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Springin' Outdoor 08


Hello all. I'm new to this site but not that new to growing. this is the first site I've been to since the loss of Overgrow...(very sad day for all growers) Ive had a few outdoor season under my belt. some successful, some lost to rippers... Anyways, I'm starting this thread to diary my next grow. the strains are Grand Daddy Purple and an unknown bag strain that looks to be heavily Indica dominant. almost reminds me of some type of Hawaiian strain. the plants have been indoors vegging under a 400W HPS for around 2 months. The GDP was cut for clones a few times to stunt its growth and promote more lateral growth before being set outside. I'm trying to get a Spring harvest outdoors before the hours of sun lengthen too much and make them revert. Also I'm goin to be doing my own version of the "tree top" method. the exception is they are in bushes about 8 ft. tall by 4 feet wide. they are mounted to the bushes so they wont fall down in the wind. This is the second time I've tried this ,last time i started to late but still got some ok smoke. so far the plants have been outside for 4 days. ill update new pics every week or so or whenever i start to see some noticeable progress. any input, questions, or comments are always appreciated.


Anyone know why iIcant attach photos to my posts that are already in my gallery? Is there some kinda restriction for new members?


I forgot to mention these plants were put out on Mar. 7 - 08
So they've been at 12/12 for aprox. 12 days so far. they bag seed strain is stretching out more and more everyday. GDP seems to only need to be tied down one time.

Weather has been nice for the past week but started to cloud up today with possible light rain later on. the sun is still shinning right now though. i tied down both plants more today. i also hit them with a lil bit of nitrogen today. in 2 -3 weeks ill starting hitting them with some bloom. for the most part these plants have not had any nutes in thier lives. heres the pics. notice how much the GDP is tied down. The bag seeds main stem is at a 45 degree angle. haha hows that for LST.

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Cant forget about the Unknown strain. I got these seeds from another grower who said he grew it out and was some killer bud. all I know is the vigor is strong in this plant. i have to retie it down every 3-4 days because it is stretching so much right now. It has a branch in every spot that there could be a branch. Also those branches are like they're own top. HA.




I uploaded some pics from last years Summer grow, Unfortunately that grow was lost to rippers with a month left to bud.... :wallbash:

Heres some pics of GDP that was growing. around 2 feet tall. She could have got more sun. Smelled like dank though ha.



Active member
looks good....i love bagseed grows because of the surprise factor. i havent been in a position to pop any random stuff (right now i gotta make every watt count) so im going to use your thread to get my fix, especially since its a spring crop. you in yolo county? if so our weather pattern right now is almost the same except i get a couple degrees hotter in the day and a bit cooler at night (and not as much wind) im in yuba county butted up against the foothills


Update : I met up with a fellow grower yesterday that hooked me up with some Bloom Nutes. I got some Beasty Blooms also. I hit the outdoor plants with their first bloom formula. they seem to be doing good out there in the sun ha. the weather has been perfect lately. this has been the one of the only time the month of March as gone with out any rain. who knows if april will be extremly wet or not though... I took some pics of my buddies grow he has goin too. he has some of the strains i have too. damn i accidently clicked back on the page and lost all the shit i had typed already...had to redo all this..

His bud room

GDP about 4 weeks into bud

this is that S2 the more sativa type pheno. the one i am growin is the more indica side

this is a GDP that was reveged from about a month ago

this is that same plant a month later ha. about ready to bud.

Trybud - yeah you could say I am near Yo Co. id rather not dwell to far into locations if you know what i mean. good to me growers in your vicinity though. yeah that S2 unknown strain is looking to be a good one. that plant was never topped and has a branch in every spot there could be one. the side branches are almost as tall as the top... Crazy. we have some budding out indoors and it looks as if the whole branch will fill in with buds. thanks for stoppin by.


New member


I've been trying to do transplants with a 6 wk. veg. under a 65 wt. cfl floodlight and will harden plants off b-4 putting outdoors.I'm even thinking about flowering for 1 wk. to get rid of males and then transplant hoping they will do that last root expansion for a bigger plant equaling bigger buds.....we hope eh?Good pics on your grow H.H.


The weather was perfect yesterday. High temp of 73 and the same forcasted for today. I bet those plants are loving it. Anyways have a good easter everyone. im looking forward to eating some ham ha.

P-smoka- thanks for stopping by. good luck with your grow.


Hey guys ive encountered a problem with my grow. The GDP seems to be suffering some type of fungus problem i think. 2 weeks ago i noticed some PM on some of the bigger fan leaves. Just small spots of white. I mixed up some baking soda and water that i sprayed them with about 3 different times. now it seems some spots on the leaves are starting to die back and decay. i removed all the damaged fan leaves that i saw. i took pics but cannot upload them right now cus of site maintenance or something, its temporarily down. i will get them out as soon as i can. hopefully someone knows whats goin on with them. it almost looks like the spots where there was PM just dried out and got crispy. the spots are golden brown and some of the leaf tips are curling under. for the most part the rest of the plant looks cool. i just dont want it to keep spreading . or worse spread to the other plant that its right next to... i guess ill have to try to search the forums for plant probs.... :mad:


Joint Date: Today.
from your words it sounds like your GDP got a cancer. when they have a cancer at the leaf's cells they start yellowing in dots and suddenly those dots dry out. Could be also a simple pest problem . If pest control doesnt work you have to move the plant far from the others at least. Could be cancer, its kinda common..


Wamen - thanks for the heads up and the response. do you know of any info on this site of the cancer? or maybe even a link to something about this? still cant upload pics today..ill have to keep an eye out and see if it keeps spreading. do you know how this cancer was caused or where it comes from? i dont want to lose my GDP though. ussually it seems to be a vigorous strain that never has problems... time will tell i guess.


Update : Well after a few hours/ days checking the forums for info on my plant problems ive come to this conclusion. I was under watering my plants when i hit them with their first bloom nutes. they got semi burnt from the high nute levels and little water in the soil. I flushed them out with water today. hopefully it helps them out. They seemed to soak the first watering in pretty good. I waited about 15 mins to drain out and hit them with another shot of water. I also found out through the forums that plants cannot take up some nutrients when the soil or temps are cold. the temps have been in the low 60s in the day and low 40s in the night. around 45 mostly. i think the temps have affected the GDP more and is causing this. when we can post pics ill get a better idea. More reading must be done i guess ha.


Alright guys. IC has finished their updates of the galleries it seems. We can upload pics again. Here are the pics of my GDP that is experiencing problems. I think it maybe is a nute lockup/ over fert problem if anyone has any ideas please feel free to help. im gonna post a thread in the infirmary to see if they can help me out. It seems as if the leaves just start to turn blue-ish green and turns crispy. i think the yellow spots are from some PM that i sprayed baking soda and water on. i no longer see any PM on them and now i have this problem... ahh



Looks good man, cali is the place to be for spring eh????!!!

damn i accidently clicked back on the page and lost all the shit i had typed already...had to redo all this..

Dude I do that shit all the time, freaking irritates the hell out of me! Could sport on still re doing and posting! Sometimes I just say fuck it haha. So it looks like you have to be pretty safe and hide your plants a lot? I have to be sneaky about my spots too, but luckily my backyard it like a forest so I got spots. Looks good though best of luck to a fellow cali springhead! haha PEACE


I check on the two girls today. We had a light shower last night, didnt seem to hurt them at all. Its been cloudy today with no wind and temps prolly in the low 60s. I think the flush i did on them is helping out. they both seem to be looking better today. The S-2 plant has been super cropped on every branch. It seems to be finnally at the end of the strech period. i want to make sure it doesnt get too much taller so i pinched the branches a lil. Soon they will have fat knots where i did this ha. I only saw a few spots where they leaves on the GDP were still turning color and withering away. Ive been removing all the leaves the leaves that have damage to try to prevent it from spreading. It hasn't been too many leaves, just about a hand full or so.

Caligreen - Thanks for the comments and for checking out my grow. Yeah i guess you could say cali is the place to be. Right now I'm hoping for a little bit warmer temps though. I wish i lived near a forest. I would have a Green House set up for sure. Then i could have more control over the temps fluctuating. Take care and be safe.


The fellow grower that gifted me these plants also generously gifted me some bloom ferts today. I have some Beastie Blooms, i believed made by Fox Farm, and some Phospho Load.
The Beastie Blooms is all organic and reads 0 - 50 - 30. I am saving this for later in bud. For the final part before i flush with plain water.
Also the Phospho Load which reads 0.3 - 0.7 - 0.1 I plan on watering with this next watering. It gives the plants a Kick start to budding. They should already be starting to. This will help them go in to overdrive ha. Anyone else try this stuff? I'll get some pics in a few days when i see more progress in the grow. both plants are starting to kick out some hairs though...

Beastie Bloomz

Phospho Load


Hey everyone. I hit Grand Daddy and the S-2 today with some of that Phospho Load. This should kick the GDP into gear. Shes been kinda lagging. i think the cold weather is due to this. There may also be a touch of PM still around. I sprayed with baking soda again too. I also saw a few trails from snails or slugs. ive had snail bait out and been hammering them, slimy bastards haha. Im gonna try to get some pics up tmrw. Ive seen changes over night when using the Phospho Load in some plants. They seemed to be thirsty already after 3 days since the flush.

This page looks boring with no pictures of plants on it...

Heres Strawberry Cough from 07 .

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Whats up everyone? :wave:
I finally got some updated pics of the grow today. They're not as good of pics as id like but this is what i got. Some guys have been working on this house next door for awhile now. This room they're working on has a window that is right next to the bush the plants are hidden in. Ive been trying to check out the girls whenever i see those guys arnt there. I don't know why they leave the fuckin blinds open to that window all the time too, even at night, kinda weird. I doubt they can see or really hear me cus of a fence in between us but id rather keep it on the down low if you know what i mean. I don't need some sleazy construction guys rippin my plants... :kos:
Anyways... I still saw a touch of PM on the GDP , which breaks my heart to see, but ill keep spraying with Baking soda and water whenever i can get a chance. The humidity has been kinda of high lately. My climate ussually stays pretty dry and i think the PM came from the grower i got the plants from. The S-2 strain has pretty much stopped stretching along with the GDP. I hope the next few weeks they kick out a few more pistils. They show a lil progress since last time. So here you go guys.

GDP . S2 in the back ground.

GDP main stem . I've never seen her kick out so many long branches like that. Hopefully they all turn into buds ha.

S2 main stem. You can see how much I've tied it down. it looks like it finally is going to stay there for awhile.

S2 . I tried to fit most of her in one pic. That plant has to be 2 ft wide.

S2 from the other side. Shes so bushy. :biglaugh:

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