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Green Ambassador
Hello world,

Today is very nice. 12 degrees, sunny and almost no wind.

I just re-potted the Little Rebel.
It's roots are looking realy nice.
The PurPri is doing fine also, but growing very slowly, because of the cold before.
I brought the 2 GAPs also outside at the terrace.

I have to share some of the plants, because I like to germinate the 4 Purple Peace seeds the fifth of april.
We just can grow 5 plants for own use.

Peace, G.A.






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Nice pics of the party! Looks like you had a great time:friends:

Hey Darpan, can I ask who is the girl in the 3rd., 8th. and 13th. photo? she looks very nice...:D



H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
G.A. said:
We just can grow 5 plants for own use.

If only that was the case for all of us dear Green Ambasador :D

Glad to hear that the little revel is going to get a house upgrade and a fair chance :headbange You did a very nice work taking it out and taking care of the roots :joint:

I'm surpriced about the size difference with the plants that received the extra light. My little ones are no bigger than Purpri :redface: Anyways.. the Spring is here, just ask our friend Pablow :muahaha:

By the way, I can't belive they raided Sativa :spank: It's also crazy to think that a cshop can sell up to a kilo a day, which obviously shows that the cshop regulation of 500 g's doesn't reflect reality. Do you think that they targeted this "high profile" shop to warn the other cshops? ... Mental note: Go visit Sativa before they close it down!

Seems like it was a good party, you had all the right ingredients: Music, girls, j's and... heineken! :D :muahaha: My greetz to the party boy!

Irie! :rasta: B


Green Ambassador
Hello world,

Pablow that's sweet Jade...

Hi Browser, it's also the light, but the most important thing is warnth.
The roots need moisty warm soil for nice root development.

I didn't germinate any seed yet this year and already 4 came up spontaneously..

The countdown started.
In 3 days the Purple Peace seeds will be put under the soil to germinate.

Purple Peace seeds and peat pots are waiting....

Silcence before the storm?

Green greetz, G.A.

25 years of home growing!!
First grow 1983.







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Green Ambassador
Hello world,

From july on all the public shops need to be tobacco free.
Not smoke free, because we still can smoke our pure joint at the coffeeshops.

Because of this situation the Vaporizer is a healthy alternative.
No tobacco, no tar, or nicotine.
The Vaporizer only "vaporizes" the esoteric oils, like THC and Cannaboïds and doesn't "burn" them.
That's why it's a great device for medical users and a healthy alternative for the recreative user.

At the 11th of april Evert van "de Verdamper" (vaporizer) will give a Vaporize demonstration at coffeeshop Coffee and Dreams and grand Café Cremers in The Hague.
If you like to be listed at the guest list, please drop a pm.
The same night Evert will give an interview at Fresh FM at Club Fresh from 11 pm till 1 am. www.freshfm.nl

Peace, G.A.

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Green Ambassador
Hello all,

Just a little correction.
Sunday will be national sowing day.
Sunday the 6th will be new moon, not saturday.

I will start a growblog that same day at www.cannaembassy.info
Ofcourse I will continue this thread as well.

The third of Mai there will be the World Wide Marijuana March.

There is no march in the Netherlands, but there will be one in Antwerpen (Belgium) and over 200 other cities world wide.

Look for your local activists and activities at:


Peace, G.A.

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Green Ambassador
Hello all,

I shared the 2 GAPs and the little Rebel with some friends.
I am left with the Purpurea Princess and 4 peat pots and Purple Peace seeds waiting for new moon sunday.
Starting all over again... lol
I am curious if all the Purple Peace seeds will germinate, because they are in the fridge already for a couple of years.
This year I am not growing seeds like last year, only a couple of Purple Peace seeds to "secure" the next generation.
I also have to see which is female and which male.
I am not goïng to force the Purple Peace into flowering, so I will know in june/july which are female when they start to preflower naturaly.
Sunday is sowing day.
The start of the 25 years home growing celebration and 15 years of Purple Peace.

Have a great weekend folks!

(purple) Peace, G.A.


Purple Peace bud




Active member
Man....great post!It feels good to see this and to join this season of celebration with all the people at IC :jump:

About the legal thing...i think it's GOOD the no-tobacco with herb anymore...i never really got it...you europeans....why mixing our loved natural herb(doesn't kills a dog) with something so compulsive as the tobacco vice (kills millions a year). Even people that smokes tobacco says it's bad...or like people who want to try herb for the first time and doesn't smokes tobacco...they get hooked into tobacco for its PHYSICAL dependence...just my 2 cents

Stay cool :joint:

Verger OG

G.A. said:
Hi Kayaman,

Great you join the celebration!
Looking forward to all the grow reports...

Against all odds some positive news from the minister of health.
He wrote a letter yesterday to the governement that we still can smoke our joint at the coffeeshop, but without tobacco!
A lot of my friends running a coffeeshop are preparing already smoke spaces for their customers.
One of the shops here in The Hague is creating a big smoking area at the basement of the shop. More space... lol.
So people can smoke pure joints and pipes at the shop.
A little light in the darkness....
Keep on growing friends, take care and stay safe....

Peace, G.A.

Smallest coffeeshop The Hague across the government building.


Picture: Esben

I did not know that. I haven't kept up with current affairs last month or so. Other aspects of my life got a hold of me.

I see the cameraman in the window reflected. Was that intentional?

Verger OG

PablowPicasso said:
Hello G.A. and all!

I just read that Hempcity Haarlem has been "attacked" by Dutch police/politicians last week... they raided and closed for two weeks some shops, including one of the Willie Wortel, the shops of Nol van Schaik.
This's a quote from Nol's website www.hemppcity.net
It seems hard times are not over for coffeeshops!

Greetings :wave:


I checked the link but the site is down too.

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